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Posts posted by MayRndz

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Leilatha Ibarellan


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is a very big concept overall, broken down into multiple different subtypes with various uses and means, this including medical, scientific, artistic, ect. The knowledge to be able to break down herbs and look deeper into their properties as well as the reagents within, breaking them down into signs and symbols to create something else.

    By separating these signs and symbols one is able to examine and learn more about the material world around them, the various properties and mixtures that can be created. An alchemist able to create anything ranging from a molotov to a flavorful way of cooking foods


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Alchemy is HUGE with many different types of potions and sub-sections though I don't personally identify all of them as separated “sections”, simply a plethora of different creations with various motives behind them.

    Further Alchemy is the only thing really “separated” in my eyes, this being the comprehension of Alchemical base studies and being able to take that knowledge and apply it to the material world. Beyond typical alchemist knowledge of potions, and oils. Including Smoggers, Tawkin, and Animii.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    *she leaned over to light a burner below the large pot, and begin filling it to a measured line with distilled water. Shifting over to a cutting board to begin running a blade across various plants, separating them leaves, stems and all and chopping them each into small diced slices. Sliding them afterwards into a pestle to grind them down into a fine powder, a finger dipping into the bowl to test the chalky substance between her fingers.

    *After such she offered a satisfied nod of her head, gently pouring the ground powder into the pot of heated and distilled water, hands reaching for a comically large spoon to begin mixing it, dropping a dash of a deep red dye into the pot as well for a unique coloration. Slowly mixing in the properties [Mundane: Dark x2] [Earth: Blindness x3] [Mundane: Growth x2] and [Mundane: Endurance x1]. 

    *She continued to mix it for a long while before dipping small skinny vials into the concoction, lifting it up to her nose to take a long whiff before corking it sealed and sloshing it around with a satisfied humm.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    *Held the door to the lab open as the other followed her in, the mariner offering a softened humm as she then moved to settle her weight on the counter, pulling out a book, various writings on the pages and offering it out “here is what we will be making today” she gave him a chance to look it over before continuing. “Last time I taught you about pulling the various properties from herbs, and spoke of the various fundamentals of extracting them, today you will actually be able to put your knowledge to use.” 

    *Her weight then slid off of the counter and over to a kitchenette-like area laying out a cutting board, as well as a pestle laying it all out before him and showing him the typical process of working through breaking down and cutting the herbs, before grinding it into a fine granulated powder. “Careful with this now” she hummed with a nod of her head “It would not be fun to get it in your eyes.” She then reached up to the cupboard above pulling out small pouches, gently sliding handfuls of the powder into each offering them out for the other to keep. 


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I often look over my students and carefully watch them when they first start out to ensure that they understand while also creating their own fun aesthetic. I typically believe the first time it happens is an accident, reprimanded by myself explaining what was done wrong and how to do it better in the future. Of Course if it seems purposeful or out of order then it would be ideal that I reach out to a member of St and let them know whats going on and what had happened, potentially dropping the student should the situation be bad enough / continued overly often.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. Spoiler

    Those who possess the blessing from the Book of Metis are the only privy to this vision.

    [!] In the hazy depths of sleep, a vision unfurls like an ancient tapestry, weaving tales of a world shrouded in mystery…

    “Heed the warning” a voice whose whisper danced across the darkness came

    First came a scene of a realm draped in ethereal beauty, where emerald forests dance in the moonlight and crystalline waters shimmer with the light of a thousand stars. In the heart of this realm lies a creature of nightmares, imprisoned within the very fabric of reality. 


    Next, a tumultuous scene of conflict unfolds—a being of insatiable hunger, devouring all in its path. Forests wither under its touch, rivers run dry, and mountains crumble to dust.nThe disciples of Metis conceive a strategy to confine the ancient terror, employing arcane spells and sacred rites to bind it within a prison of magic, safeguarding the world above.

    With the passage of time and the fading of memories, the seals weaken, their magic waning like ancient threads. In the silence of the night, as shadows dance upon the walls, it stirs once more, its hunger roused from slumber.

    With a roar that shakes the very fabric of reality, it shatters its prison, breaking free from age-old chains. Unleashed upon the world like a tempest, it lays waste to all, consuming with insatiable hunger.

    Then, they awaken, drenched in sweat...

  3. [!] Fingers grasped the contents as it came to the Sanguine Herald, eyes flickering over each word with a subtle nod of her horned head. "These words are spoken true, I grant my utmost respect for someone besides myself willing to speak out. My creed will follow no such laws of 'The Creed Pact', our ways cannot be changed on a whim." The elfess hummed "Well spoken Brother."

  4. I think someone is out to get me making all my personas non-rommancable.

    In my opinion if Naz are so caught up in their drive to be selfish and gain power then they shouldn't care for platonic friendships or familial relations either though. Which I entirely disagree with the idea of making happen because it barrs roleplay so much - but im just adding onto what I think would be logical for the stance of your amendment.

  5. [!] The leftover elemental explosion and blight would be cleared, shamans cleaning the land and building a shrine in its place. Though that beast still lingered upon the land, a problem to be had.


  6. Name of the Artifact:

             The Arsenal of Calamity


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Zaelyn Arvellon


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             MayRndz, Willstertheking2, Itz_Cookie123, possibly others


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Zaelyn, Viran Illera, Freya, possibly others





    Screenshots of Roleplay

    As this will be made with the invent ritual, it has not been attempted yet.


    • This ritual requires a MArt to be posted and approved prior to attempting and requires an ST to be performed to play the creature(s) involved.



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):





     Item Description

    Before you would be a sheathed sword hilt, a series of varying runes covering a dark stained leather sheath holding the odd blade within. Said sword is unknown to all as the weapon changes to something new when drawn. Oddly enough, one is only able to draw this weapon should they hold Genus - seemingly stuck within the seethe as if bound within.

    It would warp and change shape, each possessing a different ability and downside of its own. Leaving one to be diverse in combat, and less so fortunate in some situations. Masters of genus would find themselves knowing the origin of the blade's creation should they place their hand upon the hilt.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Upon drawing the armament in an emote, a roll of a d20 would be made determining the weapon from the list below as well as consuming 1 unit of genus from the user and taking an additional emote to transform (This may be done once per combat encounter).


    • A roll of 1-5 would produce an empty hilt of a sword, accompanied by the end of a jagged broken sword unable to be used in combat, nor possessing any powers, still consuming a unit of genus from the user.
    • A roll of 6-9 would produce the Storm Spear
    • A roll of 10-13 would produce the Earthquake Hammer
    • A roll of 14-16 would produce the Firestorm Flail
    • A roll of 17-20 would produce the Tsunami Short sword




    The Calamity Arsenal


    Storm Spear

    Crafted by skilled artisans who sought to capture the essence of the sky itself. The spear's shaft is made from polished oak, and adorned with intricate carvings depicting swirling winds and soaring birds. At the tip of the spear, a gleaming blade extends, appearing as if a translucent material resembling solidified clouds. Faint currents of air dance across its surface, hinting at the weapon's connection to the elemental forces of the air.  The spear before you would be half as heavy as a typical Ferrum spear but not nearly as effective in dealing physical damage due to the air runes ensorcelled upon it; swinging with much easier precision but leading to blows that are far less lethal to make up for the added precision. 

    To activate the power, the user must twirl the spear in front of them for 2 emotes uninterrupted to direct a whirlwind of air in a 1x6 line in the direction they are facing. The whirlwind would last for 2 emotes before coming to a halt, and would consume 1 unit of genus to use, either requiring the user to draw blood from their target before use or sacrifice one of their units. The whirlwind would be strong enough to push those in up to half-plate armor 2 blocks per emote as long as they remain in the whirlwind. Those in full plate would simply struggle to move, advancing at half speed to either move out of the wind or towards the user. 

    • This spear uses the effects of the Air Elemental Runes following redlines of the blood magic lore.


    Air: the object becomes light and graceful like a bird. Weapons and armor are half as heavy but half as effective; weapons swing much easier and strike with precision and agility but create wounds and cause damage far less lethal whereas armor is noticeably more practicable but is less protective and more easily dents or tears.

    -Weapons do not gain supernatural accuracy their user is not capable of. As well, their strikes should be treated as if dealt by someone young or feeble to represent their lessened force.

    -Effectiveness is limited to: extreme armor (e.g. excessive metal, stone) becomes like plate, plate becomes like chain, chain becomes like leather, leather becomes like cloth, and cloth becoming like paper.

    • When the whirlwind effect is used it is a lesser version of a blast generated by Tornado under call calamity.

    Tornado: the sky clots with dark and brooding clouds before the winds pick up and far away scents are carried into the region; thereafter whipping columns of cloud and debris tear across the land and decimate small structures and uproots trees while lightning streaks through low hanging clouds. It is defined by runes of air, lightning, and power.

    • Should the blade be halted mid-twirl the spell would not be cast, still wasting a unit of genus. 
    • Whilst the whirlwind is in effect the user would be vulnerable to attacks from the direction in which they are not facing.
    • If the spear is rolled it is the only weapon available for the duration of the combat encounter from the arsenal of calamity.


    Earthquake Hammer

    A formidable hammer forged from the heart of the earth itself imbued with the power of the land. Its handle is hewn from the sturdy trunk of an ancient oak tree, its bark still bearing the marks of roots and vines that once embraced it. At the head of the hammer, a massive stone, seemingly hewn from the depths of the earth. Twice as heavy but twice as durable, making it difficult to swing but yield increased force with each blow, that stone never seemed to crack or break. Whilst wielding this weapon one would find it increasingly hard to land a blow and focus on dodging, leaving them more vulnerable.

    To activate the power, the user must take 1 emote to ready a strike with the hammer, and an additional emote to hit the target. When the target is hit, they will feel an increase in their mass, as if gravity was pulling down upon them. This will slow the user to half speed, and any movement they make will be sluggish and slow as they fight this newfound weight. Creatures with Olog strength or greater will not be affected by this ability. The effects lasteing for 1 emote after the strike, and would consume 1 unit of genus to use, either requiring the user to draw blood from their target before use or sacrifice one of their units. 


    • This hammer uses the effects of the Earth Elemental Runes following redlines of the blood magic lore.


    Earth: the object becomes cumbersome and strongly sound-resistant in the spirit of heavy earth. Weapons and armor become twice as heavy but twice as durable, making weapons difficult to swing but yield increased force and armor burdensome yet more steadfast.

    -The object’s magical heaviness may force the wielder or wearer to be unable to utilize quick reaction time if the object’s new weight is too heavy for them to efficiently use, making them unable to reactionarily parry if held or dodge if worn. For example, contrary to common depiction in media the average sword is 3lbs / 1.3kg and doubling it would make the sword far less wieldy; the average claymore is 5.5lbs / 2.5kg and it becoming 11lbs / 5kg would make its use far less viable for the average person. Guts’ sword is fantasy.

    -Durability is limited to: cloth becomes like leather, leather becomes like chain, chain becomes like plate, and plate becomes akin to thick stone that requires orcish+ strength to even move in.

    • This hammer's ability creates a much lesser version of a blast generated by Earthquake under call calamity.




