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The Valiant Applications

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THE VALIANT is a group that was created by Captain Oliver Crowley for the army of the Levy of Valles. The Valiant has now since moved on to accomplish its own goals, but recruitment has not ended. If you wish to join the Valiants, please fill out an application below.
Roleplay Name:
Experience (experience in military organizations, guilds, or armies):

Skype Name:

How active would you say you would be?:
How do you think you could cope with the other Valiants?:
Do you vow that you will be there for the group at anytime needed?:
Can you be on time for training/practices?

Please take the time to fill out this application, every bit of help will be great. ~Oliver Crowley (zman513)

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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