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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Sorcerio

  1. Hey friends! Just a reminder that this post right here  contains a list of what is shelved and what isn’t. Anything that is in the FIRST spoiler can still be played, but not anything else.

    1. Heero


      Does this mean I can finally start teaching my niche magic?

  2. Good overall work! Excited to see how the wiki will turn out! Though I also hope that some other more active settlements, such as Haelun’or and the Human Nations, get a bit more activity too! While it’s good that people are being led to more freelance nations like Sutica, perhaps consider showing them other places as well, despite their race. There have been plenty of elves who have thrived in human areas, and vice versa. Keep up the good work dude bros @LotsOfMeteor @NOZGOD!
  3. All this on a Minecraft Server of all things...

    1. Braxis


      Mineman mineman miiiiineman

    2. Sorcerio
  4. Earth – an element many take for granted, a power whose potential few recognize. Yet the potential for those who harness the powers of the Earth is immense, allowing them a plethora of capabilities, from city building, to demolition, to terraformation. It was with this recognition in mind that mages sought and learned to conjure forth earthen power from the Void, applying it in a surplus of ways, the likes of which few scholars have seen. Overview Earth Evocation is the conjuring of earthen materials from the Void and ‘casting’ it in a variety of ways. It is one of the more versatile arts of the Void, allowing for multiple uses and applications which few evocations can call their own; from creating a mere glob of mud, to forming a furious tempest of earthen spikes to fling at one’s foes. Earth Evocation takes up [1] magic slot. Earth Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered earth evocationist with a valid [TA]. Earth evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. Learning and Casting Casting Earth Evocations requires a connection to the Void, creating their Mana Anchor from which they may draw their elements from the Void in exchange for their mana. This connection, however, is not a simple performance, repetitive practice with one’s connection being a preliminary for conjuring forth any elements of the earth. Struggle with connection is not uncommon, often discouraging many aspiring mages despite their predicament being quite normal. In order to conjure earth, one must dedicate many years towards the study of the mundane element, requiring them to understand every little detail of stone and earth ever so accurately; from the texture of its surface, to how it tumbles down a hill. Having an adequate teacher is also a necessity for learning the ways of Earth Evocation, one who has mastered all aspects of the art. Once one has learned to connect to the Void and studied earth itself, they will be able to draw earth from the Void. They must connect, picture the earth in the void, form it, then summon it from the Void and project it. Properties of Conjured Earth Being as diverse of an art as it is, Earth Evocation possess a myriad of various traits and characteristics which set it apart from many other Voidal arts. Yet one who practices Earth Evocation must be steadfast and resolved in their learning, lest their will crumble like the desert sands within the dunes. Earth Evocationists may conjure sand, dirt, rocks, and gems, each of these reflecting their real life counterpart/element. Sand is coarse and rough, while rocks are rather rigid rarely being smooth. Any form of rock element may be conjured for aesthetic purpose (sandstone, basalt, etc), though will always have the same level solidarity as any other form of stone. This applies to gems as well. Gem materials may not be conjured until [T4], though this is purely aesthetic and offers no mechanical benefit, having the same solidarity and endurance as any stone. Rocks and crystals alike will either crumble or shatter with enough force upon contact, before vanishing back into the Void. Abilities of Earth Earth Evocation is one of solidarity and firmness, centered around order and control, as opposed to more free and flowing evocations such as fire, water, and air. As a wave crashing against a rock wears at it over time, so too has time chiseled this arcane art to be applied in powerful and strange new ways. Abbreviation Key: N - Non-Combat C - Combat Conjure Earth [N] - An earth evocationist can conjure sand, dirt, gems, or stone from the Void and manipulate it into any shape that they so wish. This can be used very diversely for non-combative purposes - from creating mere art from rocks, to a large rock which can push a road-blocks out of the way. Mechanics Redlines Sand Blast [C] - By conjuring a small amount of sand and blasting it towards a target, an earth evocationist may temporarily blind their opponent via sand which flies into their eyes, often being a crucial tool for the mage when in need of a quick escape or distraction. Mechanics Redlines Impede [C] - An earth evocationist may conjure a clump of mud and dirt from the Void to impede the movements of a target, allowing them to slow down their opponent so long as their connection and concentration are maintained. Mechanics Redlines Earthen Flurry [C] - An earth evocationist may conjure a flurry of small rocks, sand, and pebbles which they may project towards a target, creating several bruises which may distract them from their current task, making it an excellent spell for deterring opponents. Mechanics Redlines Earthen Projectile [C] - An earth evocationist, by conjuring forth clumps of stone and rocks from the Void, may create a compact projectile, or multiple, which they may direct towards a target in order to act as a ranged attack. Due to its more solid nature, the earth can be formed in a variety of different ways for aesthetic purposes. Mechanics Redlines Earthen Spike [C] - A mage may conjure forth a spike of earth to deter opponents, act as a