    Earthquake: the foundations of the earth rattle like disturbed bones and civilization suffers for it; some buildings tremble, others crack, and few may outright crumble as the land they were built upon shakes them off like fleas. It is defined by runes of earth and power.


    • Should the hammer be halted (ex hit upon another's blade or shield, the user stunned, etc.) the spell would not be cast, still wasting a unit of genus. 
    •  It would take 2 full emotes to activate the effect, and it lasts for 1 emote after casting.
    • If the hammer is rolled it is the only weapon available for the duration of the combat encounter from the arsenal of calamity.


    Firestorm Whip

    The whip's handle is wrapped in supple leather, and adorned with crimson runes that seem to flicker like flames in the darkness. At the end of the whip, strands of fiery energy dance and crackle, leaving a trail of smoldering embers in their wake. It would yield imprecise, uneven cuts that are flammable; if touched by fire or wet with a touch of blood the wound will ignite with mundane flame sustained for up to 4 emotes, able to be put out with mundane means.

    To activate the power, the user must spin it for 1 emote uninterrupted, afterwards, it would light with fire and the user may attack within a range of 5 blocks. Blows from the flaming whip would deal second-degree burns upon flesh. The fire would remain upon the whip for 2 emotes before dispersing, and would consume 1 unit of genus to use, either requiring the user to draw blood from their target before use or sacrifice one of their units. 

    • This whip uses the effects of the Fire Elemental Runes following redlines of the blood magic lore.
    • Fire: the object becomes blunted and slightly lighter in the spirit of burnt wood. Weapons are dulled and yield imprecise, uneven cuts and are flammable; if touched by fire or wet with a touch of blood it will ignite with mundane flame sustained for up to 4 emotes or 5 narrative minutes. Armor will be resilient to the cold, offering its wearer perpetual heat allowing them to be comfortable in a frigid climate; it too cannot withstand battle and easily splinters and tears.
      -Objects may have only certain areas burn as to allow for safe areas to hold.
      -The flame is mundane and can be extinguished by normal means, including vigorous swinging. Rain will extinguish the flame in 2 emotes whereas submerging in water is instant.

    • -The blunting of weapons cannot be negated through metal ensorcellment.

    • This whip creates a lesser version of a blast generated by Firestorm under call calamity.
    • Firestorm: clouds roil overhead and coalesce with cinder and soot and akin to a deluge flame and arid gales sweep across the landscape. Forests and wooden structures are especially vulnerable to firestorms. It is defined by runes of fire, air, and power.

    • Should the whip be halted whilst being activated the spell would not be cast, still wasting a unit of genus. 
    • The fire would remain upon the whip for 2 emotes before dispersing.
    • The whip would take 1 emote to activate its power.
    • If the whip is rolled it is the only weapon available for the duration of the combat encounter from the arsenal of calamity.


    Tsunami Shortsword

    A shortsword that embodies the fluidity and strength of the ocean depths. Its hilt is wrapped in shimmering blue leather, and adorned with intricate engravings of crashing waves and swirling currents. The blade itself is crafted from a ferrum, its edges sharp yet seemingly to never grow dull like the ebb and flow of the tide. The blade would be hydrophobic and buoyant, able to keep its wielder afloat within water as a last resort.

    To activate the power, one emote must be made to charge the weapon, having it take an idle glow upon its surface. Two emotes must be made to slash the air in perpendicular lines, and such would create 2 tandem lines of water akin to crashing waves in a storm knocking the attacker off their feet stunned for 1 emote, nd would consume 1 unit of genus to use, either requiring the user to draw blood from their target before use or sacrifice one of their units. 

    • This blade uses the effects of the water Elemental Runes following redlines of the blood magic lore.
    • Water: the object becomes hydrophobic and buoyant, able to keep its wielder or wearer dry and afloat. If ensorcelled with another object of similar shape and/or size the two combine and like water may fluidly transform between its two forms with 1 emote when wet with blood. If the object is combative in nature (weapon or armor) it transforms over 2 emotes. Armor will be resilient to heat, offering its wearer perpetual coolness allowing them to be comfortable in a sweltering climate

    • -The object will not repeatedly transform back and forth when wet; after triggering once the wielder/wearer may will it back and forth so long as it is bloodied and held/worn with the same emote count.

    • -When approved by ST, water ensorcellments must be screened to ensure the objects in question are roughly equivalent. Ex: umbrella/sword/cane, helmet/hat, spyglass/dagger, boat/cart, etc.

    • This blade creates a much lesser version of a blast generated by Tsunami under call calamity.
    • Tsunami: the sea retreats from shore to collect far away before it comes barreling back in a tidal wave fit to carry away coastal settlements and carve into the land. It is defined by runes of water and power.

    • Should the blade be halted whilst being activated - the spell would not be cast, still wasting a unit of genus. 
    • Both slashes move at the same time and cannot be launched at multiple people in different emotes.
    • The weapon takes 1 emote to charge, and 2 emotes to cast the slashes.
    • If the sword is rolled it is the only weapon available for the duration of the combat encounter from the arsenal of calamity.





    Red Lines of the Artifact


    • This artifact may not be recreated by use of the ritual.
      •  This artifact can’t be destroyed in the same way as any mundane weapon ex it won't shatter - and instead reverts back to the broken blade within its sheath.
      • The artifact can be destroyed VIA the use of two blood mages T3 and up possessing the weapon and its sheath essentially doing a freeform reverse ritual.
      • The artifact can be destroyed VIA being cleansed by 2 T3 and up Holy Mages.
      • The artifact can be destroyed if one defaces the runes upon the Sheath, however this would not be known in roleplay and would be based around experimentation should one take ahold of the blade and its sheath.
    • The ritual requires three blood mages minimum to participate, two of which must be tier three.
    • The ritual exhausts any participants, so they are unable to participate in another ritual for one OOC day.
    • The Artifact requires one emote to draw, spending 1 genus, followed by a roll of 1d20 to decide the weapon it transforms into. No abilities of the armaments are able to be used within this two emote timeframe.
    • All abilities take 1 genus to activate after the initial genus is spent to draw the armament.
    •  If one expends all their genus through the usage of the armaments, it will be considered a suicide pk and they will be subject to such clause.
    • The user must stay stationary while using the abilities of the armaments only able to turn in a 360.
    • The spells within the armaments are considered T5 for all redline purposes.
    • Only usable by beings with genus, as defined in blood magic lore.
    • Resheathing the weapon in a combat encounter will lock the weapon in the sheath, preventing reuse in that encounter.
    • The armament cannot be predrawn before an RP scenario. If it is drawn before combat begins, it must be emoted in the RP leading up to the conflict. In other words, one cannot walk around with it drawn.



     Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    The mart is made using the Invent to imbue various elemental runes, made to replicate very nerfed versions of the effects of call calamity. Four weapons placed into the ritual circle used to establish the creation of a weapon with the fluidity to shift and change.


    Fire: the object becomes blunted and slightly lighter in the spirit of burnt wood. Weapons are dulled and yield imprecise, uneven cuts and are flammable; if touched by fire or wet with a touch of blood it will ignite with mundane flame sustained for up to 4 emotes or 5 narrative minutes. Armor will be resilient to the cold, offering its wearer perpetual heat allowing them to be comfortable in a frigid climate; it too cannot withstand battle and easily splinters and tears.
    -Objects may have only certain areas burn as to allow for safe areas to hold.
    -The flame is mundane and can be extinguished by normal means, including vigorous swinging. Rain will extinguish the flame in 2 emotes whereas submerging in water is instant.

    -The blunting of weapons cannot be negated through metal ensorcellment.

    Water: the object becomes hydrophobic and buoyant, able to keep its wielder or wearer dry and afloat. If ensorcelled with another object of similar shape and/or size the two combine and like water may fluidly transform between its two forms with 1 emote when wet with blood. If the object is combative in nature (weapon or armor) it transforms over 2 emotes. Armor will be resilient to heat, offering its wearer perpetual coolness allowing them to be comfortable in a sweltering climate
    -The object will not repeatedly transform back and forth when wet; after triggering once the wielder/wearer may will it back and forth so long as it is bloodied and held/worn with the same emote count.
    -When approved by ST, water ensorcellments must be screened to ensure the objects in question are roughly equivalent. Ex: umbrella/sword/cane, helmet/hat, spyglass/dagger, boat/cart, etc.

    Earth: the object becomes cumbersome and strongly sound-resistant in the spirit of heavy earth. Weapons and armor become twice as heavy but twice as durable, making weapons difficult to swing but yield increased force and armor burdensome yet more steadfast.
    -The object’s magical heaviness may force the wielder or wearer to be unable to utilize quick reaction time if the object’s new weight is too heavy for them to efficiently use, making them unable to reactionarily parry if held or dodge if worn. For example, contrary to common depiction in media the average sword is 3lbs / 1.3kg and doubling it would make the sword far less wieldy; the average claymore is 5.5lbs / 2.5kg and it becoming 11lbs / 5kg would make its use far less viable for the average person. Guts’ sword is fantasy.
    -Durability is limited to: cloth becomes like leather, leather becomes like chain, chain becomes like plate, and plate becomes akin to thick stone that requires orcish+ strength to even move in.

    Air: the object becomes light and graceful like a bird. Weapons and armor are half as heavy but half as effective; weapons swing much easier and strike with precision and agility but create wounds and cause damage far less lethal whereas armor is noticeably more practicable but is less protective and more easily dents or tears.
    -Weapons do not gain supernatural accuracy their user is not capable of. As well, their strikes should be treated as if dealt by someone young or feeble to represent their lessened force.
    -Effectiveness is limited to: extreme armor (e.g. excessive metal, stone) becomes like plate, plate becomes like chain, chain becomes like leather, leather becomes like cloth, and cloth becomes like paper.


    Firestorm: clouds roil overhead and coalesce with cinder and soot and akin to a deluge flame and arid gales sweep across the landscape. Forests and wooden structures are especially vulnerable to firestorms. It is defined by runes of fire, air, and power.

    Tsunami: the sea retreats from shore to collect far away before it comes barreling back in a tidal wave fit to carry away coastal settlements and carve into the land. It is defined by runes of water and power.

    Earthquake: the foundations of the earth rattle like disturbed bones and civilization suffers for it; some buildings tremble, others crack, and few may outright crumble as the land they were built upon shakes them off like fleas. It is defined by runes of earth and power.

    Tornado: the sky clots with dark and brooding clouds before the winds pick up and far away scents are carried into the region; thereafter whipping columns of cloud and debris tear across the land and decimate small structures and uproots trees while lightning streaks through low hanging clouds. It is defined by runes of air, lightning, and power.


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 0


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    This is the compile of feedback that I used to make altercations and changes, alot more clarifications, clean up, and writing that I hope makes it easier to read https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BaSImmZIZCZuAaEN-q_qS1im08hxKtSeUXxBNQOUfF4/edit?usp=sharing


  7. 10 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:


    Thank you for clarifying the physical composition!


    I agree with your points about FTB + Transc being passed w that specific redline. I think the only difference I would point out is that with Transc, your character is still a mortal with their own mind etc. who has additional effects, whereas with Treelords your character's soul and entire existence has been altered. With that in mind, I could again see asexual companionships existing, but understand the argument against FTB (They're plants). 


