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[Lore] Conduits Of Enlightenment


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Conduits of Enlightenment




Projection, dreams, what are they? How do we do these things? Why is it when we meditate sometimes we slip into a different state of sorts, what enables the feeling of bliss whilst we meditate. Whilst traversing the reaches of our realm, I have asked many people of different nationalities, beliefs, and lifestyles. Though, oddly enough there was a constant in many of who I Asked. Sages, Soothsayers,Wise, old, shamans and so forth. Many of what we in civilization would call these people stated a similar belief in that, it has to do with soul.. That when we meditate we project our own spirit and imprint it upon our world  making it a mark that will forever remain.. Now, of course I was, and still am skeptical.. Though, I have learned many things of my recent endeavors these past few years.. Something I have been searching for, for a plethora of years. To finally connect to my soul, meld both my mind and spirit together to achieve a new state of being.. No, ascensions, no rebirth, undeath, or that nonsense but the pure bliss of finding ones own spirit.. Now. Enough for introductions let me write this in a more formal manner.


It is what some gurus call, Projecting, Faded, Awake Dreaming( Sidenote-This man was not the most educated in literacy, or language), or Equilibrium. What this is has no true name, so for formality's sake let us call it Stasis for now. What it is I have found is the connecting of ones own mind to their spirit. Now, this has not and cannot be proven of course though it is what many believe it may be something completely different for all we know. What it is the equilibrium one may get when we meditate for a prolonged period of time. Waiting, waiting waiting, wai- there! you have it.. That  ‘click’ of sorts or spark of life when you meditate filling your mind with wisdom, much like when a magic user connects with the void, or whatever the source they choose in their palette, it is a similar feeling to that. What I have been told and taught is in fact the ability to latch onto that state of mind and be able to go about my day with such. This ability is a serene feat indeed, allowing whoever peace of mind wherever they go, all stress, worries, all go away giving me a much clearer head to think of other things such as studying. Now, to achieve this alone, takes rigorous training, not of muscle, or body, but of mind. To infinitely connect your own spirit to your mortal state of consciousness is quite a thing, that requires quite a bit of training. And so to do so you must meditate for a long while, hours, days, weeks perhaps as long as it takes to meet this ‘click’. Now, when you have gotten this click you cannot latch onto it right away for it has just left you. What you do when infinitely looping this ‘stasis’, is you must get acquainted with this feeling know it well. And then when you have gotten accustomed to the feeling of, entering the state you are set. The next time you are to meditate, remain on your toes for you only have a split second to achieve this. The exact moment you feel the connections to your soul you must exert all of your mana, in different ways. Perhaps those who have control over their mana to seep it from their body, through a spell? Any way to remove a large enough portion of your mana from your body which scales according to your mana pool size. If you have a large mana pool, you must expel more energy, less mana less expelling of energy savvy?


Now, we are connected our consciousness, mind, and spirit are all bridged together in unison. It is possible to stop there, and remain in this state for as you are in this state you will know hopefully get recognition of souls, and spirits, gain appreciation and no longer wish to take others spirits from the realm. Though, it is but hope.. Now, to go further. After reaching this state of being, of equilibrium how far can we go exactly? This is precisely what we are doing, in which we may extend our own reaches of consciousness in order to go even further into meditation. This is what I was talking of before, what sages called, fading, or awake dreaming. The next time we meditate we no longer will achieve this ‘click’ and in its place we slip into a new realm entirely. For it is slipping our own consciousness away from our bodies to travel across an unnamed plane which we create within our own souls and may see first hand. Some may say an illusion, whilst others simply call blasphemy and lies. It is gaining a higher tier of consciousness, much like the shamans go into the spirit realm and may traverse the plane in their own spirit you are doing something similar but oh so different. Instead you are delving into your own soul itself placing a metaphysical representation upon it with total control over your surroundings. Now, it is hard to explain for it can only be shown. So do bear with me. But indeed, you are projecting your mind unto a new plane a realm of everything entirely. Whilst your body remains in the realm we are in now, all functions end as your soul and mind are elsewhere. Do you wish to project your mind into a jungle filled with beautiful leaves and flourishing with life? Indeed you may and wander about in your meditative travels, or perhaps a large mountain, an ocean made of diamonds. Anything you can think of is possible, as.. It is your mind. Now, this long in you may be saying this is ridiculous, words of a madman on cactus green. Though, the most profound thing about this is I mustn't tell you but in fact I may show you. Of course, you must be both willing, and believing in this for it to be achieved. For example, if you wished to join me in a trip to my mind. All we must do is sit down together, by holding hands that act like the spiritual bond, or conduit to going this together. Through meditation we meld our minds as one, of course figuratively. After a bit longer than usual, the ‘click’ will happen and in an instant. We will be ushered to my mind. Where our travels may lay? Who knows. Perhaps I am but lying, and you are reading this for no reason. The only way truly to find out is by attempting this yourself. Or being shown it. Thank you for reading my short passage and I hope you may meet this spiritual enlightenment as I.


