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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Sorcerio

  1. Too bad we don’t actually have wars anymore 😩
  2. Splendid! I can pay you before or after, just let me know when!
  3. Reminder that ghosts are now playable once again! Remember the check the lore and the guide for detailed information regarding changes in the lore before you start RPing if you had a former CA!

    1. Urahra


      oh hey cool!! 


      is it based on my ghost lore from back in the day?

    2. Sorcerio


      We did our best to keep as many similarities as well as allow some newer abilities. There were a few complications wish vanishing that had to be addressed, but I’m hoping to amend that in a future piece. Hopefully it catches your fancy!

    3. Evonpire


      guess it’s time for me to haunt helena.

  4. Think you could do something along these lines? Very worn and grey, perhaps even parched, as if he’d wandered some hot, arid environment. I’m willing to pay upwards of five thousand mina. Thank you so much in advance!
  5. * The magic lore starts further down. * The First Synod The Foolish Wisemen In ancient times, prior to the fall of Aegis, when aengudaemonic beings roamed the realms and when undead armies tore empires asunder, a small congregation of magi had been cast from their sacred halls in Athera. These were but mortal arcanists consumed by the notion of true immortality. However, their knowledge was far limited, permitting them not to learn the forsaken arts of Necromancy. Yet still, they sought to achieve freedom from death whilst still separating themselves from the living. These scholars toiled with what finite knowledge they held, seeking their spiritual immortality through the creation, death, and manipulation of phantom beings. Yet this crude experimentation was frowned upon by the upper echelons of Rivel, thus resulting in their expulsion from those halls. With their honor and prestige decimated by the consequences of their ambitions, these wayward magi set up residence within a forgotten cave far beneath the earth. It was this fell gathering that came to be known as The First Synod — aspirants of the forbidden occult. Deep within these crypts they conducted their research, documenting each and every one of their findings within a hidden compendium which never remained in one place for long, held safe within the hands of the Tetrad; a group of two men and two women who ultimately spearheaded the Synod’s forbidden attempts to toy with mortality. This volume came to be known as the Grimoire of Phantoms - the ultimate product of the Synod’s vast research. The tome was thus highly coveted by the Synod, for the grimoire allowed one to comprehend the many intricacies of Mysticism upon reading through its ill-begotten pages. At last, after many years of grueling work, the Synod congregated within their dark and damp dungeon, surrounding their greatest discovery. It was a great obelisk which reeked of phosphorus and death, instilling both wonder and unease into all who gazed upon its blackened stone. However, such marvel was short-lived, for the Tetrad lept into a vicious bloodlust, blades and spells flying with unyielding wrath, each death adding to the sickly green glow of the obelisk. Yet the massacre of their colleagues was hardly enough, not quenching their thirsting devotion. And in an immense bout of zeal, the Tetrad poised blades to one anothers' throats, before spilling each others' blood in seamless tandem. Many ages passed as the corpses of the Synod lay dead within those forsaken caverns, the carnage which had transpired being long forgotten by time - with naught but darkness to enshroud the mass grave. Even still, the fell obelisk they had uncovered still hummed with its blasphemous glow, standing ever-so vigilant through the many years which came to fade. And finally, after seemingly endless ages in wait, a whisper was heard amidst the decay and rot which had festered for nigh millenia — uttered as some profane incantation in the dark. “... Ylauth?” Murmurs crept through the stone “Berign.” The words weaved through the corpses “Ul Amoth…” Echoed throughout the fallen chamber “Jar’gnoon.” Each voice echoed in individual reply “... Fruition.” They all spoke as one. The accursed monolith began to bleed, shadow and death pouring forth from its alien embodiment, congealing into a great and terrific being. It was a damnable figure which resembled no man nor beast, but rather, an abomination wrought of all the souls that had been slain. This creature — an apparition of most foul and horrific magnitude — came to be known as the wretched Mthyul Tlan, or The Waking Synod. Yet irony was to be had here, for though awoken at its fruition, the apparition