defensive barrier, or pierce those unfortunate enough to be caught within its grasp. Mechanics Redlines Earthen Wall [C] - A mage may conjure a barrier of earth from the Void in front of them, defending them from all variety of attacks so long as it is adequately maintained, being a signature spell of more defensive earth evocationists. Mechanics Redlines Boulder [C] - A mage may collect a large amount of earth together into a boulder which they may cast towards an enemy or even a group of them, making as both an excellent attack or distraction, Mechanics Redlines Sandstorm [C] - A more expert earth evocationist can create a large swirling storm of sand which can surround either themselves or their opponents, dazing and blinding them in the swirling gust of sand. Mechanics Redlines Earthen Cyclone [C] - By utilizing all of their training and knowledge, an earth evocationist may create devastating fury of earthen power which rains down upon their foes, wreaking havoc upon the battlefield as all are pummeled by the mage’s cruel and unyielding power. Mechanics Redlines Tier Progression T1 - Novice The mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a few grains of sand, or maybe pebbles, before becoming exhausted. Lasts two [OOC] weeks. T2 - Apprentice The mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered it, as well as being able to conjure a few more pebbles and clumps of dirt or sand. They can form vague shapes, though nothing complex or large, making more firm bits of stone and rock. Lasts three [OOC] weeks. T3 - Adept The mage has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to conjure earth when in combat. They also are able to form their earth into more defined shapes, shapes being a bit more refined though still rigid Lasts five [OOC] weeks. T4 - Expert The mage now has near mastered their earthen element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat abilities, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Their capability has vastly improved as well, allowing them much more versatile attacks. Lasts six [OOC] weeks. T5 - Master The mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their earth to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before. They can use all the spells of earth evocation, able to perform powerful feats of their art in both combat and non-combat. Enchantments Earth Evocation revolves around firmness and solidarity, enchantments of such an evocation being centered around that as well, yielding both defensive and offensive enchantments when used in transfiguration enchantments. Regular objects imbued with earth evocation will sustain aforementioned spells, while more creative enchantments (MArts) may perform much more unique feats, able to break minor redlines of the magic, though still adhering to the most primary ones. Mechanics Redlines General Redlines of Earth Evocation An earth evocationist cannot manipulate real earth, only control what they themselves have conjured forth from the Void. Once they have cast their earth and it has made contact with the real world, it may be controlled further so long as it is actively concentrated upon, dematerializing back into the Void once the mage relinquishes control. All spells require line of sight, that being their maximum range, unless specified otherwise. The further the spell is casted, the more draining it may be and the more time it may take to charge. Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function. For example, creating an object out of gems will not change its solidarity in neither negative nor positive ways. In non-combat, different materials having different levels of solidarity. However, in combat, a rocks will always have the same consistency and mud will always have the same consistency, regardless of if a different level of solidarity is willed. Crystals are also aesthetic only, having no special properties. Cannot evoke refined metals nor unrefined metals. No variation of metal may be conjured whatsoever. Purpose The purpose of this lore was to, obviously, rewrite Earth Evocation in a way that adhered to the requirements of Lore Games and the requirements of Flamboyant. While Marb’s attempt was genuine and legitimate, Flamboyant felt more was leaded, hence he instructed me to rewrite the evocation. This I did to the best of my ability, with the hopes that such a magic as this would continue to benefit its community and would ensure its diversity remains a key aspect of it. Changelog Credits Pundimonium – Author Marb (@Luminaire) – For their rewrite attempted prior. Everyone in the Lore Games evocation channel for all feedback provided. Former Authors SourDoh Citations
  5. Reminder that Alchemy is NOT shelved and alchemical pieces are able to be submitted!

    1. saint swag
    2. ScreamingDingo


      **** you alchemy is shelved

  6. Finally made the changes folks and they are listed below! CHANGELOG There may be more updates soon and a guide will also be made shortly.
  7. Finally made the changes folks and they are listed below! CHANGELOG Also the guide has been posted: [LINK]
  8. All of my characters simultaneously experience a seizure from the screen.
  9. Common OOC Courtesy Protagonists / Antagonists Setting Up Shops / Making Money Spicing Up Builds / Build Quality Fleeing in Combat ((more later maybe))
  10. ****’s finally lookin’ back up...
  11. I guess it’s sort of like the descendant race curses, such as elven infertility or human aging, in this case being a more severe form of the latter. Not necessarily something one can just flick away with a simple holy spell.
  12. I didn’t put any of the admins in any particular order, plus, dewper is controlling it all really ?
  13. EDIT: plz upvote my low quality meme
  14. They are so in love that they even skipped engagement! What a couple!
  15. An old and senile old man has no idea how people can respond to another person’s comment from miles away, though makes nothing of it and quickly goes back to beating squirrels.
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