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  1. Man I love waking up from a nice sleep, looking at the forums, and seeing another admin incompetence post. **** man these things are nearly monthly by now. It's like the god damn newsletter for every **** up an admin has committed. Sometimes I really wonder (with the frequency of these posts) how the admins havent pissed in my Cheerios like they do to alot of playerbases somehow. Eitherway lemme get the popcorn ?

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    2. Kiiwi


      @Braxis Not really no. I know for what I posted, I posted it there because everything I said had direct ties to the safety team and how if something like that exists then certain people shouldnt be banned. Cant speak for others though.

    3. Braxis


      The bits about Grool/Bard  are off Topic, the only bit about Muffins informing she has knowledge over a team she has no control over helps the current topic the post is about. Since Telanir was the one who picked the staff for its current roster. (or so the Safety Team Claims) Makes a good chunk of that post into question if its even viable to the thread that was posted. 

      Bard’s ban was done via Grool. If you are not able to get through to him, you will need to contact Telanir once he is off holiday.

      @Kiiwi  If you have any further questions, shoot me a PM on Discord. No need to clog up Mystery’s status.

    4. Kiiwi


      The bit about Grool was needed so the post made sense. The bit about Muffins tied into the safety team and the entire post was about bard and how the safety team being an absolute joke gives us plenty of evidence as to why he shouldnt be banned. Would you rather I make an entire post on it? With more evidence and proof administration is infact a joke? I’ll pm you the details ?

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