    But again, if your redlines are cutting away the potential for problematic FTB, I don't see why it should be anyone's concern or business. They shouldn't hear about it or see it anyhow.

    Understood, thank you for the insight <3.

  8. On 3/20/2024 at 10:04 PM, VoidTermnia said:

    Musin should be able to become druids. I have looked over the druidism lore, and failed to find anything mentioning requiring a greater soul. In addition, Hou-Zi should also be able to become druids, as they also have lesser souls.


    Old Redlines

      Reveal hidden contents


    • Musin cannot learn most magics, due to their lesser souls. They however can only learn the following: Housemagic, Bardmancy, Seer, Herald of Azdromoth, Kani, Sorvian Crafting, and Alchemy with all its Feats. Creatures they can only become Zevnka, Machine Spirits, and Klones (bodies must be musin to transfer into)


    New Redlines

      Reveal hidden contents

     Old Redlines:


    • Musin cannot learn most magics, due to their lesser souls. They however can only learn the following: Housemagic, Bardmancy, Druidism, Seer, Herald of Azdromoth, Kani, Sorvian Crafting, and Alchemy with all its Feats. Creatures they can only become Zevnka, Machine Spirits, and Klones (bodies must be musin to transfer into)


    Only if musin can learn all deity magic would I find this acceptable tbh since it's a deity magic.

    On 3/21/2024 at 3:33 AM, KudosMetro said:

    There's currently a Hou-zi druid, actually!  They're a gorilla hou-zi I think, but also HERE'S THE SCREENSHOT!  It's taken from the "Nature Infusion" — "Attunement" section of the Communion post!


    Those are old ones, the new ones dont allow it atm 

  9. 22 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:

    What exactly are treelord husks made out of?

    In the original write it's explained that they have the muscles and such in their compositionion but they're made of plant matter, with a psudoskin entirely similar to regular skin just “tougher.”

    22 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:

    Treelord being obsessed with nature and being..

    Maybe obsession was the wrong word on my part, they're just meant to care more for plants and druids.

    22 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:

    In regards to the FTB concerns - I don't really understand why FTB should be a concern, if the players aren't doing wacky ass shit..

    Wasn't a problem and never has been until players were changing their characters to be unusually short or tall, which is why I removed those features. I literally had Creamys friends flat out tell me he made the submission as a meme and it got passed. If anything if the wacky shit is a concern it should be for transcendence too. Why can they have animal features and not be regarded but druids who are treelords get backlash for having a pseudo body like clones? In which case this is the wording to cover transcendances back which I am more than happy to add to my own write is -”Don’t use the mental/physical effects to break ToS server rules.”  

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Leilatha Ibarellan


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Naz is a dark deity magic, built on the foundation that power comes at a steep price, beginning with deals struck by individuals seeking to overcome their weaknesses. Those bound are known as False Princes, those whom make pacts with one of the Five Lords of the Pentacle: Velkuzat the Goat, Drazhana the Bat, Kiiztria the Snake, Kholidav the Crow, Zathairn the Black Cat. from the High Hells of Moz’Strimoza. 

    A Prince may offer parts of their soul to gain more infernal power bestowed by their Patron, however all start with the ability to manipulate malflame and demonology. False Princes progress through tiers, starting as Princelings and advancing to Masters, with each tier bringing increased mastery over dark arts but also further corruption. They gain access to spells such as malflame manipulation and demonology, as well as the ability to summon infernal creatures like imps and zar’ei. The further they progress a person may dedicate more slots to obtain things such as pacting and cursing which would take an additional slot each (meaning a Naz could pact 4 magic slots in total).

    Physical changes accompany this progression, with the False Princes' bodies becoming increasingly infernal in appearance. The process includes the acquisition of an infernal brand that covers their body as they ascend the tiers, as well as additional demonic traits like claws, fangs, and horns. False Princes are susceptible to holy magic and have limitations on the armor they can wear. Additionally, they are afflicted with malices, dark temperaments reflective of their innermost virtues and sins. 

    They also rely on Maleus as a fuel for their spells and rituals, with rakir serving as ink for their grimoires and a vital component for their workings. A Prince’s power stems from their grimoire and the incantations written in Rakir in the demonic tongue of Ilzakarn. If they don't have their grimoire they are unable to cast unless they ascend.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    I like to break it down into what is essentially 5 sections, Malflame Control, Demonology, Pacting, Boons & banes, and Curses.

    • Malflame Control in Naztherak involves conjuring flames from the Hells that inflict excruciating pain when they make contact with the skin of soul-bearing individuals, burning not just the physical body but also the soul itself. These flames leave behind burns that radiate an afterglow in the Warlock's malflame color.
    • Demonology is the practice of binding, controlling, and summoning lesser inferi, such as imps and zar’ei.. These creatures must be captured and created through roleplay, then bound to a grimoire to prevent them from dying.
    • Pacting allows False Princes to bond with their infernal familiar, gaining more abilities and power from their Patron. This pact involves dedicating another magic slot to obtain additional power outlined below:
      • Boons & Banes are granted to False Princes once they complete the pacting process, providing them with additional avenues to gain descendant trust by offering small tastes of power in exchange for a price. Boons and Banes are applied through a relatively freeform process involving focusing emotes and finalizing a "tattoo" depicting the boon and bane in Ilzakarn, which requires being burned by malflame for it to work. There are two types of Boons: Greater and Lesser. Greater Boons do not require a corresponding Bane because they already contain a built-in fallacy. For example, Regrowth (Kakhurzu) allows the regrowth of lost appendages but with infernal mutations. Lesser Boons must be accompanied by a Bane, where one grants a power and the other takes something in return, such as Clayface, which allows changing hair and eye color but with a corresponding loss of a sense like taste, hearing, smell, touch, or sight. A Bane may also be given without a corresponding Boon if desired by the Naztherak.
      • Curses involve sacrificing a portion of the soul to the Lord, gaining the ability to create cursed idols and use cursed fire. Cursed idols can be disguised objects cursed with malices, while cursed fire is malflame laced with the Warlock's malice, inflicting corruption upon contact with a descendant's skin. Both curses can be countered by Paladin purging.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Fingers gently brushed across the leather bound journal as she flipped it open a dull purple radiating acrossed those pages as the devils visage flickered between it and the space before her.

    [!] A hand lofted to an idle snap, her slitted cat like visage flickering about as a ring of purple flame formed, taking a step forward to step through the portal, closing shortly after behind her.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Her lips pressed to a thin line, those slitted cat like eyes remaining upon the other before her with a softened rumble emitting off her form. “Pull your grimoire out, and focus” a quiet hiss came from the Ibarellans lips.

    [!] “Dont forget Rok-dhurz.” she offered a nod of her head those words carefully dancing off her tongue “and hells, don't break anything on my ship or ill throw you overboard” the cranky woman offered peering to that student before her.

    [!] Shortly after she offered a nod - at least somewhat satisfactory. “Now keep doing it, till you feel like yer arms will fall off and have no doubt you can cast with confidence.”


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If a student was powergaming or abusing the magic I would first approach myself, and explain the situation to them - telling them to stop doing it and please correct themselves. That if they have any questions they can PM me or an ST. If the student continues to powergame, then I will PM ST, as well as make it clear I'd like to drop them from my TA for a lack of understanding / continued powergaming.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  11. 11 minutes ago, Wizry said:

              My argument will primarily be based on how I disagree that this is best-fitting with an end-game Druidic ‘CA’, rather than the current lore as presented now. Even though MayRndz has provided a perspective that this is a ‘immortal druid capstone’, I also disagree as this reads more as Fae CA that is not what was intended by the original lore. These two disagreements will address why I don’t consider this lore as something we should pilot Tree-Lord into, as it would seem to be rather out-of-line with the original intentions.


              OhDeerLord’s lore, cited in MayRndz's bibliography, has a very simple purpose, “The purpose of a Soul Tree is to be eternal soldiers for nature and the aspects. OOCly this makes it so that things such as age or disease don’t get in the way of the character doing their duty, and softlocks them into the role of a Nature’s Protector. All in all, it is the Apex of what a druid could be, one who has dedicated in-character and real life time to the cause, and the reward? More work.” The lore he writes is purely in service of that, where the druid is allowed to continue doing their work – with issues. They are not meant to become transcendent or ‘fae-like’, but instead they are able to continue live eternally and continue their work as druids. This lore, however, makes it so that this capstone is tied inherently with the fae and not their work. I will quote directly here from the current submission, “Given their stature, a greater affliction of natural energies and fae are presented upon them; they are able to perform their abilities to the fullest - to become the conduits of natural energies, vanguards who purge the unnatural. Faced with a drive to fight for the natural world itself, and feeling empathy for the songs of life around them. No matter the path they choose, or the freedom they have to follow various ideals, they are meant to fight on behalf of nature through any means and to be its voice in times of great need.” This connects them – instead of with what they have done priorly as a druid, serving nature in the actual world around them – with the fae outright. This is why I think that, conceptually, OhDeerLord’s idea of keeping it so that they are simply unkept from doing their duty instead of MayRndz’s idea of connecting them directly to the fae is  more interesting & more compelling, as Epiphytes and Transcendence already fill the submission’s niche of connecting them to the Fae.


              This lore in general seems to be opposed to a simple perspective of what treelords ought to be. That perspective is that they don’t need to be stronger, but instead they are an extension of your life, not so that you gain immortality, but that you can continue your work as a druid unabetted by age or disease. I think MayRndz’s contribution is more disinteresting because it presents itself as a perspective that this should be the end-game, instead of simply another way to continue working – far, far into the future. That perspective is fundamental to comprehending this lore and explains the powers & buffs it gets. That perspective is why I disagree that this lore submission is better than OhDeerLord’s lore. This lore may work better as some kind of 'amendment' pathway for treelords instead of being fundamental to all players who use this CA.


    If you read my opening sentiments you would know I entirely did rework the system to shift it away from the origional writing. Its not meant to be the same as OhDeerLords write which is why I included a majority of the active treelords in the rewrite

  12. 2 hours ago, FlemishSupremacy said:

    Tell you the truth; Azdrazi had the exact same redline and certain people did NOT interpret it that way, so better safe than sorry

    As for the people complaining about the mental changes you'll experience, I think it's quite fitting for there to be major mental differences if you commit to such a drastic change to your being. Treelord is clearly not meant for players who seek to continue their day to day slice of life interactions but just with a big powerboost. I think the mental changes allow these treelords to be unique characters and not just event characters, in a way similar to how the azdrazi mental changes give them new goals and a new (potentially alien) outlook on life

    Lore looks great tho!

    Fair enough, thank you for the feedback!

    2 hours ago, Evanuri said:

    To sort of piggy-back on this, I'm not the largest fan that aesthetic changes like horns, etc. are obligate when becoming a Soul Tree. This exists in Transcendence already. I enjoy it when it's not compulsory and the Soul Tree/player can choose to take on these more dramatic, physical effects.

    I left it open to interpretation for relatively that reason, the biggest impact just being they require SOME sort of “tell” that they aren't simply a regular descendant. This could be literally anything nature or animal related.