Short passage from the journal of Beranabus Seregon


To clear things up this is a short passage in my characters writings in case you have any confusions. I wanted to try writing lore in a different manner. What this is, is essentially adding a deeper more spiritual meaning to RP to characters who meditate. Where by doing this they enter a state of higher consciousness in a way. enabling them to essentially ‘see’ in first person what is going on in their mind. Where they can literally create mountains with a flick of the finger, cities life etc with thoughts. Basically getting the ability to lucid dream on command, and bring others on the lucid dream like journey with you. Whilst in the second tier of meditating if you become enlightened you have no really perception of time while meditating/lucid dreaming. So 1 day while meditating can really be 1 hour ICly, or the other way around, a few minutes may actually be a few hours Icly. Posing no benefit Physically but may be fun to bring others along with your meditation pain cannot be felt here and the person must willingly do this you cannot force them. This is just an overview and I will write it in a more in-depth way if liked also, this wouldn't be a new magic or form of magic like illusion or mental magic. But rather a state of being and the meditation is simply an ability which they gain from it



-You cannot force others to meditate in this state with you

-You must have a clear state of mind while doing this as it takes a while ICly, so you cannot enter this when being tortured, under much stress, injured, etc.

-You cannot actually harm or kill people in this "lucid dream" like state, you can feel slight touch, but you cannot actually feel pain as it’s not meant to be aggressive or harmful in any way. Though, it is possible to train or spar.

-  Nothing while in the meditation will affect the real world, only the world you think up in your mind can you change. Though when enlightened which is a permanent thing you tend feel slightly more mellow, as this is for non aggressive purposes, and people. 





  • Gain new state of conciousness/being
  • Through meditatation, you may envoke lucid dreaming upon yourself on command
  • May bring others in your journey, though must both be calm and cannot be forced
  • Better meditation RP for those who like it
  • Read the freaking lore, it's not.. /that/ long.. :D

    This lore has bee Accepted!

    However, on the condition it works on only one individual, and it can not be propagated into others, even if they agree to it.

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*cough* cognitism.


It was always an underpowered branch because the "Spectator's Mind" didn't actually do a whole lot. And its more useful spell was Revelation which is a completely draining, highly likely to fail action that requires GMs.


So to enter into the realm of mental possibilities, I would say it should have been a part of cognitism 6 months ago. Sure. You could claim that "anyone" can do it. But I like my boxes and putting you in them. So there :P

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*cough* cognitism.


It was always an underpowered branch because the "Spectator's Mind" didn't actually do a whole lot. And its more useful spell was Revelation which is a completely draining, highly likely to fail action that requires GMs.

Indeed, this can somewhat be done via Cognitism, though not the detail of this. Rather than focusing on illusions like making an illusion ruler, or things to assist in calculations as Ptah described cognitism to me way back when. This is immersing yourself in a self created world, though I tried keeping it as that and not as a magic itself but rather something that can be achieved through meditation, though of course that isn't the only thing that the lore achieves it's two parts. So first you do this by making entering the state of mind, and then the next time you meditate essentially this is what happens. As opposed to self awareness, it's much like lucid dreaming. Though I purposefully left it somewhat ambiguous while still explaining the idea, so it can be perceived in different ways. And ultimately in the hands of the LM's what they wish to do with the lore. It can simply end up being an extension of cognitism (The second part of it even though i'm trying not to make it void based but rather come from yourself), a detailed illusion, or perhaps something more. Anyone ICly can see it as they wish really though so as not to restrict it entirely. The only things though is that it isn't physical, and when meditating you enter a sleep like state so you have no motor functions. While cognitists can still move and do things in their physical body.