was restrained by the leather-bound confines of the Synod's cherished compendium, left to slumber for many centuries. The Coronation of a Lord The Nameless Crown Over the ages, the creature drew more power to itself within the bloodstained parchment of that accursed grimoire. And with each passing moon, the lines where the apparition ended and the tome began were blurred — thus rendering them one and the same. Though its power festered, so too did its malignancy and greed, thus fueling a vehement resentment for all that which lived. Yet it was many years before the grimoire was discovered, salvaged from its crumbling vault by the very man who would be known as the First Mystic — the tortured soul Uldrivt. And it was he who dared open the tome and unleash the godless beast within. Now, for the first time since its conception, the apparition recalled its centuries of way-led ambition: to proclaim death beneath it, and achieve life undening. With this profound anamnesis manifested within its many minds, Mthyul Tlan exacted their powers upon Uldrivt, tendrils of smoke and shadow engulfing him from within the vile tome, and crowning him forth as a mystic. And so the apparition seated itself within the mortal's spirit every bone and fiber of the elf's being was then shifted to become an instrument of Mthyul Tlan’s will — sewing evil deep within its new vessel. Overcome by immense agony, the man Uldrivt was made forever frozen in stone. And even after shadow had embraced it, a blue gleam emerged from within the depths of this ill-wrought statue. It was a wispy, pale form, which seeped from each crack and crevice within the petrified figure. The figure shimmered and shifted cobalt blues and sickly greens, and every shade in-between - drenched in ectoplasm. Yet it was not Mthyul Tlan who emerged, nor the mortal Uldrivt, but instead a perfected being; united in mind, body, and soul. For finally the First Synod’s mission was fulfilled, made as a perfected entity crowned by the occult. This was a Wight — a Barrowlord of the Second Synod. For Whom the Bell Tolls Binding and Banishment A time must come, as all times do, when a lord must fall, so that another might assume his place - even a Lord of the Barrows. Having coming to profound realization and grief, the mortal mind of Kozilek, the Wight Barrowlord who had once been Uldrivt, stood to renounce the vast power of the Titan in an act of sheer will. Restrained by phantom shackles, and thrown into many crypts, Uldrivt wrestled the tormented apparition; leading to many ages of strife in which the Barrowlord was left deranged. Only after some years of turmoil was Uldrivt finally able to break free, making him whole and mortal once again. And in order to ensure that Mthyul Tlan would never again come to enact its abominable mission, Uldrivt had the Titan bound once again to its accursed Grimoire. This came to infuriate the Titan, seething mercilessly as it sought a means of breaking free from its wretched shackles as it was passed along generations of Mystics. Many of them had sought to ensnare the apparition, binding it to their will and employing its power for their own means. Alas, the apparition was no fool, and instead came to warp and manipulate these wayward occultists in order to carry out its own will, weaving lies of false promise and boons. It was then that the Titan had come into the hands of a powerful mystic who desired to unify the occultists in order to break free the apparition. Such a congregation of Mystics seemed to mirror that of the First Synod which had collected so many ages ago, all led astray by the apparition’s venomous lies and tactful fabrications. It was in the Titan’s name that they performed many abhorrent and cruel rites before a great black obelisk, whispering of blasphemous liturgies and rites of the damned. Soul after soul was sacrificed to the diabolical structure, each further feeding Mthyul Tlan with their ill-bestowed lifeforce. Still, so much bloodshed could not leave the forces of Light to turn a blind eye, thus moving them to act with haste and precision. It was the Patron of Death herself who came to this accursed gathering, accompanied by her sacred bells Astaerel and Saraneth. Alas, they were but a moment too late, for the ritual had reached its zenith. And as the last soul fed the great beast, in a crescendo of gleaming light emerged from the pinnacle - the wretched titan now freed from its archaic bondage. With its newfound strength, Mthyul Tlan brought himself to slaughter each and every one of the zealot occultists which had aided in its return, the halls running red with crimson ichor. This wretched display damaged the veil between the living and the dead, the apparition's presence only adding to the terrible surge which