    2 hours ago, Evanuri said:

    Making it compulsory between both Transcendence and Soul Tree, while also a part of Epipyhte? (Correct me if I'm wrong

    I don't believe it's a requirement for epiphyte(someone can correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't read the most recent lore) I think it's an extension to their ability to be so free form aswell.

    14 hours ago, Rayalia said:

    That's just my opinion. I actually quite like the other spells. Like I said; I'm neutral on this rewrite, I like some of it but the other half doesn't make sense to me.

    To be fair to shoot some of the spells isn't something that bothers me if it comes down to it. It's important to keep in mind I started writing this before a lot of the major druid rewrites went through aswell so there was no intention to copy, though the similarities do make sense considering they're still druidic affiliated. Great minds think alike 😂.

    2 hours ago, Evanuri said:

    The most interesting thing about Soul Tree is that 'Immortal Soldier of the Wilds' intention, and the mental characteristics of technically not being yourself, that 'yourself' is actually a tree.

    Exactly my thoughts aswell, which is why I tried to keep this majorly the foundation of the CA.

  13. 1 minute ago, bloomtiara said:

    I would like to ask a question about this part, because I am a bit tired to understand all of this fully, but is this a changed version from the previous lore?; being that they no longer have the ability to change their appearance/aesthetics, but now ALWAYS have some sort of nature affecting their appearance, and cannot look fully descendant like?

    They can still alter themselves VIA the amendment pengin made for the heartwood form, and in the Tier system it outlines the appearances can be shifted each rebirth / going between the anchor. Yes the idea is they cannot look fully descendant anymore though.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Rayalia said:

    Gave it a once over and I'm a little distracted, so apologies if I've misconstrued any information, but this rewrite feels more a little like an epiphyte copy, paste, and improvement rather than a unique CA. I like some of the changes made but I'm not so sure about the other half. 


    Regardless of my neutral mentality on this post, it reads well and the ideas are interesting enough.

    if you read the current CA it is relatively the same concept, just one is an immortal druid capstone and one is a fae thing. Though alot of the flavor added I felt separated them relatively well.

  15. 5 minutes ago, RaiderBlue said:

    I don't think I gave any sort of feedback on this write, atleast not any time recently.

    I apologize if you had not, Pengin had however mentioned showing it and I amended some of the exhaustion systems based on the feedback I had been told you made.

  16. 30 minutes ago, Wizry said:

    This is incredibly limiting to write into the lore. It makes it so that, instead of having what is presently in the lore, it is a single obsession that the player cannot feasibly roleplay around dynamically. In essence, my argument is that this makes tree-lords from 'player-characters' to a type of 'event character'.

    For clarification, this is what is currently written, "The mind of a soul tree is one of schisms and harsh realities. With the mind split between tree and husk, the struggles of identity are an everyday, nonstop issue. Changes to biology, the loss of sleep that grants dreams, the differences of the body compared to that of flesh, all become influences that can lead to more mental conditions than your stereotypical druid. The coping mechanisms will vary, and sometimes become far fetched. You might see one become a soldier of nature. Another slowly losing themselves to the trees themselves. Another forgets how to eat. In the end the mental distress becomes a bonding mechanic. Soul trees will enjoy being near other soul trees, just like a dwarf enjoys another dwarf, an elf another elf. But this too leads to more isolation, for without great effort and support, they will drift from what they once were and lose that part of their identity all together. A soul tree requires a powerful will, or they will be lost to their loved ones."


    The reason the current lore's mental effects are better for roleplay is that it makes it simple in the understanding that these characters have difficulty with their sense of self, but also sensible in that they are not forced to basically become a 'one-note event character' & permanently unable to somehow begin to 'cope' with their new condition. The mental effects you are describing would have the characters have one motive, instead of potentially multiple. For instance, some tree-lords play as servants of nature while retaining some kind of family structure. This type of roleplay would be replaced with a one-note 'obsession', instead of an actual struggle to retain former family structures from before they became a treelord.


    That is good for an event character, but for proper characters made by players - this, one, confines them directly to 'natural energy' and thus the environments that contain the most of them. These would be, as a result, druidic playerbases, which would result in a lack of roleplay from other playerbases for the player unless they choose to ignore that part of lore. Two, this makes their roleplay entirely static, instead of dynamic, since there is no capacity for a potential struggle to adapt to their new change - as they are forced to accept this obsession in this lore.


    I would ask for a once-over for the mental effects, as this would ruin a good part of dynamism for tree-lord roleplayers.

    I would like to iterate that I didn't redline it in a way to be forceful with the intention of disregarding familial or friendship bonds, hence allowing different coping and this was more-so examples. However I get where that can be confusing so I've tried to reword it minorly to hopefully amend the concerns.

    "That is good for an event character, but for proper characters made by players - this, one, confines them directly to 'natural energy' and thus the environments that contain the most of them. "

    Though I should clarify they are a druid end game CA, they SHOULD be catering to the balance and the natural world.

  17. Treelord

    “It calls to you whispering for something that you can never quite understand - a hot knife burning through your chest. . . and to some, it drives them to insanity” ~ Zaelyn, The Riptide




    I: Preface
    II: Origin

    - Requirements
    - Compatibility
    - Purpose

    III: Creation
    - Development
    - Unattunement

    IV: The Treelord
    - Physiology
    - Psychology
    - Weaknesses

    V: Features & Abilities
    - Exhaustion
    - Passive Features
    - Active Abilities

    VI: Mechanics
    - Death & Revival
    - Corruption

    VII: Credits & Citations


    I. Preface


    This was altered and reworked to better fit the current standard of LoTC’s world and to ease the strain on Story Team. I also believe it caters to the more recent changes in druidic magics, and the IRP standard itself. Treelords are meant to be the pinnacle of druidism, something to work towards to elongate the druid's life and abilities. It is the only Druidic CA and requires significant time and effort to reach, but currently is almost lesser in stature than that of CAs like Epiphyte. As it currently stands, there are more downsides than benefits to the CA, and overall possesses no uniqueness that makes someone interested in it in any way besides the ‘immortal’ standard.

    The end goal of this update is to provide an interesting opportunity for druids, and something that at large can even interact with those outside of the community such as necromancy, and a counter to inferi. Thus it has also taken inspiration from other capstone creatures with revival mechanics such as dragon-kin, frost witches, zar’akal, and palelords.

    As this is an early rewrite I am happy to continue making changes to better grasp a balance between unique and playable. 

    Here is what I changed based on the feedback given by Squak when I first took up the mantle of wanting to rewrite treelord.


    • Remove the phylactery mechanic
      • The soul is no longer encapsulated within the tree itself.
      • The tree is an anchor - or a point of return for treelords instead of an extension of the druid.
    • Remove the requirement for ST to play the tree
      • There is no longer any requirement for ST OR the player to roleplay the tree 
      • The need to roleplay the tree has been removed due to a shift from it being a phylactery to an anchor point.
    • Reduction in overall strength/durability (or make it better redlined)
      • Treelord for the longest time has had a lot of unspoken buffs and complicated mechanics for moving around organs and such which have now been removed.
      • No more needing SPECIFIC materials to kill, mundane methods work.
      • No more underwater breathing.
      • Removed the soul-tree being a huge fighting factor in general.
      • Removed the ability to change height/body shape at will.
    • Added corruption / blight mechanics so that darkspawn and other communities can interact past just killing the treelord.
      • Ex. blighting them and sending them back into a grove to wreak havoc and self destruction.
      • Plausible vents to recover a blighted treelord.
    • Remove the amount of required ST interaction
      • There is now only one thing that requires ST signature, being the anchor, making less to keep track of.
      • Saplings Removed.
    • Removed making a player or ET play the tree.
      • Does not have weird mechanics to move around anymore, simply an anchor that has to be remade.
    • Feel free to completely rework, and re envision things to change as you see fit.
      • Treelords are the capstone of druidism instead of a side-quest.
      • They are NOT just a means for immortality anymore.
      • They are considered to be afflicted by energy of the Fae.
      • Overall offered less general physical buffs and more flavor.


    • reworded mental effects to clarify the warping of their mind being relatively freeform so long as it leans towards nature.

    II. Origin

    In times of great calamity and corruption, ancient druii bound themselves together through flow of mana and chorus of nature. Committing themselves to a ritual that would surrender their soul and form to the eternal forest; yet allow them to continue their journey upon the mortal plane. They were allowed a chance to elongate life - to continue fighting for their beliefs and on behalf of nature. The ritual culminated in the creation of a treelord; one who no longer aged, nor waned in strength. Taking up the mantle of druidism itself and binding their lives eternally to the Aspects’ cause.

    A druid who is Tier 5 in Communion and Control - and possessing one other druidic ability - may be presented with the opportunity to become a treelord through ritual. There is no way to reverse the transformation once it's made. Upon completion of the ritual the druid's soul is permanently bound to the eternal forest. Treelords are the overall pinnacle of druidism wrapped in immense fae and natural energy.

    • To become a treelord requires T5 in Druidism Communion and Control.
    • The druid must possess at least one other druidic MA (Druidic Blight Healing, or Transcendence).
    • The druid cannot already possess an altered soul through means of Epiphytes, Klones, ect.
    • The creation ritual does not require IC consent from the target character.
    • The creation ritual does require OOC consent from the target player. It cannot be forced on an unwilling player.
    • The transformation is irreversible, meaning they cannot be unattuned from the druidic energies to revert to their mortal form, nor can they be cursed to a different life by dark magics ex. demon CAs are unavailable. 
    • The Anchor Tree of a Tree Lord can be intentionally destroyed to prevent their respawn with proper IC justification. Repeated destruction of specific Anchor Trees without cause will be considered OOC harassment of the player, and be subject to moderation discipline.



    • Treelords are incompatible with all other Altered/Magical CAs.
    • Treelords are incapable of using Tawkin mutations.
    • Treelords are unable to learn any additional deific magic. 
    • They would find themselves having a regular disdain or distaste for other deities.
    • Druidic Templars who undergo the ritual must choose to either reject the ritual or reject their bindings to Malchediael. 
    • Treelords cannot be combined with Voidal Magic / Corruptive & Corrosive magics.
    • Treelords cannot learn any non-druidic slotted magic besides Housemagery, Bardmancy, Kani, and Blood Magic.
    • They are capable of learning Alchemy and Further-Alchemy, and can learn all feats which do not conflict with the soul or husk. 
    • They cannot become another CA.
    • A Treelord would be incapable of practicing Smoggers, actively inciting rage within the druid. Should they have known it prior to transformation they would be wholly unable to utilise the knowledge in practice.
    • Must be stated in future magics & feats that treelord is compatible if the creator intends it to be.



