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Found 9 results

  1. [x] A missive emitted to those closest to Sveneld Andrevich-Ivanovich and Carmila Marie in celebration of their wedding ceremony. THE MISSIVE READ, Carmila and I and rejoiced to announce the matrimony between us, we are thrilled to summon those that have been close by our sides in order to celebrate this magnificent day. We wish all those attending safe passage and will be exited to see you all. THOSE INVITED PERSONALLY, The Most High Regent, The Count of Temesch et Moere Paul Temesch and his pedigree. His Highness, Sovereign of the Aaunic Kingdom, Charles Leopold Alstion and his pedigree. His Serene Highness, Prince of Sedan, Joseph de Joannes and his pedigree. Nicoletta Anastasie Halcourt, Baroness of Artois. Helwig von Bardenwig, Mayor of Sedan. Ser Darius Olivier Halcourt. Josephine Marguerite Halcourt. Emir of Endor. Virion of Cherskavy. Cathy de Vilain. Ludwig von Bardenwig. EVERYONE IS WELCOME OOC DETAILS: SIGNED,
  2. In recent months, LOTC has been on a turn for the worst. OOC relations rule the server, and if you even say one bad thing about a mod, it can be considered harassment and you can be banned for an indefinite amount of time. I have played LOTC for four years, and I have to say, this is the worst I have ever seen it. I'm sure it's been worse, but this is horrid. Admins flaunt powers like its a **** measuring contest, and anyone they don't like can be banned without definitive proof, and the players can't do anything about it. Well, you can, you just all choose not to. There is a simple answer here, and you all fail to see if cause you either can't, or you don't want to for sake of wanting to be ignorant. Don't. Play. LOTC. That's the answer. There is no 'lets try and make the mod team better!' or 'Change the admins!'. Just, don't play. If you truly hate this abuse of power and want a change, than leave the server, and go do something else. For years people have put up with mod and admin abuse for what? Some shitty lore and magic that is power ruled to hell and back? For some community that you wouldn't follow outside of this horrid server? LOTC is addictive to it's core. It's like drinking for example. Sure in moderation it's okay and fun! But then you drink more. And more. And more. And then you're addicted. And your life starts to spiral. And then you can't get out and it isn't fun anymore but you can't stop because it's just that ONE moment of fun you want. You can't keep doing this to yourself. Sure there are going to be people who who still have fun here, but for people who don't and want to leave and need some kind of next step or a sign to do so, I hope this is it. All the OOC drama and grooming and pedophilia can stop, if you just stop playing. This server can't get attention if no one is on it, and that's what the Admins want. They want people to rule over, and if there isn't anyone, they can't have they power they worked so hard for. So please, Stop Playing. Then you won't have to deal with any more waiting for poorly timed events, Mod abuse over OOC conflict, Admins giving reports with no actual proof. It all stops, once you stop hitting enter to rejoin the server. Just Stop. And I know this post is going to be locked, I just don't care enough to not post it. And for anyone who want's to listen, here.
  3. Before you tear me a new one for the title of this post as being 'click bait' or 'Rep farm', I do want say that this is an actual piece that I'm writing because of the current state of the server as seen through a regular, normal, forgettable player's eyes. You in no means have to respond to this or upvote it, I just felt like these opinions needed to be stated. Now since that's out of the way, let me begin by saying this. I've been on LOTC since the beginning of Atlas. I'm by no means a veteran or a new player, but I've had my fair share of interactions, stories, events, and bad encounters with the people of this server. LOTC has been a place where I can go to put off steam and simply run around and have a fun time. Yes the constant Tavern RP simulator can get boring, but its bearable when you make your own things to do. Wacky, over the top characters are my specialty and joy of my life here on LOTC. Running around as a homeless crack dealer throwing spiders at people, being a chef who follows the words of a Kitchen pantheon, a tavern owner of a sewer nation for some time. The most fun I've ever had in RP is on these characters. The problem is either the gates being closed at every nation, the people of said nations sticking themselves in the tavern for Tavern RP sim, or being shot down by a guard every time I walk ten feet. Playing over the top characters has become immensely unenjoyable because of the fact that every time I walk into a nation like Elysium, I'm told that someone is going to kill my character OOCly just because they can. What can I do about it? Nothing cause I don't put PVP or meta combat build weapons on the character cause I want to have fun. Its been around for 3-4 years, but these days LOTC is slowly losing its fun factor. Rules and workarounds have slashed fun RP encounters and make everything a war on who's build is the best and who can do the most damage while not having a single ounce of fun. I get people want serious RP, and that's fine! I just want to go back to a time where nations didn't bash me for playing a Chef who just wants to give free food to people. People desperately seek out STs to run events, and then look at the players who want to make fun interactions and ignore them, or lower their want to play the character because they personally don't like a concept. But hey, who knows. Maybe next time I walk to the Vale and say I can't remove my helmet for religious reasons they won't shun me for wanting to give them free food. (Yes this did happen, yes I do not regret going there on two occasions screaming to let me in to feed them stew.) I know this rant won't get any attention, but if you've ever played an over the top character, might as well share their story here. Plus its good to hear about who's played what and what their own view on this topic is. (Btw this isn't mean to bash any nation besides maybe the Vale. Elysium is chill tho. It's where I go to get Zooted and Hammered IRP.)