rippled its fragile surface. The occult arts themselves would shift, undead phantoms once more rising from their crypts and graves, legions upon legions of wayward and desolate souls coming to bind themselves to the mortal plane once again. It was then, in a great conflict, the Patron sought to banish the apparition, though alas could not end it completely. Instead, using her great strength, she expelled the Titan to the flooded realm of Anthos, binding within an ancient catacomb beneath the waves. The great apparition quickly took to the waters as its cradle, the seas and oceans tainted to become a flowing haven of the dead over which the Titan presided and festered, guarded vigilantly by the bell Seraneth as it plots a devious escape. Mysticism The Occult Art Throughout the ages past, mankind has sought a means to achieve discourse with the dead to implore wisdom; from wisemen invoking antediluvian prayer, to zealots indulging in sanguine rites. Among those fabled arts is that of Mysticism — a dark art hailing from an assembly of wayward arcanists seeking to shatter the constraints of mortality. The art, in essence, is the communion and interaction with the spectral dead through the foul manipulation of ectoplasm. Those who practice it do so at the cost of their own spiritual integrity, subject to a myriad of ailing mental effects and malidities, their soul melded with that of an Elysian spirit who would either guide or afflict them un turn. The more righteous among the fell Synod's congregation may even be deemed fit to become what they commune with through decree of the Barrowlords, that is, phantoms themselves. Known as wights, these creatures are powerful beings wrought from ectoplasm and anguish - existing to lead the Synod's members along the path of perdition which they so tread. Conjoinment In the days of old, mystics were crowned by a deluge of ectoplasm which brought them closer to the wastes. Yet over the ages, the Barrowlords came to treacherous a more devious path, that would not only bring the mystic closer to the dead whom they bequeathed, but allow them to wander the very same road of the Elysian dead themselves. Through this act of Mysticism, an aspirant who has garnered the faith of a Barrowlord or mystic at the height of their craft may present themself, wherein the wight or mystic would inflict a grave wound in the acolyte’s spirit. With the wound inflicted, the wight or mystic may then grapple a phantom soul from the wastes - often one that had been chosen by the acolyte themselves — and bind them to the acolyte’s spirit to ‘mend’ the wound. Ectoplasm A baffling substance — one which begets the phantom beings that propagate the mortal realm. Ectoplasm is an unorthodox cross between mana and lifeforce, wrought of the soul as opposed to the flesh. When conjured materially, it may appear as a quasi-gelatinous substance, composing phantoms, wights, and other spectral entities. Yet not only does it form phantoms, but is also a key component in the liturgies of mystics. Often it may take on hues of ghastly cobalt, sickly green, or fiery orange when employed in the occultist arts - though its most common manifestation may only be described as a dark and impermeable fog. T1 - 1-2 liturgies T2 - 2-3 liturgies T3 - 3-4 liturgies T4 - 4-5 liturgies T5 - 5-6 liturgies Due to their ephemeral wound, their ectoplasmic supplies are tied to their general well-being, meaning that the use of the magic will degrade their health. The loss of ectoplasm can be viewed to have a more severe effect than the loss of mana, as it often leads to illness rather than mere exhaustion. Mystics who have performed costly rituals or otherwise expended their ectoplasm will be afflicted with flu-like symptoms of proportionate severity, not limited to dizziness, nausea and vomiting, severe headaches, feverish chills or hot flashes, excess sneezing and coughing, nosebleeds, and any variety of other illness-related afflictions. Mystics who have repeatedly drained their ectoplasmic supplies entirely within a short, consecutive time period may cause minor damage to their bodies, and face more lasting symptoms of illness that could harm them in their everyday life. Gleaming To draw upon the ectoplasm they are endowed with is an even greater feat, demanding a substantial amount of spiritual strength and strain on the part of the occultist. When a mystic draws upon their occult magicks, their ties to the mortal plane lessen, resulting in the individual taking on several distinct spectral characteristics. This may often manifest as an ethereal glow, sunken facial expressions which reveal bones, eyes glimmering in a ghostly light, greased and perhaps smoothed hair, and clothes or garments becoming tattered while casting are all signs of