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Athirius Aulpes Roke The Fourth


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Athirius Aulpes Roke the Fourth














Nicknames: Roke, Vulpes, Aulpes, 'The Viper'.
Age: 28.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human (Kaedreni).
Status: Dead, died in the capture of Rhewengrad.


Height: 5'10.
Weight: 164 lbs.
Body Type: Mesomorph.
Eyes: Pure blue.
Hair: Blonde, neatly cut and kept short.
Skin: Reasonably tanned.
Markings/Tattoos: A faint gash from long nails on his right cheek.

Health: Stable, though he gets easily agitated hearing Raevir speech, and might suddenly lash out.
Personality: Chivalrous, blunt, and suitably honorable. Athirius does not fear speaking his mind, and deals with the consequences of doing so.
Inventory: Roke often remains wrapped within a thick, dusty cloak, draped over his shoulders. Under the cloak is a black gambison with a chain hauberk below. An adorned, well kept longsword remains strapped against his belt in a finely made scabbard, a cross-bow usually settled over his shoulder, alongside a quiver of steel bolts. By his side remains a tattered, badly treated satchel. Within the satchel remain a few simple first-aid supplies, with some sort of rations and a canteen filled with water or alcohol.

Life Style

Alignment: Lawful neutral.
Deity: The Creator.

Religion: Church of the Canon.

Alliance/Nation/Home:Resides in Nessvelt, Drusco.
Job/Class: Knight, Baron.
Title(s): Ser, Holy Ser, Baron.
Profession(s): Skilled in basic cooking and farming.
Special Skill(s): N/A.
Flaw(s): Easily agitated, rash.




Fighting Style: High and low guard, alongside ranged weapons and cavalry combat.
Trained Weapon[s]: Longsword, arming sword, javelin and one-handed axes.
Favored Weapon: Longsword.
Archery: Cross-bow and long-bow, prefers barbed arrows.




Parents: Athirius Aulpes Roke II, Lalaith Roke.
Siblings: Athirius Aulpes Roke III, Arek Arcturus Roke II.
Children: Athirius Aulpes Roke V, Artemus Roke, Rhian Roke, Morgan Roke, Rhys Morgryn Roke.
Extended Family: Jon Roke (cousin), Rydel Roke (cousin), Arhadir Roke (cousin), Artikus Articulus Roke (uncle).







Edited by Guck
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