    One who no longer ages in stature nor wanes in strength, their forms unbound from the chains of mortality so that they may instead serve as the eternal servants of nature itself. The world is infinite, continuing on even when druii have passed to the eternal forest; so they must instead seek ways to continue their legacy. A Treelords immortality is a blessing of both wisdom and enlightenment, breaking the chains that hold them from caution. Treelords have seen the world, its failures and successes, and can guide those of each new generation. But, that same freedom warps the mind, withering from endless pain as they watch those around them perish continuously. Given their stature, a greater affliction of natural energies and fae are presented upon them; they are able to perform their abilities to the fullest - to become the conduits of natural energies, vanguards who purge the unnatural. Faced with a drive to fight for the natural world itself, and feeling empathy for the songs of life around them. No matter the path they choose, or the freedom they have to follow various ideals, they are meant to fight on behalf of nature through any means and to be its voice in times of great need. To possess an understanding and empathy that runs deeper than any druii that walks upon the mortal plane. 



    III. Creation


    The ritual requires the druid to be laid under the night sky within a fae ring, exposed entirely to natural elements and surrounded by the most seasoned of druidic kin.Three elder druii of T5 or greater are required, at least one of which must herald an understanding of the creation process and lead the ritual. 

    When the ritual is done, the blood of a treelord is required to draw runes across the subject's arms and chest before the sapling of a tree is placed upon them. The three druids then all connect to nature and infuse their energy into the subject and the sapling, growing the tree through their form in a painfully slow transformation. Piercing through the subject and killing their mortal form and body, soul cast into the realm of fae where it will now linger. . The sapling used turns into a spiritual stake that pierces the soul of the to-be tree lord within a fae ring. 

    The ritual allows that tree to begin growing in two places, one linking to the mortal plane, and the other taking the shape of the sapling and blooming into a spiritual tree which is tethered by its 'roots' to the mortal plane. The tree lord's soul remains locked within the newly formed 'soul tree', bound to a tree grown within the eternal forest that stops the soul from wandering too far.  Locking them in a Druidic limbo between mortality and death prevents them from becoming a ghost of the Druidic forest and blocking them from communicating in death. 

    The subject’s mind and body falls into a comatose-like state as they begin to undergo the transformation, leaving them unable to be played for 1 OOC day.  A tree grown in its place now to act as an anchor for the newly created treelord to pass between the mortal and fae realm, their body able to emerge through the tree as a husk of their former self that has been warped by the realm in which they permanently reside.

    The soul of the treelord now wanders into the fae realm itself where-as the tree acts as an anchor or a totem for the treelord to be able to return to the mortal realm within their husk. The husk is made up of natural material, and connected to the Fae in stature. 

    Whilst Transcendence taps into the world of the fae and are able to speak to those who have passed on, a treelord is a being capable of transcending their form through nature - almost as if having passed on and the ghostly soul wandered out to the mortal realm.

    • Flavor and aesthetics are encouraged, so long as the general premise of the ritual is adhered to.
    • although a character may be turned into a Treelord against their will, OOC consent is required regardless.
    • The ritual requires three druids of T5, one of which is a Treelord
    • Treelords will know the ritual by default and are able to teach others the ritual.
    • A Druid must be T5, and have attunement to know the ritual.
    • To complete  the ritual a Treelord must be present to offer their blood
    • After creation their CA must be made and accepted, unable to be played for 1 OOC day. 
    • A tree lord can be PK'd if their 'soul tree' unroots, liberating their soul and allowing them to freely roam the fae realm as they were originally intended to do. This offers an IRP reason as to why a tree lord can do a self-PK as well as how a transcendence walk can PK them, by causing them to lose grip over their soul tree and slowly unroot it over the duration of their stay. 


    To unattune a treelord is to sever them from their very being - their purpose lost to the winds as the energy supplying their natural form would fade. Their husks are able to be disconnected through the same means of any other attunement, treelord or not. Despite this, disconnection has much more dire consequences for  the Treelord -  resulting in their inevitable demise. 

    Over the course of 5 ooc days they begin to fade, and die painfully, the tree itself unrooting. In a state of constant, irreversible disorientation as the remaining natural energies holding their form together begins to be sapped away. Experiencing a great amount of mental turmoil and distress as they can no longer hear the hum of nature,  they become incredibly sickly and frail , fading until the fifth day  - leaving behind nothing more than a pile of mulch and ash to be blown in the winds, fate sealed. A PK for the Treelord whereas they were shunned from their kin, unable to go to the eternal forest.

    • Unattunement is able to be performed on the Treelords husk.
    • Being unattuned is a slow 5 day wither, before they are forcibly killed and the persona PKd.
    • Valid in-character reasoning should be presented to disconnect a Treelord.




    “You die to live and live wanting to die. Service is absolute because without service there’s no life. You’re on the outside after, watching everyone else live while you only pretend. It freezes you and slowly shatters you. Consumes you with something that isn’t recognizable. Piece by piece breaks off til there’s nothing left. So make sure what you’re willing to die for is worth it. It will be what you’re forced to live for afterward.” ~ The Wicker Druid


    VI. The Treelord


    Upon undergoing the change, the Treelord is faced with a mass of druidic and natural energies being infused into their being, their body and soul ripped apart and left in the realm of the fae itself before a husk may return. Forcing their mind to undergo change and restructure to be more open to the natural world around them and the energy sustaining their creation. 

    Over the years they can adjust better to the environment, to cater more towards the balance of the world around them. Engulfed by their obsession with  the energy that created them, they work endlessly to protect and preserve it for the sake of their very existence. While not necessarily breaking familial bonds and intrest where they previously found comfort, all treelords cope in their own way, many become restless and anxious, prone to being on a constant watch of their surroundings. Others are unable to concentrate and find their minds wandering from place to place, unable to find one topic that offers comfort more than another, leaving them incapable of holding a conversation. Some fall victim to spurts of aggression and anger, no interest in the social world around them, instead preferring trees, plains, and the oceanside over the company of descendants. Perhaps some even find more comfort in residing within druidic groves, among druids rather than other descendants, able to notice easily when one is a druid.

    Whilst their mind becomes warped, they find within their very being, an innate desire to be surrounded by nature at all times; respecting it, and catering to it. Being driven by an obsessive force to protect nature and the order of balance.

    Something unique of nature is each time a Treelord Dies  and is returned to a new husk - the pain of each death will linger, unharmful but as if seared into their memory. A searing feeling resonating through their chest where the tree morphed around their body. Though unable to remember what drove them to their death, they are able to acknowledge they had died.

    Given their unwaning and unaging state, they are always watching various events  and people pass around them as they continue to live alongside generation after generation.. This permits them to better retain and recall memories, Expanding their wisdom to a place in which it is vast and well respected, often becoming elders of the druidic order.

    Blood Druidism

    The faerie energy within their husk form does not mix well with druidic blood magic,  Treelords capable of possessing the knowledge and performing the rituals but facing strain and turmoil as a result, a war waged upon their psyche as the faerie and blood magic energies clash.

    Perhaps hearing a second voice within themselves, a mental separation may form between Treelord and Blood Magic whose distinct voices may drive them towards contrasting motives -or similarly inducing a nauseating, dizzying effect upon their form. Effects are free to be RP’d as wished, however the affliction of blood magic would always clash with their Fae realm affliction.


    A Treelords form is teetering between the realms of mortal and fae, a husk that is torn between both worlds. They would appear fae like in nature, still possessing a form akin to the descendant race they were prior to transformation. Retaining body shape, height, and similar features of the race they were before transformation. However, they would perhaps find skin like bark, eyes like the slits of a wildcat, plants and vines sprouting from them, or the horns of an elk curling from their skull. Their forms vary widely in appearance - however - they  always take  on the form of nature itself, an embodiment of what they seek to protect.

    Given the affliction of their changed bodies, they will find themselves comfortable with natural aspects of life, this being warmth, the cold, and various temperatures, easily adapting to the change. Without a balance of natural elements, however, they would find they begin to dry up in extreme heat and slowly stiffen in extreme cold tempatures. 

    They are unable to lose consciousness- their brains perhaps functioning rather strangely, and instead finding that concussive forces cause immense wounds and may daze the Treelord, allowing for their capture; awake and alive to suffer until the literal end.

    Their form is built to retain-peak condition and a fit muscle structure, unable to be weakened by natural disease, only falling ill when the injury or condition inflicted is Blight.. Thus, alchemical altercations would no longer take effect, temporary and permanent potions both wasted and no longer working. Their sap is thicker than blood so they bleed at a slower rate, and their skin a leather like in strength, but able to be split and splintered like wood.

    When the husk is killed it begins to wither , turning into an ash or mulch like substance that fertilizes the ground.

    • Treelords are sterile and are therefore incapable of spawning children.  
    • Their body is the peak strength of their original descendant race.
    • Alchemical Altercations are unable to Take effect
    • They won't benefit from alchemy besides the natural use of regents such as blood clotting / numbing effects.
    • Treelords are immune to natural disease unless stated as a blight
    • See “corruption” for blights
    • Medical assistance of purely mundane methods are able to be used, ex. stitching, suturing, and the likes.
    • Treelords are required to retain AT LEAST 2 natural or fae like traits better outlined in the section below (ex. Bark like Skin and Horns, or Slitted Eyes and Moss growing on the surface of their skin.)



    Though changes prominently happen right as the Treelord is created - each time they are resurrected their husk is effectively put back on a timer of weakness to gain peak strength again - the mental and physical effects offer very little change after the first progression.

    Tier 1

    This Lasts for 2 OOC weeks.


    The druid has undergone the ritual of creation, their mind beginning to warp as it struggles to accustom itself  with the new form they’ve been bound to. Bound by none other than the wilds themselves, the voices of nature grow amplified. 

    During Tier 1, the Treelord will undergo 1 Temporary Effect from each category. This is an agonizing time for new Treelords, as they are bent and molded into nature itself.

    Mental Effects:

    This can be rather freeform, allowing for the treelord to choose for themselves, though almost always being negative or reflecting their tug towards nature. Below are some examples:


    • Frequent and debilitatingly painful headaches/migraines, striking especially hard if they’re unable to hear nature’s song.
    • Inability to differentiate between people and flora, often addressing nearby flora in conversations at random.
    • An utter inability to remain focused, leading the Treelord to be unable to complete tasks or objectives as they frequently get distracted..

    Physical Effects:


    • A constant searing pain in the chest, akin to being stabbed with a knife, making movements painful.
    • Limbs become numb and stiff, causing movement to become slow and puppet-like.
    • Twitching and shivering, as well as overall soreness,  being unable to hold anything with a steady head.

    Adaptive Period:

    During Tier 1, the Husk is weakened, its strength diminished and its form a treelord will only be able to exert 1/3rd of their peak strength during this state, and their wood flesh is more susceptible to hacking and slashing, akin to an Epiphyte’s skin.


    Tier 2

    This Lasts for 1 OOC week.

    The druid begins to find more comfort in their new form, developing a greater understanding of the abilities and urges that plague them. Though the feeling of their death lingers, it becomes less bothersome instead facing other small physical changes.

    With the ritual’s effects diminished, the druid bound to their tree begins to ease out of their state of survival. During this, the influx of energy affects the Treelord as their mind and body truly break free from mortal limitations as it begins to adapt to the fae mana.

    During Tier 2, they will obtain at least 2 T2 Mental Effects, developing at least 1 T2 Physical Effect by the end of Tier 2.

    Physical traits may be altered freely while within the Anchor Tree, but must meet the minimum requirements at any given time.

