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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Sorcerio

  1. PHANTOM AMENDMENTS This piece serves to clarify and amend the abilities of phantoms and their interactions with the material world, other magics, and the art of Mysticism. It also seeks to balance out some abilities of phantoms, as well as address some issues that were not initially foreseen during the writing of the current phantom lore. ON AURUM AND PHANTOMS Aurum Clarification Aurum bears unique and astonishing properties, unlike those of nigh any substance found within the realm of man. Able to tug upon lifeforce, this revered material may unravel those of spectral or undead nature, unravelling them in an excruciating fashion—their very essence torn from these fleeting forms. This may feel as white-hot iron to such ethereal entities, often employed by many religious as a means of warding off less favored spirits and demons, though also hexers and witch hunters who may seek to debilitate these intangible foes, for aurum is fully capable of making contact with such as if they were physically manifested. More peculiar among its effects is the ability for this material to ‘trap’ a semblance of the phantom's spirit within, not unlike that of some occult or mystical ceremonies who may very well do such of their own volition. In the instance that a spectral entity is subdued by pure aurum, the phantom, along with demanifesting back into the Elysian, would have some portion of their lifeforce tethered to the object as it is made “haunted”, acting as a crib for the spectral being's personality. This would cause the object to bear a pale, dying glow akin to the fading hue phantom’s own ectoplasm, trailing off of it like some very thin mist. With a fraction of the phantom's being imbued within the aurum, the item is capable of relaying a passive aura which pertains to the general emotion of whatever apparition had been bound; whether it be a poltergeists rage or a specter's grief. Bound personalities of Gravens are also able to manifest a very soft, tugging towards whatever their obsession might be, making one feel the inclination to pick up a blade should the Graven have some unfinished crusade, despite perhaps not necessarily knowing what they might use said blade for. Should the item be destroyed or damaged beyond repair, the lingering spirit may be freed and its effects will fade, often in the form of some brief puff of ectoplasm. Mystics, Lataumancers, and holy ecclesiastics are all capable of purging the spirit from the cursed item as well, the respective phantom feeling a strange, lingering pain as if a portion of their being was being seared; despite not knowing precisely what it was that had transpired. Citations Phantom Lore – [Link] Mysticism Lore – [Link] Aurum Lore – [Link] Credits Sorcerio – Writer Gamma and Kalehart – Consultation Squakhawk – Aurum Writer The Phantom Community – Consultation
  2. Just one more powerful post and you will own the Popular Topics tab.

    1. Unwillingly
    2. Telanir


      @Unwillinglyjust get above 98 responses and you’ll do gold 

  3. I just can't wait for the sequel! 👏
  4. Sure, we can go through every single piece of creature lore and explicitly outline that they cannot engage in intercourse with descendants, but what goal do you think this would serve if the server’s core rules permit a standard that requires us to state this in the first place? This phrase singlehandedly permits a myriad of incredibly severe encounters that should not be reasonably accepted by any sense of morality or logic, and rightly so. It should go without saying that a Hou-Zi cannot FTB with descendants due to the fact that they are physically evolved from monkeys, or that an Ologies cannot engage in intercourse since they possess the mind of a literal toddler. Both from a lore and OOC standpoint, any sexual engagement between just about any CA creature and a descendant should be disallowed, not merely because of things like Kha or Hou, but also beings like Gravens or Darkstalkers that could legitimately tiptoe around necrophilia rules by means of this vague and subjective line. I’m not saying that romance RP between character couples of a CA creature and a descendant should be totally disallowed, but engaging romance roleplay can still be achieved without the need for sexual interaction between the two. Players who are legitimately and tastefully engaging in this branch of narrative would suffer no consequence and would continue to thrive. If someone is instead deterred by the inability to indulge in these explicit circumstances as opposed to a unique and engaging roleplay scenario, then frankly should not be roleplaying on this server – though that is more so my own opinion. That being said, know that I harbor no ill-will or prejudice towards any groups or communities in or outside LOTC. People are free to do as they will beyond these screens and keyboards, but bear in mind that this server is designed for a wide range of audiences and ages, including the youth. We pride ourselves in being a PG-13 server that welcomes roleplayers of all ages and experience levels, offering a unique and captivating experience for ll sorts of players. But can we really continue to maintain this sense of modesty if we’ve established a precedent wherein each lore piece must now state whether or not the creature may engage in these unsettling activities? All I ask is that you consider what I’ve said and perhaps revisit this single line, nothing more. I will not argue/respond further as I do not wish to derail this post, nor discredit the wonderful work the moderation team has done with these amendments. Should you wish to discuss this any more, I’m always available to speak through discord or even a forum PM. Thank you for listening to what I have to say, and have a good night.
  5. Love the work that’s been done, genuinely. It took a while, but I’m happy it’s finally done. One complaint though; can we please amend this. It really should not be a legitimate option to engage in intercourse a cat or monkey just because they walk on two legs.
  6. The nation build sizes next map will still never be as big as your mom.


