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Saraid a'Conchiba


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Saraid a'Conchiba

Basic Information

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 101

Gender: Female

Race: High Elf

Status: Alive


Height: 6'1 (185 cm)

Weight: 138 lb

Body Type: ?

Eyes: Blue

Hair: White

Skin: White

Markings/Tattoos: Large scar running down her right forearm

Health: Below average

Personality: Fun loving, snarky, and usually one who prefers to play by her own rules. Likes acting and pretending for her own amusement, typically at the expense of others. Brash, and sometimes doesn't know when to shut up. Typically very easy going.

Clothing: White tunic with a simple leather undershirt underneath. Dark purple sash around her waist. White and gray pants. Horsehide shoes. 

Things typically on her person: Canteen

Further Details: Saraid is considered by most people to be fairly ugly. She has very short hair, just barely reaching her neck in back, and heavy bags under her eyes.

Life Style

Alignment: Chaotic good

Deity: None

Religion: None

Home: No real home, tends to wander around out of choice

Job/Class: Unemployed

Title(s): Town Drunk*

Profession(s) (I'm guessing this means persona professions): Blacksmith, Chef, Alchemist

Special Skill(s): Fairly strong for a High Elf, especially a female High Elf. Decent with a forge.  High alcohol tolerance.

Flaw(s): Alcoholic. Headstrong. Not very good with money. Sometimes too easygoing and carefree.


*self proclaimed

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