    Mental Effects:

    This includes, but not limited too:


    •  Irrational possessiveness
    •  Incomprehensible or otherwise illogical thought processes
    •  Extreme obsession with druidic duties.
    •  Disdain or coldness towards man-made structures/cities
    •  Repetition of mundane tasks
    •  Paranoia
    •  Distortion of emotions
    •  Sudden bursts of aggression
    •  Difficulty recognizing faces and voices of non-epiphytes/treelords
    •  Blurred moral concepts

    Physical Effects:

    Physical effects are free to be RP’d as wished. Below are some examples:


    • Animalistic or floral features forming upon the Husk.
    • Eyes, bones, and nails convert to an amber-like state
    • Hair begins to convert to foliage and miscellaneous flora.
    • Limb movements become rigid and stiff.

    Animalistic limbs can be used for aesthetics and flavor however will offer no combative advantage, perhaps a tail able to offer better balance, or wings a feather falling effect in only a PASSIVE situation.


    Tier 3

    The druid is more comfortable and familiar with their husk, feeling more distanced from descendants and more connected to the natural world around them. They become plagued by being constantly awake, and the urge to serve the natural world, as well as finally being fully familiar and in control of their new abilities. 

    During Tier 3, they will obtain at least 1 T3 Mental Effect and 1 T3 Physical Trait.

    Physical traits may be altered freely while within the Anchor Tree, but must meet the minimum requirements at any given time.

    This includes, but not limited too:

    Mental Effects:


    • Split Personalities
    •  Disassociation from relationships with those who are not druids.
    •  Prone to extreme violence against perceived threats to nature.
    • Hatred for metallic objects
    • Loss of emotional comprehension
    • Frequent memory loss

    Physical Effects:

    Physical effects are free to be RP’d as wished. Below are some examples:


    • Skin partially or entirely converts to bark, with one’s body beginning to warp and gnarl, inhumane in appearance.
    • Kuila begins to form in patches upon the body, and manifests heavily in a Husk’s blood.
    • Lichen, mosses, vines, etc. begin to grow from the body.



    The alteration which a treelord undergoes is just as much physical as it is mental, subjecting the creature to a myriad of weaknesses and detriments of both magical and mundane nature. Though able to be killed in hand to hand combat, regular weaponry knicking their skin and causing them to bleed just as a descendant, they are formidable foes in battle and a challenge to kill. 

    [Fire Based Magics/Flammability: Azdrazi, Voidal Flame, ect.]

    The Husk itself for the Treelord will suffer the pain and wounds from being exposed to fire of any type. Voidal fire generally inflicts more damage, and dragon fire being the greatest contender to them; fire spreading across their bark covered form and blazing like a hot campfire. If the treelord doesn't work to put it out they could be burned alive, left to a crispy blackened ash. Their sap is especially weak to flame, open wounds causing them to begin burning from the inside out.

    Malflame would offer no effect given the husk lacking a soul.



    Thanic Steel wounds are extremely painful, and will  rob the Husk of its ability to stay connected. Unable to cast any druidic magics, or use their Amber whilst inflicted with thanic wounds. After three wounds, the husk will shut down, and be rendered inert. If killed in this state, the standard respawn applies.


    Given Treelords have an altered soul, aurum will cause searing pain should it strike their  flesh; similar to darkspawn and ghosts. Inflicting wounds as if created using mundane weapons, whilst adding on the searing pain. If killed by these means, the standard respawn applies.

    [Magical poisons/disease: Shaman blight, Azhl, Necromantic curses, etc]


    The casting of a dark or void spell within 8 meters of them will cause the treelord to lash out and the husk to be plagued by lightheadedness, nausea, and an urge to get away or destroy the source. 

    Voidal influence such as a void stalker, voidal obelisk, or voidal tear will begin to blight the Treelord. Shaman influences from witch doctors are capable of inflicting blight as well. Corruption occurs when a druid lingers within the radius of the blight or magical casting for 3 emotes or longer. (See “corruption” once that occurs)

    If the husk is killed while blighted they will respawn with the same blighted effects; as if that blighted essence lingered upon the Treelords anchor, and corruption continued seeping into and spreading through them. (this is to prevent suicide or deaths to avoid corruption)


    The bane of all druii - Azhl - creates an unpleasant sound when exposed to nature's call, causing treelords to become aggressive and standoffish in its presence. Azhl causes the treelord to fall into a corrupted state;unable to cast any of their druidic magics, inflicting the regular standard of Azhl poisoning, beginning to feel the effects of corruption once 6 emotes have passed since the Azhl made contact and wounded them.  (See “corruption” once that occurs)


    Rite of Draining:

    By taking a willing or unwilling victim and placing them in a ritual setting, two necromancers are capable of siphoning life from the  victim through an advanced form of Darkening.  This esoteric vitality is stowed into small glass flasks, for further nefarious purposes. When the process is complete, the husk will fade into dust rendering the druid dead for the 24 hour cooldown period.

    For the Husk, normal Rite of Draining applies, producing two vials of life force instead of one.

    Rite of Darkening:

    A necromancer is capable of conjuring an abyssal aura upon one hand and stealing the victim’s lifeforce, inducing painful necrotic disease equivalent to being doused in fire, intensifying the longer that touch is maintained. So long as it is touched or in the immediate proximity of the necromancer (5 meters) they may steal the life from it, resulting in a husk that  appears withered and decayed.

    If successfully performed on a Husk will render it inert for 24 hours as the blight begins to fester. This would leave the husk looking withered and nasty in general. If they are not killed in this state, they’ll find parts of their body refusing to return to normal, blighted, needing others to Blight Heal it. (See “corruption” once that occurs)


    Given Treelords' inclination to tend to nature, groves, and to pass information and wisdom on to younger druids, they're offered an array of abilities to assist them. Perhaps these are a blessing by the denizens of the fae realm for their commitment to the balance, the origin of the powers are unknown. Limiting them to only so much capability in one day before they exhaust themselves. However their fae-realm based affliction allows for them to tap into a larger source of energy and have an easier time casting other druidic abilities. A lack of feeling the same tiredness a regular druid might right away, capable of withstanding an additional 1-2 spells depending on the complexity whilst unengaged from combat.

    Casting Exhaustion does not necessarily refer to physical, bodily exhaustion, as if you’ve just run a marathon. It is the lack of Druidic energy within the Druid. A druid  may fall to their knees, breathing heavily or wheezing, they may pass out altogether, they may be wracked with internal agony, or even all of the above. When exhausted, the Druid is unable to use any further abilities without risking death to themselves, and should not be attempted in a combat encounter. 

    Treelord given their drive and complexion may face a need to engage in combat, being it against corrupted nature, or against others trying to wreak havoc among the natural balance. This being said their abilities are somewhat combat presued, however each spell takes a toll on the casters body and because of this many are limited to once per encounter, or lock the treelord out of being able to cast after the spell is activated. Over time The treelord would be lethargic, have a hard time catching their breath and face feelings of dizziness. Their nose may begin to bleed or have similar hardships plague them, or even find that they have brought themselves to a state of slowed movement, or stasis. A physical combat based system for Treelords outlined below.

    After the roleplay concludes, a druid's energy will replenish over an IRL hour, however the druid will require rest to fully replenish that energy, so one who continues to stay on their feet and work after bringing themselves to the brink of exhaustion may find that it takes close to 1 IRL day to fully replenish.

    Physical Exhaustion

    Despite being reformed in the likeliness of their morality, Tree Lord’s husks operate on anything but mortal expectation. Amber, the ichor that runs through their veins and empowers them, finds itself as a husk’s equivalent of blood. Surging with druidic energy, this ichor ensures a husk remains in operation so long as they retain it. Unlike a normal body which can wear down and grow exhausted from usage, a Husk will only grow exhausted if Amber is either lost through wounds or utilized through their abilities.

    Husks interact with blood loss differently than a normal descendant would, their construct-like nature altering how they succumb to the loss of their Amber.

    Major wounds and damage in battle would cause a druid to lose amber, making it hard to continue casting whilst in combat, though still plausible. After [2] major wounds, [4] moderate wounds, or [8] minor wounds they would lose amber at a quicker pace. This would make a treelord unable to cast entirely after, in which they have reached the fourth stage of exhaustion.

    Minor Wounds: Cuts, Piercings, and Lacerations.

    Moderate Wounds: Gashes and Punctures

    Major Wounds: Limb Loss and Debilitating Slashes

    If a druid attempts to cast while inflicted with blight, thanic poisoning, or the effects of azhl as listed above they would find that all remaining units get consumed - bringing them to the fourth stage of exhaustion.


    Effects from exhaustion stack in descending order, they are not overridden or altered unless stated.
    Ex: Class IV Amber Loss will possess the debuffs of Class II & III.


    [Class I / 100-90% Amber] - No noticeable physical exhaustion, a husk may continue to operate tirelessly in this state.

    [Class II /  89-70% Amber] - The Husk’s movements become more rigid and stiff, making it difficult to utilize more refined tasks, such as fighting with lightweight or dual weapons, performing complex medical procedures, or complex athletics and acrobatics.

    After [2] moderate wounds, or [4] minor wounds

    [Class III / 70-55% Amber] - The physical strength of the Husk begins to wane, lowering to 4/5ths of its usual capacity and reducing reaction speed. A Husk will struggle to properly counter-attack in this state, typically being reduced to defensive means or being forced to trade blows. Channelling druidic abilities becomes strenuous, requiring [1] emote of gathering their energy before starting to cast.

    After [1] major wound, [3] moderate wounds, or [5] minor wounds

    [Class IV /  54-40% Amber] - The husk begins to enter a critical state, growing sluggish while its strength decreases to 3/5ths of its capacity. The Tree Lord loses [1] block of base movement speed and will greatly struggle to perform feats beyond basic movements and attempting to seal their wounds.

    After [2] major wounds, [4] moderate wounds, or [6] minor wounds

    [Class V /  39-20% Amber] - The Husk enters a dormant state where their body grows stiff, akin to rigor mortis. The husk remains awake during this state, as they cannot fall unconscious, but they will find themselves unable to move or speak, only look around.

     After [3] major wounds, [5] moderate wounds, or [8] minor wounds (failure to stop bleeding from allies or assistance for the following 3 emotes will lead to Class IV)

    [Class VI / Below 20% Amber] The Husk loses its ability to remain together, entering an irreversible state of apoptosis as it withers away. When entering this state, the husk will slowly perish over the course of [3] emotes, crumbling into flora as they do so.




    V. Features & Abilities


    Nature's Aura [NC]

    Given their Natural and Fae-akin condition, treelords themselves radiate a passive calming energy. 


    Oftentimes the passive aura would be found attracting creatures that may have otherwise been indifferent; such as birds attempting to nest in their hair, grass leaning close to brush against them, or small creatures lingering around. Druids themselves are also able to feel the energy, perhaps offering calming effects similar to how the fae ring would feel. 


    • The ability offers no combative advantage and is purely flavorful.
    • As a flavorful ability the druid is able to roleplay it how they see fit.
    • It is always present around the treelord, perhaps even offering solace to druii fighting alongside them in battle, though no boosting effects or anything of the sort.
    • Non-Druids would be unaware and unaffected by the passive aura outside of being able to notice creatures and natures more present.
    • It is present in a 3 block radius all around the Treelord.


