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  1. Past hour
  2. Braecorp representatives have been dispatched to valuate Riftmakers Association for a potential merger-and-acquisition.
  3. O'zen considered what they had been told. The talk of a great act. As the missive reached her, she considered the brief exchange they had over letter. It was time now, to stand before it yet again. Her craft had advanced deeply since the last time she had spoken to her kin. Possibility lay before her. It was time to travel, again.
  4. If you bring back Oren, I'll bring back Gaius Marius to split that kingdom in half.

    1. Turbo_Dog


      Bring back the GOAT

  5. Super interesting interpretation that is in line with the other evos format 1+
  6. Renata Alba long had gifts prepared for her very first nephew. She cooed over the newborn, extending out painted nails to pinch at chubby cheeks - much to the dismay of her eldest son, Thiago, who stared grumpily in one year old fashion. "Little bebe-"
  7. Today
  8. On the 8th of Veronica’s Strength of 107 D.R. [!] A depiction of Andres del Maravillas cradle. In the early morning, as the rays of the sun just began to filter out over Hyspia, did the Infante Rafael Arsenico and his wife Persis del Maravilla welcome in a child. Sporting the darkened hair of his mother, and his fathers eyes, a son was welcomed into their household two Saints nights ago. The Lord Andres Alonso Ignacius Esteban del Maravilla Born beneath the Hyspian Zodiac of El Toro, the dual Baronial household of del Maravilla wishes the newborn babe confidence and spontaneity in all that he does. The Lord Andres has been baptized in private within the Church of Blessed Francisco, and the family asks that people pray for this new life. ON HEIRSHIP On the matter of heirship, despite Lord Andres being the firstborn, the heirship will be considered meritorial. It matters not when you were born, but instead what you do with your lot in life and how you make use of it. Upon the Baronial couple's youngest child reaching the coming-of-age of fifteen, the heir will be announced. Signed, His Highness, Rafael Arsenico del Maravilla, Infante of Hyspia, Baron of Evaristus, Ministro del Pais, Envoy of Hyspia, Court Astrologer Su Señora, Persis del Maravilla, Baroness-Consort of Evaristus
  9. Hummingbird's head dully thumps into the nearest wall upon seeing the missive. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk-
  10. A certain 'Fenn would chuckle reading the missive before stowing it in a bag and saddling up "Time to go on a journey, i guess"
  11. Aserath, having seen yet another one of these missives, confirming his hopes of investment of others to whatever this was, decided to also send a letter himself. "This should be interesting." he spoke, as he watched his trusty Raven fly off to deliver the letter.
  12. Sarah Artenin, The Great Sage, Witch of the Profane Flame, Luminary of Ayathel, Caster of Artenin's Ruination and most importantly Wife of Faeryel Artenin, looked upon yet another missive from The Riftmakers Association. It was with a sigh that she held it in hand, staring at its contents. Perhaps, she thought, she'd pen a letter. That was all.
  13. "Celebration of sin, one could say." Stated Father Edmund.
  14. It came to her in a dream; a sanctum of lucidity that held very few unwanted mysteries. But there it was: an object she could not will away. It was a lamp, of all things, that she seemed to fixate on, on this night. Tentatively she reached for its pull switch. Click It was not darkness she saw, but instead the absence of anything at all. Here, there was no light, nor sound, nor anything to touch her senses. Knowing she was asleep proved to be of comfort; in here, her head, she was in control. She could not be harmed. Whatever foulness sought to be levied against her, she was confident it could be repelled like so many other interlopers before. Stipples of white dots begin to turn on, one by one, expressly blanketing the impossible darkness with light. The lamp was one, and had become many. It comes far too suddenly for description to do it any good. Blinding, searing, scorching light.. And yet...? Nothing. The pain that was supposed to come from this cataclysm never came. Sarah found herself in the middle of the crack itself - the eye of the storm, so to speak, upon a glass platform. From her platform, she viewed this ululating crack - but could not hear it. It is a blemish. A black mark. A stain. And it did not welcome her. She felt herself falling suddenly, glimpsing only for a moment the vaguest idea of where this rift might be, as she was dragged down into the abyss. "Shit. Here it comes." She thought. A grasping claw built of a sickening, cryptic poison that sought to take her form- Click She had not realised it until just then but the pull switch was still in hand, and she'd instinctively yanked it. Stirring from her sleep, her senses found themselves returning. It was not a particularly harsh rousing. After all, this singular moment was but hypnic jerk. The crackling of a fireplace. Familiarity. Safety. Company. Home.
  15. Smol


    Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great! - Please remember to add dialogue of your character speaking and make any actions in 3rd person! This is to ensure we know what you are doing! - Your Physical Description needs a bit more detail! If you’re lost on what to add, height, eye color, hair color, hair length, etc. are all good. You’ll be given 48 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me! My discord is smol_bean ! If you don’t have discord, please message me on the forums! If you need to contact me, or need help, you can join the LotC Discord here :Discord If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI Lastly is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub
  16. Oren…. I feel like I forgot something… 