gleaming. The further a mystic delves into the occult art, the more prominent the gleaming may become, at their descretion. For example; while a newly crowned mystic may have their hair grow white and their skin glossy when they gleam, a tier four mystic would be allowed to have translucent flesh sink back into their skeleton, revealing dully glowing bones beneath. So long as the hue of ectoplasm is valid and within the prescribed spectral themes (White, Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, or Green of any hue) and the aesthetic of the gleam likewise conforms to Phantom guidelines, it is permitted - this is to say a more benevolent Occultist may choose to have their ectoplasm be of a candescent snow-white hue, with the aesthetics of a Specter, while another may display more gruesome traits within the aesthetic of a Poltergeist. True Sight An ill gift of the mystic, allowing them to walk between the worlds of both the living and the dead, their gaze piercing the veil which lies between the two. With this ability, the mystic is made capable of seeing what others cannot, forced to witness each stagnant specter and roaming soul that lies within the wastes, even spying phantoms that may attempt to retreat into its deathly embrace. With this ability, those bestowed with Mysticism may see what others cannot, their gaze piercing even occult illusions of ectoplasm and mist. Still, this may incline the mystic to be reclusive, for fear of the scrutiny that might be had upon them should they be seen for what they truly are. Because of this, geists often seek to torment the mystic for their sight, and will take the opportunity to afflict them in both their waking hours and their sleep, often leaving the mortal to be passed off as distraught or possessed by heresy. Liturgies of Pale Mystic Spell List As users of ectoplasm, by a result of their wounded spirit, mystics are permitted to twist the permanent essence of ectoplasm in particular fashions to yield unimaginable feats of phantom dominion. Liturgies are spells which mystics may perform in combative scenarios, taxing the caster’s own ectoplasmic reservoir. Much of the mystic’s arsenal is delegated towards immediate defense as opposed to offense — a rather curious trait for a dark art. Sacraments of Pale Mystic Ritual List Within a unified Synod lies the immense capacity for power, for while a mystic’s liturgies may prove effective on their lonesome, when combined with their wayward brethren they might manifest an even greater power. These might orchestrate great divinations through ritual, communing with fallen spirits through their remnants, and bequeath their ancient knowledge. Unlike most liturgies which may be cast more frequently and with little notice, sacraments require far greater preparation, enacted not as some brief invocation, but rather some ceremonial performance. However, to beseech the damned offers little that would draw the mystic close to their mortal brethren — instead dragging them further into perdition. Rite of Hindering A cantrip heirloom of occult nature, by which the mystic may draw the veil around an object to grant it a greater affinity for the spectral plane, plunging it within the Elysian wastes. Objects may be hindered to grant them a mere aesthetic gleam, which would flicker ever-so faintly like some mirthless, dying flame. These objects, when worn, would be capable of attracting near remnant ectoplasm and maintain it — particularly that of will o’ wisps and phantoms, which may be drawn to the hindered item like moths to a light. Arcane Hindering Rite of Harvest Amidst the exigencies of occult rites lie the ability of mystics to draw forth the esoteric, spiritual essence of mortality, and store it within menhir to power their profane sacraments. In this vein, it was soon discovered by mortal mystics that one need not even lift their blade to reap the vital essence they coveted for fell rite and hex alike. Rite of Orthostat Damaging something as precious as the veil between realms is a great feat, requiring a grand amount of strain and with clear intent. To perform this, an intense concentration of energy must be provided to a menhir — the soul-energy within it slowly dampening the veil more and more as the realm of the dead slowly pours into that of the living. Rite of Beseeching The signature rite of the occult — imploring those that lie beyond the veil to return to the mortal plane so that the mystic might commune with them. Whether this be through some festive activity to honor one's ancestor, or some profane beseechment of cults uttering irreverent incantations below the earth, it is nonetheless a means to beckon forth the dead. Rite of Scrubbing The veil is a most fragile thing, constantly weakened by the aberrant