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An Account on Living Harbingers


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"With their vicious host long dead, the past Hiishtgul and now Harbingers of Setherien are without their original source of life. They lived, breathed, and fought via Setherien's stipend, however they are now without him. Nonetheless, a select few have lingered since his fall due to the curious properties of what is commonly dubbed 'bloodshards'. These tainted chunks of thanhium were among the first of the North to be blackened by the Drakaar's fire, as with the race of Bohra who coveted it. Bloodshards are no longer the pliable mineral of which absorbed heat as it once did, but now inversely gather heat and are crystallized. Albeit both feeble and explosive, these gems held the unique property of being able to withstand the dark power which Setherien exuded as his own form of Taint. Thus, bloodshards are now -- in a sense -- phylacteries for Harbingers instead of the taint-batteries they once were; Harbingers can no longer pull from them in order to unleash devastating spells, but instead rely on them to simply remain alive. This is their current source of life, and too their pool of might. For every casting a Harbinger performs, their bloodshard fades in its red intensity. And for every day they live, their bloodshard wains. For every reincarnation they go through after death, their bloodshard lessens. Their lifesupport is bleeding them to death without their creator.
In turn, with the lack of Setherien, the Harbingers cannot hope to achieve the greatness they once possessed. Their forms are ill and they are doomed to death, only wasting away and at a quickened pace should they harness the power within their bloodshards. But nonetheless, Harbingers still possess the same body as they did before, albeit a weaker one still. Weaponry of average make tends to leave them little more than aches upon their figure, while aurum blades and bolts strike far greater damage to their person just as enchanted ones may. They've no need to breathe, are moderately quicker than the average mortal, and suffer no sense of hunger for sustenance. They are much like the Wraiths of Second Generation Necromancy due to these traits, what with lacking mortal body, however the Harbingers have no manner in which they may refuel and rejuvenate their loss of life.
It should be noted that the Harbingers currently possess a pathetic form of their original magical art. They've a manner of weakened telepathic communication, minor illusionary prowess, and a fickle form of their once dreaded frostfire. Although, as it currently stands, they are without their tremendous gifts and are instead left to their physical manifestations and inferior magic. Have mercy on these creatures, for they've suffered more than most whilst enslaved by the blazing Drakaar; not many Harbingers have been known to have survived the fall of their lord, but sizable portion of them have fallen to the ills of suicide. The icy husks of lords Orithur and Mortum'Vherzix both perished at their own hands during the time of Athera, the sting of life after such abuse weighing quite heavily upon them. Thus, it is known that the Harbingers who linger to this day remain calloused or unstable by their ravaging, having experienced such crimes I dare not say.
Lastly, it should also be noted that it is hypothesized that any remaining Harbingers could attempt to revert to some other form than what they currently possess and in manifest into shadows of their former mortal bodies. This could possibly be done through he purifying feats of Clerical magic, although it is also likely that the purification of a Harbinger's body and bloodshard would instead lead them to ultimately perish. On a final note of such a process, the Harbinger would lose all of their memory from their life and would be quite literally reborn into a mortal form: they'd lose all they knew of themselves, however they would not lose their personality. However the outcome of such a deed has never been fulfilled and only speculation and skepticism holsters the thought."



This is a clarification on Harbingers. They are classified as Spectres, are limited in number, and are driven to die off or convert back to mortal form via cleansing. This is meant to resolve any issue regarding Harbingers, as they are a loose end that should have been addressed long ago but went unchecked. Should any Harbinger players wish to return to playing their Harbinger, simply present a Creature Application in the Magic Application subforum. Another person will have to verify that you indeed played a Harbinger who is from the Glurtzfolok / Black Scourge era and is knowledgeable on the subject. Thanks!


Edited by Zarsies
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