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[Event Creature] Those That Feed In Red. Imp Parasite.


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You, good sir, are awarded one +1


This has my full support, I think you did a wonderful job avoiding normal "vampire" cliches, creating something entirely different and unique to LotC lore. It was very well written and clearly had a lot of thought and effort dedicated to it, and I urge it be seriously considered.


Good luck, I'd love to see your ideas implemented. :D

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Thank you all for the kind words. If there are any questions, feel free to ask!


Edit: Process of affliction via ooc means updated on the main post!

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I really, really like this idea! Just like with Benbobean, I didn't even think of this being like vampirism! Just a simply question, and I don't know if it is answered in the OP since I skimmed through this, but would someone of older age die rather than still being infected? Because since they're weaker and probaply need more blood, they would die since the paraiste needs blood too. 

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The Ageless body concept sounds nice, though you should set up a maximum age where the body begins to just deteriorate on its own.

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I really, really like this idea! Just like with Benbobean, I didn't even think of this being like vampirism! Just a simply question, and I don't know if it is answered in the OP since I skimmed through this, but would someone of older age die rather than still being infected? Because since they're weaker and probaply need more blood, they would die since the paraiste needs blood too. 


It is answered in the original post. 


By having the parasite attached to you, you attain a much, much longer livelihood. By activating inactive glands, slowing hormone and the aging process down drastically, you wither much more slowly. Thus older age would not effect this as much. Answered in more detail in the op.


As for what you said Hex, I can understand that slightly which is why I decided not to make it "infinite age". They will not live forever, but they will live for hundreds of years longer at the least. The body would still age and deteriorate, but much much slower. I wont add any definite age limit as I believe I can trust those who role play this not to abuse it. Should any problems arise I will most certainly change that though!

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Hey, quick question; when this gets implemented (as I'm confident it will be), will the parasites begin in one concentrated source or will it begin in different areas around Anthos? Also, how does the parasite affect magic users (if at all)?

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Hey, quick question; when this gets implemented (as I'm confident it will be), will the parasites begin in one concentrated source or will it begin in different areas around Anthos? Also, how does the parasite affect magic users (if at all)?


Great question man, I'll do my best to answer in detail.


For the first question; I plan on being the original carrier in Anthos. I have a role play scenario set up to establish my character if this lore is accepted and explain in more detail how he acquired the beast. The roleplay is a bit tight lipped right now as I am still in the process of writing it and would like to keep it under lock and key until it is released, but the simple answer is that an event happened which will lead to a single parasite left, attached to my character which of course will spread in time with Asexual reproduction. 


Leading onward into your next question, I must admit that this is wildly unexpected and a grand question. I did not really think about this truth be told, though using knowledge I already have written on this, I can try to explain it's effects. Magic users whom retain a normal body structure, biology and such, will be effected fully. This creature is a physical threat, not a magical one. Though while saying this I could say that it wouldn't be impossible for a powerful mage to somehow conquer one of these beasts. 


Generally they would feel the same effects unless they had a good reason not to. Thank you for the questions bro, they caught me off guard but I am glad someone is still asking some ^.^


On a side note I can say officially that the lore is completed and utterly ready for review. I have completed other sections such as the ooc process of getting into the role play. Whenever the lore team is ready I am ready. If anyone has any questions, concerns, thoughts or anything of the sort I would absolutely love to hear them. Thank you all for the continued support!

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How would someone 'catch' this parasite? By it simply finding its way to you, or what?

Do they look like dragons when not attached to you? :3

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How would someone 'catch' this parasite? By it simply finding its way to you, or what?

Do they look like dragons when not attached to you? :3


Yay more questions. Here goes~


When you say "Catch" I am not sure entirely what you mean. It is a creature and not a common cold. I assume you mean how can you find one. As I told Theo, if or when this lore is accepted I have a scenario set up that will explain the current situation the beasts are in. When it first starts out there will be only one of these creatures in Anthos which will be attached to my character  Of course I have plans to spread it around to people whom wish to be hosts. 


When the creature is not on a host it can and will wait for centuries upon centuries for a possible host to stumble upon it. Should that happen it will of course try to bind itself to you. If that answered the question, great! If not then I hope you can elaborate a bit.


As for the second question; They do not look like "Dragons" when not attached to a host. They maintain a rather bland shapeless form. It is a very flexible creature. The reason it wraps around it's host (giving it the shape of what some see as a dragon tattoo) is to allow easier attachment of it's roots in the binding process. It is not always going to be the same shape.


Hope this helped and thank you for the questions!

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Do they have a personal preference to certain races? Like, Kha' over Humans or something? Or would that depend on their personality? If they have personalities, that is.


Could they be allergic to things?

How fast could they go if they needed to, like, rush to a host that's walking fast? Or quickly go to safety if a mob or something was chasing them?

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Do they have a personal preference to certain races? Like, Kha' over Humans or something? Or would that depend on their personality? If they have personalities, that is.


Could they be allergic to things?


How fast could they go if they needed to, like, rush to a host that's walking fast? Or quickly go to safety if a mob or something was chasing them?


More great questions!


In regards to your first one, I would say no, they don't. The Imp Parasite is attracted to blood of all descendant races (Adapted to the Kha in Asulon). Blood is blood for them. They are not sentient until they bond with a host, and thus do not have any personality or intelligence until then.


Allergic to things... Really the answer would be no. They are very simple when it comes to their biology and thus I do not think allergies would effect them. If you could elaborate on something specific I could answer in more depth.


Your last question is really unexpected. I would say they maintain a decent moving speed that could match about half a Humans running speed. When without a host they crawl and ooze their way around. I'd say they could get up to a max of say 6-7 miles per hour, not much more. In regards to running from a mob, if they were off of the host then they would likely not even have the intelligence to know the mob meant them harm.


Hope this helped!

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In all honesty you did a great job it was a fun read it wasn't a chore or a foot slog to get through it, it was a pleasure to lay my eye's upon it and I'd be glad to see this in Lord of the Craft.


So.. with little a do you have my vote



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In all honesty you did a great job it was a fun read it wasn't a chore or a foot slog to get through it, it was a pleasure to lay my eye's upon it and I'd be glad to see this in Lord of the Craft.


So.. with little a do you have my vote




Thank you, and all the supporters, for the lovely comment. I am glad this has found much support and can't wait until I get a chance at it being reviewed. 


In the meantime if anyone has anyone questions or comments, as usual please feel free to ask them. If anyone is particularly interested in this role play I would love to hear any ideas via pms!

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Hope the lore’s coming along nicely, glad to see you’re eager to answer questions~

Anyways, I was wondering how much blood Mr. Parasite would need to consume weekly (in approximated liters) – Specifically, is it so much that it’d probably force the host to steal large quantities of blood from others, committing murderous acts and such? Or could a determined individual resist harming others by devising alternative, more humane, sources of blood, given that they’re ample enough?

Also, about how fast can the Parasite “drink?” Through the host’s skin that is.

Thanks in advance!

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