interactions of the dead. To bolster it would come as a grave detriment to wayward spirits, and many would think the act an antithesis of Mysticism. Curiously, it is the opposite — for willing mystics may embolden the veil between the two planes of life and death, creating a spiritual ward or sanctuary that would stand strong against the sway of the damned. Rite of Anchoring An ancient rite of Mysticism instituted throughout the annals of antiquity, allowing an occultist to more permanently pull an ectoplasmic being towards the material realm. This is performed by an amputated occultist taking a stone and, drenching it in their own ectoplasm, thrust it into the core of the phantom, linking their spirit to the relic. Rite of Consumption Though the will of the mortal spirit often far exceeds corporeal limitation, the road may be tread for only so long upon the shackled feet of man. In a perilous effort to undo this wretched fate, a devout mystic may seek to achieve a greater state of undeath alike to the very phantoms they commune with; assuming a higher role at the cost of their oneness. “Bone cold, sun dead, unlife eternal. Pale, o’so pale.” — Mthyul Tlan, The Waking Synod Wight Barrowlords Effigies of the Synod The forsaken pinnacle of Mysticism and all of its dark sorceries; transcending life by means of death. Such fell desire is not unlike that which overtook the First Synod many ages ago, whose efforts left them but a wretched amalgamation of desolate souls. These creatures are not unlike that of regular phantoms, though are far less potent due to their intrinsic material ties. Forever left to pace the Elysian and linger unseen as the ages of the world pass, such occult dedication is a dark and harrowing burden, manifesting itself both as the sins of the occultist, and the vile apparition which they have dared to consume. Tier Progression Though immense in their powers, those attuned to the realm of the dead must still permit themselves to adjust, for it is unnatural for one to have more than one soul permeating a mortal vessel with essence. As such, the further the occultists soul melds with their conjoined phantom, the greater in prowess they become, capable of experiencing the dead to a further and greater their prowess amidst such woesome beings becomes. However, though their connection to the souls of the deceased and those within the Elysian grows immensely, so does the mental decline of the unfortunate zealot of the dead, sending them spiraling into insanity and desolation as they seek reprieve just as the wretched geists which plague the the Ebrietaes. GUIDE POSTED WITH PERMISSION FROM OP: Lore Citations Sorcerio — Writer Dardonas — Writer Kalehart — Consultation Zarsies — Progenitor Amendments Sacrificing/Hindering:
  6. I just love the fact that my botanical hallway gets to expand with every one of these additions!
  7. Sign(s): - Earth - Water Symbol(s): Blindness x3 Dark x1 Instability x3 Fear x2 Appearance: Bat’s Eye Bulb appears as a murky dark bulb much like that of a bat’s eye, no larger than that of a golf ball, with jagged dark green leaves at its base and stem. Location: Bat’s Eye Bulb is found in very dark or shaded locations, such as cliff overhangs or within dark crevices where creatures as bats might reside. It is most often found amidst bat guano, feeding off of it for nutrients. Harvesting: The symbols of this reagent are all located within the spore bulb. However, the bulb is incredibly fragile and will burst easily, requiring the alchemist to harvest it by the stem. Upon bursting, the bulb would release a cloud of spores that would blind the individual completely, hence why goggles or protective eyewear are recommended. Bat’s Eye Bulb can be ‘farmed’ in very dark locations if supplied bat droppings. Raw Effect(s): The stem and leaves themselves are useless and have no effect. The dark bulb atop it, however, is a spore pocket that bursts as easily as a water balloon, releasing spores which can completely blind an individual for up to thirty minutes if they do not harvest carefully. Redlines: - If the bulb bursts during harvesting, the blindness symbols will be reduced to x1 instead of x4. To be properly processed, the spore sack must not burst up until the point of symbol extraction. - Once the bulb is disconnected from the stem, its effectiveness will decrease, blinding one only to the point of blurry vision, though still painful. This effect will last for about two emotes if it gets into one’s eyes, though their vision will return to normal afterwards. - Farmed Bat’s Eye Bulb requires a five by five space in dark locations with no light whatsoever. It must also be supplied bat droppings periodically as opposed to watering. Will regrow at the rate of one count per three OOC days.
