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Everything posted by Fwied

  1. +1 for the zoo keeper -1 because her pizza choice is pretty gross
  2. dogged Every day is a good day when you know the next day can/will be better! (lol idk why I got so wise with that lmao)
  3. Yo! wassup? Well, I'm sure you are doing great! oh me? I am doing fantastic thank you for asking!! Well, what is this? well, this here is going to be my new thing, sorta..? I am not sure yet. Might keep this going for a long time? maybe this is the only one I do? NO IDEA! I am very glad you decided to join me today though! Now, Let's get to it! You have probably read the title so you know the question already! Wow, go you! So, the FIRST question is! What is your favorite pastime? You are welcome to go into as much detail as you like. You could say for example; Reading, playing a sport, art, writing, making something? and so on Now if you would like to know my favorite pastime... Guess what! I will just tell you! The pastime I enjoy is simply.. well I am going to say multiple so if you would like to as well be my guest. My pastimes are; Reading, playing/watching basketball, singing(yes I can sing pretty well tyvm), and Airsoft(do this about once a month) Well, I look forward to the answers below! also if you have any ideas for a better name please share! I am not too sure about the name I came up within like 30 seconds. Please be welcome to say anything that does not involve the question, I would be happy just for any reply! Also if I do this again I will make sure it is of better quality than this post I made in 15 minutes because why not! See you next time!
  4. Looked that up.... man I want that.... A short story about this, I used to love Cookies and Cream but one day I decided I was gonna eat like half a gallon of it and when I was in bed asleep I woke up and threw most of it up... never liked the taste of it since. I like Butter Pecan cake but not the ice cream flavor... strange I know but whatever.
  5. Well, today was the wonderful awesome ICE CREAM DAY, so you better have had some ice cream on this very special day. SO because of this day I am here to ask... What is your favorite Ice cream flavor? My favorite is vanilla, because “I'm a man of simple tastes. I'm always satisfied with the best.” ― Oscar Wilde
  6. Very nice idea, something that is purely driven by just how cool it is and how much clout you would get for having some. (at least that is how i see it i guess)
  7. Don't do magic and don't play lotc anymore but lol guess I am the Avatar
  8. MC Name: Fwied Current Tier: None Desired Tier: Washed Up Reason to be Moved: Cuz me gone lol
  9. You know... Mahi-Mahi is good.. or maybe Alaskan salmon, I suppose both are wonderful! Mahi-Mahi have a rich sweet taste and lots of proteins to keep my penguin self healthy and fast.. fast so no seals or killer whales can hunt and eat me up!!! Alaskan salmon has a taste that just makes you want to lay down and enjoy every bite you take! but just like Mahi-Mahi it is full of all the healthy stuff! even more so than Mahi-Mahi!! So those 2 are my most wonderful favorite Fish to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
  10. I prefer live fish, though it is not that bad. Fwied? I am Pablo.. and who is this Vasili? Cod is a name people use for many fish species so I would not know which one you refer to but i will go off of my favorite the Blue new Zealand Cod! and those are cool!
  11. I Prefer the taste of walleye, but the variety that trout has is very hard to pass up! gonna go with walleye though!
  12. I am Pablo the penguin so I know everything about Fish, so ask me a question about Fish cuz I like Fish! April fools day btw
  13. I like fish, how about you? april 1st lol
  14. Fwied


    So long, and thanks for all the fish! - Douglas Adams
  15. ehh the Airports of Thailand stocks aren't the best thing to invest in but hey! who am I to tell you what to invest and not to invest in!
  16. No, You AMA ha gottem
  17. Name:Charles Vausman Age: 22? or 24 idk forgot Race: human boy Prior Relevant Experience: Prior Relevant Experience is my Experience
  18. Fwied


    I don't hate it but liked the old forums better
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