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[Wip] Anima, Tools Of Vengeance


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Legend [WIP]:


Through the regions of Athera and the land across, murder and crime have always ran amok. However, at least there are those who punish them. Here comes the Anima, a servant of justice, one that exacts revenge and vengeance, be it with the law or against it...


Main Information:


Anima are normal people controlled by others, they are mainly used for revenge. Anima are born as they are or are created through emotional stress, panic and so forth, the first being the most common while the last two being quite rare.


The Anima are near-perfect soldiers for revenge and vengeance. They are any normal person at first glance. However, the Anima are people, those of the descendant races, Kha included, are ones who are controlled by a single being, a master, at certain times, the times they aren’t controlled they are normal. (The time when they are in control of themselves will be called the “normal” phase and whene they are forced to act against their will is the “Controlled” phase). That master can control the Anima through ways of persuasion, torture and so forth.


The bond between master and Anima is a very strange one. An Anima is subjected to the will of their master, but before they actually are able to be commanded, a master must form a bond or relationship with one. To form a bond with an Anima, the master must either have known them well enough during their “normal” phases or have a lone Anima, one with no master, acclimated to their control and presence of the new master. ((Note that an Anima can OOCly talk to someone who would like to be their master and would fit the lore))


During an Anima’s controlled phase, they develop a weak telepathic connection with their master. With this telepathic connection, a master, being no more than the visible range of the Anima, can command and direct an Anima. Should the master loose visible sight of their Anima, their command is neutralized. The more specific a command, the less free will an Anima possesses, while the more generic a command the more “free will” an Anima acquires, sometimes enough will to find loopholes within the command and somehow be able to disobey their master. 


Controlling more than one Anima will prove to be extremely difficult on the part of the master. For one, a master must, when controlling their Animas, be able to balance his control amongst them, meaning the more Animas within his disposal, the less specific control he has over each individual Anima. Along with that, very rarely, an Anima will know another Anima in their Normal phase, that they may have conflicts with one another in their Controlled phase. 


Laws of the Anima:


The Laws of the Anima govern what Animas and their masters are able to do and what they cannot do.


The Law of Vengeance by Death: If an Anima is commanded to kill a person, the person MUST be a murderer, they must have been presented with prior evidence to the victim before they can enact their master’s will. Failure to do so will cause the Anima to either betray his or her master or severe their bond, leaving them.


The Law of Respect: An Anima must show respect towards the master, unless there master broke the Law of Vengeance by Death.


The Law of Vengeance by Harassment: This law allows the Anima and it’s master to reap revenge through harassment, which can range from small pranks to beatings, so long as the Anima never has to kill.


The Law of Obedience: The Anima must be loyal to the commands of their master, not necessarily the master themselves. Meaning, an Anima can hate and even try to plot against their master, but they must always do as they are commanded, so long as the commands do not break any of the laws.


The Law of Innocence: This law forbids the Anima to bring any harmful or negative conflict or harm towards a child, baby, etc. Thus, an Anima cannot and will not attack or even harass a child, pregnant woman or baby.




The Anima look perfectly the same in both the Normal and Controlled phases, that being the normal descendant races features. However, an Anima’s eyes, during the Controlled phase, always give off a dim shimmer of  light.




An Anima will retain all it’s previous intelligence from it’s Normal phase during it’s Controlled phase, even memories. However, after an Anima has gone through the Controlled phase, their master can choose to wipe their memories of them being controlled. THE ANIMA GAIN NO SUDDEN BOOST OF KNOWLEDGE, WIT AND CUNNING DURING THE CONTROLLED PHASE.



- As an Anima, they are able to ignore pain, given that their command is strong enough to overcome natural fear and pain. This does not mean they cannot feel pain, simply ignore it and bear with it. This also means that they can be killed as any other normal being can.



- Sometimes an Anima experiences memory loss due to their master’s wishes.

- During the Controlled phase, the Anima has little to no free will in terms of their commands.

- Commanded and cannot be integrated into normal society during their controlled phases.




- Anima must do what their master says, but if they can find loopholes in those commands, they may alter it’s meaning and gain more freedom.


- Anima must abide to the laws.


- Anima gain no other strengths other than the one listed above.


How to become and Anima and/ or master:


If this lore is accepted, anyone RPly can become and Anima or master. However, a small 5 minute application will be made so that I can keep track of those playing and monitor any powergaming or those breaking rules.

The app will look like this:


MC Name:


Forum Name:


Anima Name:


Master Name:


Master MC Name:


Reason to join (1 or 2 sentences):




More than likely, the Anima and Anima masters will have an infinite amount of open slots, the application, again, is just a way to keep track of those playing.

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no applications, no more limited stuff. -1 

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no applications, no more limited stuff. -1 


The applications take literally 5 minutes, honestly don’t see why you don’t like having the tiniest application. Like I said, it’s to help keep track of those playing them, I would rather not have people going around powergaming.

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The applications take literally 5 minutes, honestly don’t see why you don’t like having the tiniest application. Like I said, it’s to help keep track of those playing them, I would rather not have people going around powergaming.

They said the same on magic types, and villainy, yes? Something like this should either be open to everybody, or nobody, not specific people with accepted applications. 

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