  4. Hey guys, with the 10 year throwback video, I thought it would be cool for us to compile a bunch of pictures from old nations, playerbases, etc. to continue on the train of remembrance. Throw in your favorite screenshots from the past years!
  5. Hi, if you're a T5 wizard and you're looking for a student contact me on discord. My name on discord is GeneralPumpkinCZ#1005.
  6. @Lionbileti here u go bro enjoy some content to welcome u back to lotc
  7. Part of another Guide I made, which I will not be posting on the forums. Pasted from a google document. I may extend upon this in the future, but this is how LotC's current economy works in general. The Beginning: Understanding LotC’s Economy Basics: Sources of Income At the source of it all, LotC’s economy is driven by trade and skills. There are several sources of income a player can utilize. For the rest of this guide I will be using the standard price of skill tomes, a valued item of 1000 mina generally, as a benchmark to compare values. The ‘Voter’ The first source I will talk over is voting. Currently LotC’s system of voting allows the player to gather small amounts of income over time. This benefits the returning player who plays everyday as they get their chance to gain income over time. This is a very stable, but fluctuating source of income that does not show large amounts of yield to the player. With 14 days of voting, roughly half a month, a player can expect an equivalent of 600-800 mina. This, in comparison to skill tome, is a somewhat large sum of currency, but in comparison to a land charter, it is very minimal. Despite the average voter’s income being minimal, there are a wide range of possibilities they could spend their money on, such as equipment crafted by other skills which are directly in their income range. The ‘Crafter’ The second source of income I will talk about is trading of equipment, gear for PvP and tools. There are several professions that can craft gear for a player. There are 4 standard ones that are used heavily, which are Blacksmith, Enchanter, Woodworker, and Leatherworker. There are other skills which can craft things that can be utilized as equipment or things for PvP, but they are not as important as these few. All of these skills which craft items require a gathering profession to gather them materials for their crafts. This is where a clear pyramid of economy can be seen. The players who are of these crafting professions sell their wares to other players for Medium to Low prices. Ranging from 600 to as little as 20 mina. This is where the ‘voter’ who votes daily directs their flow of income to. These ‘crafters’ then gather their income from both voting and their clients shopping for their wares. Despite a large amount of income, they have to spend their money on others who gather them wares. The ‘crafter’s also can use skill tomes provided by ‘gatherer’s which makes their reliance even stronger. The ‘Gatherer’ The third source of income is the ‘gatherer’ professions. These professions or skills tend to be the very base of the pyramid, structuring the economy as they determine the price and rate of inflation. These gathering profession yield meager amounts of income as they sell large amounts of materials for low prices to the ‘crafters.’ Despite their low prices of which they sell wares, a dedicated crafter can be of the top tier professions as they have little cost compared to income, unlike the ‘crafter’ who has a high cost to income ratio. Along with this, they are always in high demand. The ‘gatherer’ is also a source of skill tomes for the crafting professions. The ‘Tax Collector’ The last source of income is the ‘tax collector.’ This role in the economy does not stem from skills or professions. The ‘tax collector’ is a player who owns land and provides housing for said ‘voters’, ‘crafters’, and ‘gatherers’. This role, if done efficiently is that of the very top of the economy. Even with it’s pros, it has many cons. The Pros of the ‘tax collector’ are that of yielding lots of income at a scaling rate, and having little to no cost besides building involved. The cons are very harsh though as a ‘tax collector’, because their income is directly related to their efficiency and ability to attract residents and have them to pay taxes. This role requires a lot of maintenance in comparison to a profession or the ‘voter’. They must maintain a stable player base that is active, this is a big series of problems for many. Summary of Income In an overview, LotC’s economy can be either very saturated in one portion, or dry in another ranging from player to player. This is due to the fact that those who are committed to their role and capitalize on the market fair much better than others. The driving factor of inflation, the dread of all economies, stems from the gathering professions and the amount of currency in ratio to goods produced. Hierarchical Analysis This hierarchy is determined by maximum efficiency and flow of income, if everything is working according to the best that it can. Top Tier : ‘Tax collector’ Top-Middle Tier : ‘Gatherer’ Middle Tier : ‘Crafter’ Bottom Tier : ‘Voter’ The ‘Tax collector’ is at the top, because of the low cost and high yield of income if efficient. It is very profitable in the middle and later stages of the economy. The ‘Gatherer’ is just below the top, because of the constant high demand, volatile market a ‘gatherer’ works in with low cost and medium yield of income if efficient. It is