  8. Sign(s): - Air Symbol(s): Silence x4 Reduction x2 Peace x1 Grace x1 Appearance: Paddfoot appears as a quadri-petalled sky blue flower with a dark blue stem. Each petal is about two inches thick. Location: Paddfoot flowers are found atop high mountain peaks where wind blows often. Harvesting: The petals of the flower hold all of the symbols and its desired properties. There is no particular method of harvesting this reagent. Paddfoot is ‘farmable’ in high altitude regions with lots of wind. Raw Effect(s): When tread upon, the flower petals will absorb sound, much like that of a sound-absorbent padding. If one were to consume the petals, they would find themselves unable to speak in more than a harsh whisper, if at all, for about an hour or two depending on the amount consumed. Redlines: - Petals will absorb sound such as gravel being walked upon or a stick snapping underfoot. The petals won’t be able to absorb super loud or high-pitched sounds such as screams or explosions. - The petals can be made into an oil often treated to boots to make them sound-absorbent. Similarly to the aforementioned redlines, they will only be sound-proof to a certain degree, able to deafen gravel under ones foot, though running at more than a jogging pace or falling/jumping from higher than a meter would still yield sound. - Farmed Paddfoot requires a three by three block space in a high-altitude region, though will grow in clumps or beds. Will regrow at the rate of one count per two OOC days.
  9. Sign(s): - Earth Symbol(s): Dark x3 Blindness x2 Balance x1 Curtailment x1 Appearance: Murkshrooms appear as translucent fungi which hold a very dull blue or purple. Location: Found in clumps deep within caves and upon cave walls where there is no sunlight. Harvesting: The harvesting of this fungi requires little effort, merely pulling the Murkshrooms from the earth along with their roots. The most difficult part, however, is the transportation and storing of them, as they cannot be exposed to light brighter than a redstone torch lest they shrivel up and lose their darkness capability. Murkshroom may be ‘farmed’ in very dark and damp locations. Raw Effect(s): Murkshrooms passively glow a dull blue or violet when in total darkness. Upon direct consumption, they would result in the body rejecting them in the form of vomit, causing great fatigue and nausea for up to one hour after consumption. Redlines: - The poisoning is never fatal and fatigue is not debilitating, only making tasks more difficult. - If exposed to light brighter than a redstone torch, the mushroom’s will fade. This requires them to be prepared in a dark room up to the point of extraction. - Farmed Murkshroom requires a 5x5 space or stone and soil to grow, and there must be no light within the room whatsoever. So long as all the fungi are not collected at once, they will regrow at the rate of one count per three OOC days. Does not require direct watering, but the area they are farmed in must be damp. Credit again to Phil.
  10. Sign(s): - Earth - Air Symbol(s): Clarity x3 Connection x1 Agility x1 Order x2 Appearance: A small tree much like that of a bonsai, but with slightly darker bark. These are no taller than six feet in height. Location: These trees are often found within open clearings amidst dense woods. The branches also bloom with pink petals for a few days in the spring. Harvesting: Any part of the tree may be harvested in order to get the desired symbols. However, in the case of leaves, five of them must be collected in order to count as one measure. Oracle Wood may be ‘farmed’ in any open, sunny environment, so long as they are frequently watered. Raw Effect(s): Often used by oracles and soothsayers to gain a clarity of mind, any part of this tree, upon ingestion, would yield an unnatural clarity of mind. The leaves may be used for tea, the sap may be consumed for it tastes akin to sweet honey, and the wood may be burned for a head-clearing smoke. Overuse could result in lightheadedness. Redlines: - Clarity offers no combat benefit and merely allows one clearheadedness so they might focus upon a particular task or think better. Does not increase intelligence. - Farmed Oracle Wood requires a sapling block, whether in a pot or on the ground in a bright sunny space without any overshadowing structures in a three-block radius, and will regrow at the rate of one count per three OOC days. Requires frequent watering and a moist environment. Credit to Phil.
  11. Is there? I had no idea... Hmmm... CT signed dragon scales?
  12. Can’t wait for this lore to be made cannon
  13. Oh what fun roleplaying the collecting of these reagents will be...
  14. A man stands in desolation within the agonizing wastes of the Ebrietaes before the news of such reached him. Ah — what a bitter respite, but alas, it was brief, and soon his torment commenced.
  15. Admins best hurry up I 👏 want 👏 my 👏 potions EDIT: totally not impatient in any regard
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