    Moonshadow Mirage [N/C] 

    Given the lack of aging they are considered to be the wisest among druidic groves, the elders of the order, they are often seen as adept storytellers and documenters of history. 


    Treelords are  able to grasp a control of their aura to create a figment of their imagination, manipulating it to show a scene of dancing knowledge. Allowing the Treelord to tell a story of whatever they may wish, images dancing through a shroud of druidic mists to illustrate their tales.

    The spell would take [1] emote to connect, [1] to concentrate and gather mists, and [1] to begin portraying the scene.

    Once casted the scene may be continued indefinitely so long as the channeling isn’t disrupted or ended early. The scene may be altered and changed as desired by the tree lord.


    • The mirages are able to be easily comprehended as both fake and ethereal.
    • Mirages may not expand beyond a 2x2x2 meter/block area in any way.
    • The area in which the mirage is displayed must be directly next to or encompassing the caster.


    Faerie Flambeau [N/C][ Infusion]

    Whilst blight healers grasp an understanding of Taynei’hiylu’s and emerald flames, capable of healing and expelling power from her blessing, treelords are similarly able to grasp a control of those mists and bring forth a small set of star-like lights offering a slow fading light akin to fireflies dancing in the night, able to light up small and dark spaces to act as a guiding lantern.


    The spell would take [1] emote to connect, [1] to concentrate and gather mists, and [1] to create the flickering lights.

    When used in an infusion the object would offer a passive flicker of light, creating a lantern of sorts that would continue to guide unless the lantern would be broken, the lights dissipating as if fireflies wandering off. It must be infused into a jar or lantern or sorts which holds Kuila or something natural of the sort to be the primary source of the light.


    • The ability offers no combative advantage and is purely flavorful.
    • The light would extend to light up an area in a 2x2 block radius.
    • Given that its flavorful lights can be an array of colors and shapes, the fireflies are simply a primary idea of aesthetics.
    • When used within an infusion the spell would need to be cast within a lantern, or jar, something that can contain it.
    • If the container is broken the creation would disappear needing to be remade.
    • Follows all redlines and guidelines of druidic infusion.
    • Infusion requires a ST Signature.


    Amber Crystallization [NC]

    Due to their bodies being connected to nature, they instead begin to bleed a sap-like substance. Their blood is able to clot and temporarily seal wounds, though not acting as a permanent solution. 


    A Treelord may cut their hand and allow their sap to bleed over another person's wound creating a temporary seal to prevent bleeding out. As a treelord themselves bleeds their sap will begin to passively coagulate over the course of [3] emotes and act as scabs while their own wounds heal. 

    Whilst not possessing great strength it is also capable of acting as a temporary binding akin to glue.


    • This is by no means a permanent solution, however can be used to slow the bleeding and acts almost as if a scab over wounds.
    • Amber only covers a base surface level of wounds for the caster, only useful to stop excessive blood loss.
    • This ability cannot be used while the treelord themselves is actively engaged in fighting.
    • Ex. they can't just seal over their own wounds whilst swinging a sword.
    • Woes sealed by amber will act as if it were part of the skin not hindering the movement within a fight, only flaking off once the skin has fully healed fully.
    • Amber bindings are able to be bashed or chipped away at, and easily shattered with blunt force.
    • Amber bindings cannot be used whilst actively engaged in battle - its too fragile to be used in a combative way.

    Arboreal Armor [C] [1 use per encounter]

    As a Treelord grows more in tune with nature, and their fauna like composition their ability to utilise their being and manipulate the plant material upon their forms becomes apparent. Arboreal Armor allows a treelord to harden a small section of their body into a hard-wood like strength, capable of assisting in the defense of the Treelord.


    Over the course of 4 emotes the druid is able to create a patch of Arboreal Armor, a bark like area that is harder and able to act as a small temporary shield.

    Requiring [1] emote to connect, [2] to begin hardening and forming the armor, and [1] to finally solidify it.

    • Redlines:
    • Small patches constitute something such as the Radius of the treelords forearm, the palm of their hand, and so forth. Unable to encapsulate something such as the druid's entire arm, a chestplate, or larger portions of exposed skin.
    • Three emotes for a mundane weapon, consistently attacking the armor to render the area destroyed. At first, the bark may splint, and chip into parts. Then, would the crack at the point of impact, and lastly, cleave off of the form.
    • Three emotes of consistent, spreading fire that burns upon the armour to make the entirety of the patch painfully destroyed. Voidal Flame and Azdrazi fire require two emotes of consistently spread fire burning upon the armor for it too, to be destroyed.
    • As the effects of blight and taint seep into the Treelord they would find the Arboreal Armor to crumble and fall off their form, unable to remain whilst they lack focus.
    • Should they be interrupted while casting the spell, they will lose concentration and progress on the spell. Causing whatever has been gathered to suddenly dispel, and still exhaust them making it unusable for the rest of the encounter.
    • This ability can only be used once per encounter.


    Twilight Shroud [C][1 use per encounter]


    Treelords are able to grasp a control of their aura, dispelling it into a thick fog like cloud and bring forth a blinding shroud of mist around them.


    Over the course of 4 emotes a druid is capable of summoning a fog like shroud to make it harder for those within to see, taking on the appearance of either a misty fog or that of the druid's aura colour. Covering 6x6 meter space for 4 emotes before slowly dissipating in form.

    It takes [1] emote to connect, [2] to begin gathering and casting the mists, and [1] emote to finally create the shroud.

    • Redlines:
    • The spell would Cover a 6x6 meter space for 4 emotes.
    • Those within the shroud would have a hard time seeing through the dense fog.
    • The dome of fog will extend outward from the druid making them the center point of the clouded area.
    • Druids and Treelords are not able to see through the fog, they will be at the same disadvantage as their opponent unless they use green sight or some other form of mystical vision.
    • Should they be interrupted while casting the spell, they will lose concentration and progress on the spell. Causing whatever has been gathered to suddenly dispel, and still exhaust them making it unusable for the rest of the encounter.
    • This ability can only be used once per encounter.


    Pollin Bloom [C]

    Connecting to nature, the treelord would be able to manipulate and use the foliage around them to defend and protect the surrounding area. Harnessing the nearby plantlife to release a shroud of pollin.


    The Treelord would be capable of communing and cultivating a patch of  nearby plant life, releasing a shroud of Pollin. Capable of creating illusions similar to a hallucogenic to confuse opponents.

    It takes [1] Emote to connect, [1] emotes to gather the Pollin, and [1] emote to finally dispel

    Covering 6x6 meter space for 2 emotes before dissapating. Those caught within the cloud face a stun effect, and mior hallucinations for the duration of the cloud, wearing off once it dispels.


    • The spell would Cover a 6x6 meter space for 2 emotes.
    • Those within the shroud (non-treelords) would face the effects of a minor stun and hallucinations, this including other druids.
    • Hallucinations would be freeform, though themes of nature present whilst occuring.
    • Druids will be at the same disadvantage as their opponent
    • Should they be interrupted while casting the spell, they will lose concentration and progress on the spell. Causing whatever has been gathered to suddenly dispel.


    Nature's Ire [Ritual] [C] [Once per OOC day]

    It is said that the aspects themselves lay a blessing through their faerie realm, the treelord able to channel their rage and energy through their form, taking on the altered appearance and features akin to the creatures prowling the forest.


    They give up their ability to cast any druidic abilities for the remainder of the encounter as nature's rage is channeled through their form. Causing them to grow a foot in stature, gnarled beast-like claws and fangs growing from their form. Leading them to lock-on and charge dangerously at their destination and target. Forgetting about their surroundings as they unleash a beastial anger.

    In this state the treelord is entirely focused upon their target, incapable of casting or using their druidic magics whilst in this form. Having grown beastial teeth and claws that can be used in combat for the most savage mammer of slashing and clawing.

    It takes 4 emotes to enter the form [1] emote to connect, [2] emotes to channel energy, and [1] emote to finally transform


    • The druid is unable to cast for the remainder of the encounter.
    • When Nature's Ire is activated the Treelord is in a primal state of mind, much like a bloodlust rage.
    • They are locked onto their target, their focus not straying elsewhere.
    • They give up their ability to cast for the remainder of the encounter as nature's rage is channeled through their form. Causing them to grow a foot in stature, gnarled beast-like claws and fangs growing from their form. Leading them to lock-on and charge dangerously at their destination and target. Forgetting about their surroundings as they unleash a beastial anger.
    • Should they be interrupted while casting the spell, they will lose concentration and progress on the spell. Causing whatever has been gathered to suddenly dispel, unable to use it again during the combat encounter,
    • If blighted in this stage they would be locked into their Ire form while facing the effects of blight and corruption outlined below.
    • This can only be used once per OOC day.
    • Their form sprouts canines and claws unable to wield mundane weapons.
    • The treelord lacks rationality and strategy in this form.
    • Should the treelord be disabled or reach Tier 4 and 5 of physical exhaustion their form would fade back to normal.


    Heartwood Form [Ritual] [N/C] [1 Month Cooldown]

    Once burdened with fleeting mortality, many Tree Lords now struggle with the floral nature of their immortality. This burden of mind drives many to forsake what they once were and to truly embrace what they've become, shifting their body to a state that no longer plagues them with wishes or desires of what once was.


    While residing within their anchor tree, the Tree Lord may enter a chrysalis-like state over the course of [1 IRL Day] during which their energy will be slowly whittled away as they transmogrify their husk into a truer form which abandons the biology of a descendant. A Tree Lord may not be played during this period of transformation as they remain dormant within their Anchor.

    A Tree Lord's body in Heartwood Form has a drastically altered physiology, lacking a skeleton, nerves, veins, arteries, and organs alike in favor of a more homogenous body. The only organs that a Tree Lord retains in this form are the brain, lungs, and a core-like heart, which resembles a seed of their soul tree and cycles their sap at half the pace their heart normally would. The flesh and skeleton of their body is replaced by a single mesh of heartwood-like material, their veins and arteries replaced by evenly spaced bundles of xylem and phloem which extend out directly from their core in every direction rather than following a circulatory system. This state, while more resistant to critical injuries, comes with its own set of drawback as the Tree Lord finds themselves more susceptible to injury than prior. The meshed nature of their form causes their body to become more brittle when receiving blows, wounds and bruises slowly deteriorating the state of their entire body rather than just where the blow was received as they lose casting ability for every moderate or heavy injury they are dealt.

    In this form the state of exhaustion would be reached quicker in combat:

    Major wounds and damage in battle would cause a druid to lose amber, making it hard to continue casting whilst in combat, though still plausible. After [2] major wounds, [3] moderate wounds, or [6] minor wounds, they would lose amber at a quicker pace. Making a treelord unable to cast entirely after, in which they have reached the fourth stage of exhaustion.