susceptible to terrible inflation compared to work in the later stages of the economy, but profitable in the early stages. The ‘Crafter’ is middle tier, because of the equal cost and yield of the profession. It has much potential in the middle stage of the economy, proving to be very important throughout the economy’s life. The ‘Voter’ is at the bottom, because of the fact of the lack of promise in the increase of the stable yield of currency over a set time period. It is better paired with all of the other roles as to give a bonus. Despite it’s lack of potential, it drives the amount of currency in the economy, rivalling the amount of materials in the market. Ratio Analysis There are several distinct ratios that can be seen in the market and economy. I will be presenting these ratios as that of a mathematical equation, just like a normal ratio in mathematics, followed by a short explanation. Formated as so: A / B = C ------ Currency in the market/Materials in the market = Inflation or value of currency This is the ratio of the value of currency. It is directly determined by the amount of currency in the market and the amount of materials in the market. This can easily be seen over the lifetime of a market or economy as a map changes on LotC. This is, because the markets are entirely wiped of currency and produce. At the start of a market, there is little currency in comparison to raw materials produced by ‘gatherer’s as they attempt to do what they do, and earn money, capitalizing on the new frontier that is the fresh, clean market. Toward the end of a market’s lifetime, the value of currency becomes more valued than raw materials as the market is saturated by more raw materials than currency. This can be explained as a chart Y Axis = Amount of Produce in the Market (Abundance of goods) X Axis = Lifetime of the Market (Time into the map) (Numbers of the chart are just benchmarks, no significant values) ------ Amount of Crafters / Amount of Gatherers = Price Inflation This is the ratio of the value of the prices of crafted items. It is directly determined by the the ratio of crafters to gatherers. This is best for choosing a profession to utilize in order to gain large amounts of income. Timing is key. The Beginning: Lifespan of the Economy Time: Map Resets On LotC, the life of the economy of any given map is marked by resets and new maps. Currently skills are said to be reset at the change of a map. Currency is always wiped also. This creates a fresh start for all at the beginning of a map and new markets dawn the horizon with a brand new, blank slate of an economy. This is the best time of any to capitalize on the market with an equal opportunity at wealth. Map resets are for the most part good. This is, because of the fact that when a map run’s its lifespan, it is too saturated with inflation that professions do not benefit for the amount of work put in place. Players are then deterred from leveling their skills as there are already people at the top dominating the market. A new map means new opportunity for those left at the bottom. An unsaturated market with high values for materials. This is the best time for a player to take on a gathering profession or start crafting to get a head start on the profession leader-board. Although, during certain periods of the map's lifespan different roles become more profitable. The Beginning: Utilizing LotC’s Economy Structure: Markets At the heart of LotC’s economy, there are the different markets of buying and selling the various goods which allows the flow of wealth to the different roles and the players of these roles more importantly. Storefronts For the longest time, LotC has boasted a shopping plugin which donors can utilize. This plugin is a market in its own for players. It allows the player to buy and sell without being present! Genious! This is heavily used by both all roles, even the ‘tax collector’ who sets up a storefront and a drop off location for tax collection. Store fronts are also the determining factor of inflation. This is where it occurs, because of the fact that primarily ‘gatherer’s attempt to gain more income by lowering their prices lower than their competitors, thus ‘crafter’s will shop at their store as it has a much lower price than that of someone else's. This trend sets the tone for the economy as the raw materials being sold at a store front are the standard price of the time, influencing the value of every other material and produce. Clients Another market, mostly used by ‘gatherer’s are clients. Clients are individual people who request a certain material on a daily in order to fund their trade. This tends to be the relationship between ‘crafter’ and ‘gatherer’ and the ‘crafter’ is dependent on the ‘gatherer’ to give them materials for crafting. The relationship is not always mutual. This kind of market is usually that which fares the best, as there will be a longer life span between a provider and a client than that of a volatile storefront. The Auction House A very important market in the economy of LotC is the auction house. The auction house lets anyone sell their wares at any given time without them being present, but presents wares in a very competitive market. Prices of items can easily be undermined by others. Despite these defects, the auction house is where the more valued items of LotC’s economy can be found, such as caskets, skill tomes, powerful gear, and the likes.
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