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  1. “Darkspawn” no longer has meaning or punch

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    2. femurlord


      I'm telling you, villains and heroes

    3. Benleft


      Grouping magic along good/evil is valuable and is not the reason “darkspawn” has no oomph. Darkspawn just doesn’t really mean anything and just implies “you’re not from the light.” If the server leaned fully into the light vs dark aesthetic it would be evocative (maybe even getting the people going), but since lots of lore does not reinforce bad guys being BORN FROM THE DARK AND HIDDEN FROM LIGHT, calling someone “darkspawn” loses any punch it could have had. Instead it becomes a simple buzzword with nothing for the mind to latch onto other than “necrodrazifrostieghoulmysticbloodmage”. (I understand that all dark magics have edgy grimdark background lore that explains why the existence of the lore is a massively destabilizing affront to the fabric of reality). It’s simply a bad catchall. 

      Evildoer (or better yet, villain) and it’s derivatives are more hard-hitting in my mind because you are accusing someone of literally enacting evil (which dark magic pieces lean into far more than causing darkness). Even if it’s cheesy and moustache-twirly it says something concrete. 

    4. Agy


      Viewing the various magics and creatures from the lenses of "light vs dark" feels like the quickest way to make them seem hallow and without nuance.


      And let's not act like the "Light" magics' are infact entirely morally good


      They each have their own wildly different stories, themes and cultures, They are -Tools- to be used by anyone.


      Attempting to fit them in a binary of good/bad is how we get people trying to put the outright and publically sadistic and cannibalistic Witches with no redeeming qualities, in the same group with the dragons that follow a pact to defend humanity and that would also wish to murder said witches on the spot.


      They are all weird and they all share the same world and used by vastly different people, if we want an actually accurate name for all of these 'darkspawns' then it would be "Illegal magics", because that's actually what decides what a 'Darkspawn' is

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