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Everything posted by MailC3p

  1. honestly, i think the problem is who the raid leader was. my friend, who has a more neutral view on the entire situation had looked at the rules and said that both oren and acre are in the right but also are in the wrong, imo i feel as if, say, Pancho made the raid ticket and was the raid leader. At most with this resolution i feel that the Acreans would be made to go home but the rest would get to stay, at most i'd feel no one would be made to go home and Orenian and Acrean forces can have that 69 man CRP of there dreams.
  2. first it was a coup, now it's a raid?? plus, even if you want to phase it as a external raid, the raid cap when not at war is 20, you all brought 40, external or internal, it was illegal.
  3. oh yeah absolutley pointless seeing as this is the internet and no one will ever change sides to the other because we're all to stubborn to do so. either way, Alex was just following rules
  4. the screenshot you are sending is literally all of the people Alex said to leave, add 9 more people and you have the entire rally size
  5. still can't have external help with internal wars. and yeah, your point? all of Royalists where Orenians, people who had RP'd and fought for Oren for months before the brothers war, then you had the Imperalists who, despite the outside help, still got smashed in battles, that is, in my opinion, why no one complained because it wasn't 2/3'rd of the rally, when Alex TP'd all the unallowed peoples out, Acre had 9 guys left.
  6. it literally says no external help during internal conflict, when 2/3rds of your rally is Haense, Ferrymen, and BV, that cannot be allowed.
  7. I literally do not have a soulstone in my inventory until the absolute moment i need one, then i just do /ss claim
  8. the only NL i've ever seen not lead by OOC was that Savoy Prince (i honestly forgot his name ngl) who deleted his Discord and then immediatley went inactive on lotc and therefore killed Savoy, and i guess Narthok barely used his discord for Arichsdorf shit either, so.
  9. pvp goon wants rp plugin? weird
  10. oh my god i thought the cooking plugin was a joke
  11. You’d be a bear who’s constantly drunk on honey because you’re tired of your kids
  12. going to cook some crystal meth. goin to become mineman Walter White
  13. ngl 60th when i first read this i thought it was making shit like Alchemist fires a mechanical thing again and not just a more detailed way to make alcoholic drinks lol
  14. you mean to tell me 40 people is your baseline for why you think we should bring 1.8 back to lotc? that is absolutley ridiculous. 40 people spread out across an entire map 1v1ing eachother?? okay. i've seen 50 or 60 people fights in Almaris where it didn't lag a bit, does that mean we should keep 1.9?? just a few weeks ago a buncha tripartite people (i forgot how many, i think somewhere between 50-70?) rallied and fought Ferrymen + BV at the Norland Ferrymen keep and there was no lag at all in a battle of like 90 people. during the siege of Haverlock with over 200 people fighting at the same time, there was lag but barely any at all, you would hit a person and half a second later they would take damage. during the sutican war in Arcas, even a battle as small as a 5v5 was enough to crash the entire server sometimes. at the end of the day i would love 1.8 to come back as it's a way lower of a skill gap, means people like the ferrymen or blackvale are less valuable as everyone can left click really quick, but with the performance boosts i've seen during Almaris vs Arcas i just don't see it being reasonable.
  15. I prefer 1.8 for pvp but 1.9 is the only way imo. server can barely handle itself with huge 70v90 fights on main servers, and people straight up fall out of the world in 300 people warclaims which is why 1.8 is so unusable for pvp, LatzMomo sayin "We where literally testing it and it worked flawlessy on beta not two months ago" when the fights where probably no bigger then a 5v5. server was laggy in warclaims even when Mojang owned Minecraft and servers could handle a lot more players in one space, all the way from Arcas to Aegis you can watch any pvp video with an actual sizeable number in it and it lags, i feel it's just boomers reminiscing on old times that don't exist.
  16. >bans me for 3 weeks because i spectated the Malin’or v Krugmar skirm outside of Celia’nor
  17. love this, i am asking... for a friend :) but how far away from avaries do the birds dissapear?
  18. yes it is, but it'll be wonderful at the same time
  19. **** off this was literally the first thing i had planned on using this for.
  20. glad i saw this post because i went to check out the arcas FB world because of it and found some pretty interesting things. y'all should go check out -2365 142 2238 and -2504 141 2085 as well as the surrounding areas, reminds me of the current Almaris w asteland to the west of Krugmar but like 100x better imo
  21. Miryaris he was worried as he was running around Fenn and Nor'sarath unable to find Cailian. Worry began to spread "Where could she be? Where could she be?" He thought to himself as he paced around his small house that he had shared with her, it was the longest he had been without Cailin ever since he had met her, he reached into his back pocket and removed a flower that she had gifted him when they first became friends, long before the two considered eachother brother and sister. "Perhaps she's in Celia'nor? she's probably there" And with that he departed Fenn on horseback through the blizzard of snow, his mind was temporarily put to ease thinking she had just been at Celia'nor, about mid way when he had arrived to Urguan a bird landed on his back carrying a letter. "oh good, it must be Cailian" Miryairs said to himself, once he had opened the letter and read it terror would befall his eyes, "it can't be" he thought to himself, his eyes scanning the paper over and over again to make sure what he was reading was infact real, it was. Miryaris' hand clutched the paper which crumbled it slightly, shortly after a tear fell from his cheek and onto the page below "no... no that can't be real, it can't be" He repeated that line for a few minutes before grabbing the flower from his bag again, he turned back to the path that he had walked, he knew what he had to do for the young elfess who, despite being in his life for not that long, still had a huge impact on him.
  22. MailC3p


    the person who decided on 1.9 combat has since quit the server.
  23. I have awoken since the last time i posted on here, I would like to continue talking here though, anyways, this civil war has nothing on the Halen’our Civil war in terms of OOC toxicity, i mean look at them, they had to get admins to intervene and oocly stop an irp civil war because of the absolute scale of shit being thrown at both sides, whereas, minus day 1 lf the war, the admins have stayed mostly out of the war and just lettting irp actions be irp actions.
  24. of course we are, thank you <3
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