    EDIT: I'm sure your mother is a very nice person Im just trying to make a funny point.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sorcerio
    3. Yaldabaoth




      • JOINED

        April 30, 2018

        38 minutes ago


    4. SoulReapingWolf


      I dare you to show me a mother as big as Urguan’s builds 🙂

  7. Of course Mysticism isn’t common because its users not going about flaunting their power casually around cities due to its taboo nature RPly. Furthermore, Mysticism is a much more prestigious art than something like Voidal Magic – not to say that the latter is particularly bad, merely that it is more common. It may also be prudent of you to take a moment to note how many ST gave some very insightful critique as opposed to memeing... I myself must commend the writer of this piece, despite the fact that already accepted pieces collide. It’s very difficult to post lore, so I applaud their efforts as it’s not half-bad, for a new player especially. As my associated have said, I think it may be best if you look at the currently accepted lore before writing. While it’s not an instant deny if a magic shares one or two abilities, similar natures/themes often lead to conflicting canon in the lore, which can make things confusing for both parties. If you’re still interesting in writing a similar piece, here is a link to the current Mysticism Lore if you wish to check it out. I wish you well in your future writing endeavors!
  8. Thats very snelfless of you. Though really I do agree.
  9. Some might consider our actions against the snow elven people cold-hearted...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. exanimated


      you’re a mean one... Mr Pun

    3. Zarsies
    4. 1_Language_1


      That wasn't very cool of you Sorc! XD

  10. Yo wtf my *blows sleep dust* roleplay  :(

  11. This lore has been denied as per this recent thread. If you have any questions or believe this to be a mistake, please PM me on the forums or discord.
  12. This lore has been denied as per this recent thread. If you have any questions or believe this to be a mistake, please PM me on the forums or discord.
  13. This lore has been denied as per this recent thread. If you have any questions or believe this to be a mistake, please PM me on the forums or discord.
  14. This lore has been denied as per this recent thread. If you have any questions or believe this to be a mistake, please PM me on the forums or discord.
  15. I personally enjoy playing humans for their short lives. It motivates me to get things done on that character, and helps me become less attached to them in the long-run.
  16. Dear heavens! God forbid I laugh my ass off in roleplay...

  17. Reading over this, I’m very glad you took the initiative. Though I have a few of my own reservations, I really appreciate this write’s clarity and wish it well come voting time. Good work overall!
  18. I wish to begin by saying thank you to @Noobli. As he said, try to keep in mind that ST are here to provide a narrative and story just as much as any other player who roleplays. This event is one that Joel and numerous other ST have put a lot of thought and effort into. He didn’t wake just up one day and go; “Gee, I think it’d be a great idea to do some Shadow of Mordor eventline where we totally **** over the playerbase just because we can!” No, he’s better than that. Your accusations of him doing “Act first, ask later” events are just plain wrong. He, and all the other ST running this event, want people to think, to really put together the puzzle pieces. Just because we’re denying the victory of ill-laid attempts does not mean that we’re infringing upon your roleplay experience. If you don’t like the events offered, fine, don’t interact with any of them then. But don’t complain because things aren’t going your way either. Just because ST are not spoonfeeding you does not mean the eventline is bad. ST don’t exist to cater to a player’s hunger for victory and attention. We exist to create a unique and driving narrative which contributes to both individual characters and the general server as a whole -- one that stands engaging in both triumph and defeat. There are plenty of opportunities for you and every individual player to add a worthwhile contribution to the eventline and the server as a whole, but these require thought, planning, and above all, cooperation. Without these, you’re likely not going to get anywhere in most, if not any narratives, niche or not. Just like the real world, you don’t have plot armor, and you will suffer the natural consequences of failure if you are not careful in your steps. Don’t expect LOTC to be much different in terms of natural and human logic.
  19. Mods are allowed so long as they do not offer any significant benefit or change the function of the game. Things as Optifine and Journeymap are ok to use, but other mods I am not completely sure of and that is something that would have to be taken up with Moderation unless it’s something insignificant.
  20. But can you really defeat the stand of DIO BRANDO? ((because I can’t))
  21. From cats to dogs in 12 hours. Can we do birds next?

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