  17. "He's making it out the Heith-Hedran with this one." Said some Inferi when the local reporters flock for comments.
  18. [!] Large quantities of missives are dispersed, flitting into population centers, carried by red-tinged winds. Greetings to the citizens of Aevos. I am the Voidal-Lich Az’rekash, otherwise known by the name Lanre Cerusil. I was intensely glad to see dozens of letters flood in after my past missive. Truly, I had no idea that the desire of furthering the Void was so commonplace. It was so popular, indeed, that I was able to take a special action to commemorate the nascence of our organization. You shall soon see it if you have not felt it; a great Tear resides in the world, a size of which has not been seen since to Descendants since that great calamity of Ando Alur. Indeed, a calamity it may seem, but my intentions are not awful - I only wish to use it as a place of study and pilgrimage for those interested in further matters of the Void. I will be guarding it more closely and with greater numbers, as a force eventually came to close my previous one. So long as this new project is untouched, no disaster will come, and no further Tears must be made; indeed, this would be a nice eventuality, where this site could be used for great feats of magic and scholarship. However, as this is unlikely to occur, I will be starting recruitment in earnest. The next Tear after this shall be multiple magnitudes greater than even this great one, so if you truly fear the innovation of the Void, then it would be wise for you to either allow this one to remain, or find a way to kill me. If you are interested in any matters of the Void, I have taken it upon myself to see to it that it is furthered; I rest upon the edge of this maw, and I do not eat or sleep. Come to me and I will show you great things; no harm shall occur should you come without hostile intent. Otherwise, I should assume those who came to close the last Tear know the danger that is represented. We do not wish war on the world, nor its destruction. Together, we will achieve great and incomprehensible feats in this new age, and the Void will pave the way towards an age of our own design - yes, a mortal one, but undetermined by dragon or god. This is our vision. To those who have written to me and gone unanswered, I shall soon reach out once more - write again if I do not. If you have not yet heeded my call, then you need naught but write to join us. AZ'REKASH [OOC: Hello, this is a very large experiment, there is now a massive tear open to the world, free to interact with. I will be there irp 24/7 to interact there for anyone interested in Voidal RP or for Voidal mages who want to get into the deeper or darker side of things. Nothing is stopping you from offlining this Tear, though the ST might blow you up and call it a PK event (i don't have anything to do with that) but if no one does that this will be pretty cool If that doesn’t happen, when the eventual time comes to siege this down, send me a dm and we can have an awesome huge battle which pursues narrative and doesn’t give people cancer (beyond having to deal with buffed Voidal magic) Also bird me ingame if you want to help make even bigger tears than this… 👀 Thanks!!!]
  19. First Edition A collection of Hymns written by the Duke of Brabant, Ser Sterling Whitewood, as he is battling sickness. These have been published at the Duke’s request for the people to enjoy and use. ASH Oh Free my flame, to the sky Upon the pyre, I shall arrive My kin and friends, do not cry This is to what we all strive Spread the ash and mark the birch Keep God’s land, as it was birthed For it must be, unbismirched Be the bane of the accursed. You shall know to set the flame. Once you feel the longing call, A pious end for knights and dames, Peace to all your goodly souls Oh Free my flame, to the sky Upon the pyre, I shall arrive My kin and friends, do not cry This is to what we all strive STRENGTH Lord, My god Give, me strength Let, me keep My foes at length At, the end Of my, blade Please, God guide Its swing and strike The wicked Shall have No pyre Oh God Bless me To not tire Forgive me If I fail Lord, My god Give us all strength OWYN Oh Holy Purifier Owyn, the repentant one The roaring fire, is my choir. If I sin, I know the way Following your singed steps On the holy path I’ll stay Oh Holy Purifier Owyn, the repentant one I am your eternal squire In the darkest, longest nights Your fires are our guiding stars By your teachings I shall live till My final rites
  20. At first, you are totally lucid, enveloped in the activities which populate days and make time indistinct and gaseous. The next moment, however, you are thrust into the comprehension of things that should be beyond you, but are conveniently drilled right into your eye sockets. It is first an endless tapestry of darkness. Stars- though they were perhaps more akin to granules- populate the area and surge towards each other and combine to form specks. Soon, from the infinite Void, substance was born from nothingness, and abstract things which could not be identified managed to form an image. You are frozen in an instant that feels like countless eternities. Indeed, in the instant where the image before you is deciphered, the random groupings of motes become comprehensible by your mind. It is pain. What is this? There had been peace, but then you had been troubled, for a time. The Veil had been disturbed. But now, as a swirling vortex was in your view, a pain you could not have imagined fried your nerves. The pain consumed you. It persisted and persisted, your sensitivity not hardened enough to deal with whatever trauma had been inflicted upon the Veil. Eventually you saw it in its full glory: a senseless maelstrom, boundless energy spread in great radius, so densely that it could not possibly all be harnessed by mortal will. You saw it with your full being, the concept of its sight and the pain you feel referentially equal. It was massive; it dwarfed the greater part of the plain upon which it stood. What was this? It was not outside the realm of mortal creation, but its construction was incomprehensible. Who would craft such a horrible engine of destruction? Do mages of the Void truly hold such evil, or was this the result of something else? You felt it erode your understanding of things. Your fractured mind, forced to make new acknowledgements, frantically moved to understand what you saw. . . Abruptly you awake, freed from the mind-numbing pain. Immediately, you observed a strange sensation of difference. It felt as if the world which you inhabit now was different than the one before. It was sure in your mind that for better or worse, something about your life had changed. [This vision is only available to Veil Watchers with the Event Horizon ability.]
  21. Theodore Elwood smiles as he marks the date. "Fifteen good years of celebrating the love of so many fellow Petrans and Heartlanders." he'd say with a growing warmth in his heart. "Oh!" he'd exclaim with a smack to the face. "That means it's about the anniversary for the Reinholds, too. I ought to send them a card."
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