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From my watching many a lore approval process. i would expect that this comes under a "feel free to roleplay this". I would probably just want to steal for the sake of improving Cognitism. Though surely a mental magician can already visualise the impossible in their own lucid dream.


I feel like the part that many people will want to know more about is the effect in the real world. You're pretty well just unconscious while standing up (or sitting cross legged) correct? The Cognitism lore goes into great detail about the state that your mind is in, whereas the ambiguity here may come up at a later time when a mental mage comes into the picture. Are you more susceptible, completely walled off, what's the situation? Personally I believe that deep meditation requires forgetting one's own body, so therefore your mind (in a sense) no longer occupies the space of your body. Therefore, an intruder will find empty space, because you're off doing your own thing.

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Hell yes, you've amazed me with this my friend! +1

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I felt the need to write lore about this, I was in the writing mood when creating this, also something my character has studied somewhat. Though, also I wanted to get it known as opposed to keeping this idea to myself to let others try to join in and RP this state of being. As well, for joining in with cognitism or mental magic, though it is possible for it to become one if an Lm chooses, and may be possible within both magics I generally wanted to keep this away from void, or deity or other magical sources and make it more personal to the singular character that chooses to go through this ritual of heightening your state of consciousness. If it was in the void it would be restricted to those that know the magic, and must connect to the void while this is supposed to have a deeper spiritual meaning and my intentions were to make this not necessarily called a 'magic' ICly but more of a way of life. Also, if it were voidal magic it would be restricted only to void mages while I would prefer allowing everyone to join in on learning it if they find themselves interested in this idea. So a druid can do this, a cleric, necromancer (Though, it may be hard), even someone who hasn't ever tapped into the void such as a anti mage. Get me? Anyways, for the second point i'd imagine as you said their mind essentially wanders and is unreadable whilst in the higher state of meditation. Their bodies remain still in their position and it's similiar to shamanism where their conscious is not their but their physical body is. Anyways, not to make it confusing I will remain on track. Though, you must remember to get to this higher tier of meditation, the person must first make their spiritual connection, which persists continually.

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This lore has been Accepted!


BUT, it only works on one individual, it can not be propagated into others even if they agree to it.

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Alright! Also, would I be able to get the reasoning exactly why we would be unable to bring others along to meditate with us? Because for the most part, I removed all the ways someone could use it to power game, having no pain felt, it having to be consensual, and the others having some minor ability to shape in the world. Just curious as to the Lm's reasons for it, and possible way to change it as that's part of the defining features of this and something that'd be pretty fun to bring RP out of this.

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Alright! Also, would I be able to get the reasoning exactly why we would be unable to bring others along to meditate with us? Because for the most part, I removed all the ways someone could use it to power game, having no pain felt, it having to be consensual, and the others having some minor ability to shape in the world. Just curious as to the Lm's reasons for it, and possible way to change it as that's part of the defining features of this and something that'd be pretty fun to bring RP out of this.

Basicly because it's  not really magic, it's meditation. Each person has a different meditation, and you can't really connect eachother without the use of magic. If this was part of a type of magic, then it could be accepted. Or you could influence someone's meditation or help them reach it.

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Well it's more of what you define magic as. This is 'magical' but isn't a magic in how we define standard magic. Normally with magic you start lower leveled only being able to do a small amount of things, and then slowly gaining in strength and manipulation or abilities. Though this does use mana to actually become enlightened, and is more fantasy based, and spiritually influenced. In this you gain magical abilities, but instead not in the traditional sense of slowly learning your magic subtype and gaining strength and using your mana pool like a muscle to be able to do greater feats in the ability. So in one sense you can say it's magic, but it is more in the eye of the beholder. I could get super technical with this though, but not to spoil the idea of the ability, I am going to leave it like this. Perhaps you could reconsider though? I believe it'd be really fun to be able to bring others along to meditate with you, and be able to do a plethora of different things with, from quest giving, training, or to simply do a mini event of sorts. Though in the end it's the choice of the LM's :P I just ask to possibly reconsider the ability.

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Hrm.. I love all of this and that it's accepted and all, but I really think the part about being able to meditate with other people should be reconsidered. I don't see why that part in specific shouldn't be added along with it. There's no downsides to it I don't believe? No powergaming or anything, no forcing to meditate? I dunno just doesn't seem quite right not to have that part with other people, that's a pretty big and fun part of it all.

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