    • This body form is similar to a mannequin, being absent of genitals, nipples, etc.
    • Only organic resources are able to be eaten or drank in this form, the components of said resources being absorbed directly into the body.
    • Mundane medical techniques to reduce or inhibit bleeding, such as tourniquets or positioning limbs above the heart, are ineffective at aiding injuries to Heartwood Tree Lords, their sap always bleeding out at the same pace. The only method to stop the bleeding of a Heartwood Tree Lord is to seal a wound externally or through Amber Crystallization
    • Effects of alcohol, hallucinogenic compounds, poisons, venoms, etc. occur at half the pace they normally would and last half as long while in Heartwood Form.
    • A lack of skeleton structure and nervous system does not prevent a Tree Lord from feeling pain in any way and may not be RP'd as such. Additionally, the lack of a skeleton structure makes injuries more universal without any bone density to inhibit blows.
    • In this form the state of exhaustion would be reached quicker in combat:
    •  Major wounds and damage in battle would cause a druid to lose amber, making it hard to continue casting whilst in combat, though still plausible. After [2] major wounds, [3] moderate wounds, or [6] minor wounds, they would lose amber at a quicker pace. Making a treelord unable to cast entirely after, in which they have reached the fourth stage of exhaustion.

    Minor Wounds: Cuts, Piercings, and Lacerations.

    Moderate Wounds: Gashes and Punctures

    Major Wounds: Limb Loss and Debilitating Slashes



    VI. Mechanics

    Death & Revival

    The Anchor Tree

    A truly unique creation stems from a new  Treelord being birthed, flesh turns to roots of a beautiful towering tree of energy. A home for the being to constantly return to though not an extension of them but rather an anchor akin to how creatures of fae may pass through on a full moon, a place for the Treelord to Return home.

     The Tree would radiate a great deal of energy for other druids, surrounded by lively nature that hummed out a song of content making it an inviting home for birds and critters alike. Flowers seem to bloom around the tree no matter the season. Perhaps the leaves almost crystalline like - or in a season of constant flowering.  Though they are able to be tucked away it must be within caverns and groves, a place where nature is tended to and the energies thrive. Unable to be hidden within a wooden house or stone keep.

    The Anchor is a tree that must be marked with an ST sign Stating it as Such

    • While the treelord has an active tree to act as their anchor, they are capable of respawning after 3 OOC days of a status while the tree waves a new husk.
    • Each death will take 24 OOC hours before they can respawn
    • If the anchor is destroyed the husk does not die, however will be unable to respawn should they pass until a new one is made.
    • While an anchoring tree is broken, the treelord is incapable of returning their soul trapped within the realm of the fae 
    • The longer they reside within the more they will not seek to return though are forced to beckon the call should they be summoned again.  
    • After 2 OOC weeks if a druid is not respawned and not marked under shelved they are effectively killed.
    • The treelord is trapped until three T5 druids, one of which is a treelord, create a new anchor summoning the treelord back. 
    • The creation ritual would require three T5 druids to come together and once again infuse their energies into the creation of a tree.
    • An Anchor Tree may only be bound to one Tree Lord.
    • A Tree Lord may not be bound to more than one Anchor Tree at a time.
    • An anchor for each specific treelord may only be created once every week.
    • If a player must shelf their character and step away from LoTC on a long term basis for any reason, they will turn to a dormant state within the fae realm until they are once again summoned
    • This dormant state is also a means of shelving and must be marked on their CA.
    • Once shelved they must remain that way for at least 2 OOC weeks, and once unshelved cannot be returned to stasis for 1 OOC month.
    • This prevents players from constantly shelving and unshelving to avoid certain encounters, and truly is a means of not playing the character long term


    To destroy the anchor would be quite simple, various means of  destroying it and such. However would alert the connected treelord aware of their anchor being destroyed once completed. (They wont know its being attacked untill destroyed)

    [Fire Based Magics/Flammability: Fire, Azdrazi, Voidal Flame, ect.]

    Although not completely immune to flames because of being made of natural materials, it is capable of repelling flames for a short amount of time before it begins to truly burn away at the tree. A constant stream of mundane flames able to be withstood for 5 emotes before it would catch onto the tree and begin to slowly burn it at an agonizing pace unless one put it out with water. Voidal Fire and Dragon Flame offer the most damage to the, beginning to burn through it after just 3 emotes. Fully burning the tree to the ground after 8 full emotes.

    Malflame would offer no effect given the anchor tree lacking a soul.

    This means that someone could use alchemy, or oil and an open flame to light the anchor on fire and kill it.


    Thanium would be extremely effective in dealing blunt force damage, and destroying the tree. Albeit only as much as what the tool being used would be able to hurt a regular tree. However this does mean someone with a Thanic Axe could lumberjack the Tree.

    [Magical poisons/disease: Shaman blight, Azhl, Necromantic curses, etc]

    When blight is inflicted upon the tree itself, be in shama magic, voidal, or dark in nature; the anchor would begin to become corrupt and withered in appearance, for the length of 8 emotes requiring a druid to blight heal to reverse the effects before rendering the anchor inert and unusable on the 8th emote.


    Azhl would afflict the Tree with a pseudo-blighted state, each slash and wound draining the tree of its natural vitality. After 6 slashes and cuts across the tree such as chopping roots, breaking down limbs, and cutting into the trunk; the tree would begin to wither and die. The tree will seem to have the life zapped from it, dead and droopy.


    Rite of Draining: By taking a willing or unwilling victim and placing them in a ritual setting, two necromancers are capable of siphoning life out of the victim through an advanced form of Darkening.  This esoteric vitality is stowed into small, glass flasks for further nefarious purposes. 

    When two necromancers find a treelords anchor, they are capable of performing the ritual around it, beginning to be blighted - and if the ritual is completed the tree will seem to have the life zapped from it, dead and droopy.

    If the anchor tree is killed VIA this means it will produce six vials of life force.

    The player must be PMd to interact with their anchor to ensure roleplay is done property and A Sreq is made once roleplay is completed to destroy the anchor.

    The player must be PMd to interact with their anchor to ensure roleplay is done property and A Sreq is made once roleplay is completed to destroy the anchor.





    Bound to servitude of the natural world, Treelords find themselves made of plant matter and material susceptible to the effects of corruptive magics of: Shaman Witch Doctors, Voidal Casters, Necromancers, and Nephilim; their husk capable of being warped and corrupted, weaponizing their own bodies into something much darker and destructive. A corruptive husk of nature's darkest crevices, perhaps some believed to be a curse of Nemisae herself, a test of will and control.

    Through their own suffering they  are able to slip through their own sanity, forgetting what it is to be themselves and instead becoming a dangerous weapon of a husk that lacks their own self control. Those being corrupted by taint begin to warp in appearance, nature wilting around them and offering weathered screams of agony in response to the druid's own pain. A face that now lingeries with the shadows animalistic like.

    • Corruption occurs when a treelord is exposed to an active force of corruption for over [X] hours or over the course of [3] emotes when the husk or anchor is directly cursed. 
    • When corruption occurs the husk will begin to appear warped and tainted by the shadows, taking on a more primal state of being the longer it festers.
    • Nature screams in agony around corrupted husks indicating to other druii what they may be.
    • The husk loses all sense of being and freedom when they are corrupted, shackled by darkness and anger for what has become of them. Instead prone to outburst of uncontrollable rage, and known to attack those who come around.
    • They would rather stick to dark, damp places like sheltered forests and caves when Corrupted.


    Corruptive Mentality

    Bound by the chains of the darkness that has consumed them, it takes hold of their body and mind alike, beginning to slowly warp their perceptive thoughts of the world and how it is viewed. The Corrupted are consumed by anger and rage for what they have become, lashing out without much thought but rather just the intention to attack whatever has crossed their path. Having lost control of their own mind as the corruption begins to push them out. More like a beast that cannot be controlled than the person they once were before reaching a corrupted state.

    Corruptive Physiology

    A corrupted Treelord appears as if left in a state of death and rotted taint. Still retaining features of their past descendant self yet warped, their fingertips and skin may be blackened, veins of dark color running across the surface of their skin. Their eyes may take on a beast-like appearance with a bioluminescence that glows in the dark, and leaves that may have once been in their hair were withered and crusty. Possessing a primal liveliness of its own.

    Once Corrupted they are no longer able to be diseased or tainted by an additional taint or magic, their bodies already beginning to create a constant nauseating feeling as if their organs were shutting down - to a point where they are still alive but lethargic. Their forms are subject to the darkness that has consumed them.

    On top of this their teeth and nails may grow to be longer and sharper appearing as if they had become more beastlike. These traits hold nothing of additional value or combative advantage, simply serving as a primal aesthetic to the changes they are undergoing.

    • This offers no combative benefits, the changes wholly aesthetic.
    • Due to their forms being corrupted they are progressively weaker than they would be when their husk is entirely healthy.
    • This means they are locked at a sickly descendant strength.
    • Since they're already corrupted they are immune to additional corruption. 


    Corrupted Progression

    Tier 1


    Corruption first occurs and the druid's appearance begins to wilt, the tips of their fingered blackened as if dying and losing circulation of sap throughout their body. Though they maintain some semblance of control, the corrupted Treelord faces spurts of aggression and anger. A treelord might not be aware of the corruption occurring upon themselves.

    Tier 2


    Taint reaches this stage after 5 OOC days of corruption, their appearance becoming more wilted and warped as if it has taken full effect. Their gaze becomes beast-like, skin rough and scratchy. They have begun to loose control of their own mind, starting to hide in shadowed places.

    Tier 3


    Corruption reaches this stage after 2 OOC weeks of being tainted. Their appearance having become fully warped and wilted. Their tree appeared as if it was on death's doorstep in a state that was barely holding on. The husk is susceptible to beastial tendencies, and relentless attacks.

     Reversing the Taint

    When corruption first occurs one druid is capable of cleansing the Treelord of the taint, and healing them; oftentimes having to hold them down as they lash out and fight back angrily. However once the Corruption begins to set to stages of Tier 2 or 3 it requires additional druids to heal the festering damage. Three druids who possess blight healing must powershare with one another and perform Cleansing to reverse the effects of corruption.

    • At T1 a Blight Healer is able to Cleanse the curse alone.
    • After T2 reversing Requires three druids who possess Blight healing and the spell Cleansing.
    • The corrupted Treelord will attempt to fight back and lash out at those performing the cleansing. 
    • This process has to be done to the husk


    @MayRndz Writing

    @DragonofTaters Co-Writing

    @Pengin Consultation (Helped write the Exhaustion System, Tier System & Heartwood Form)

    @glassyskiesConsultation (Helped with the respawn mechanic)

    @Wand  Origional Consultation

    @squakhawk Origional Consultation

    @Valannor Origional Consultation

    @HobbitForHire Brainstorming and Grammar 

    @DrususBrainstorming and Grammar 

    @craneia Brainstorming and Grammar

    @Willstertheking2 Grammar & Spelling Review

    @Candle Brainstorming 

    @StarGazzerFeedback and Grammar 

    @HazelWazel Feedback

    @bloomtiara Feedback

    @Megahusky Feedback

    @RaiderBlue - Feedback

    The Current Treelord write

    Took some Inspiration from these magics and writing for ideas and formatting, so credit to their creators and writers.






    • Credit to the Art does not belong to me and goes to the respective creators.


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