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Boat Building & Design Service


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*Posters would be placed in all major cities and the Cloud Temple island.*


Boat Building & Design Service

I am offering my boat building skills to anyone with a bit of spare change. If you are interested, send a bird to Mark Lander. (PM me on here)


I will not be building boats over 60 meters in length.

However, I may release a large design that can be ordered.


Custom Designs

Here are the base prices for custom designs, along with options. Note that the base price does not include me building the boat for you.



Prices will be decided on a case-by-case basis, but this will allow you to get a good approximation for what it will cost.



Size is what decides how much work and time need to go into the boat, as any increase in size increases all other parts.

10m – 200 minas

20m – 500 minas

30m – 1250 minas

40m – 2000 minas

50m – 3000 minas

60m – 4500 minas



Colored sails – 10% price increase


Square sails – 15% price increase (Lateen and Fore-and-Aft free)


If you want me to construct it for you - +50% final price increase


Interior decoration free if requested



Predesigned Boats

Here are boats that I have designed in the past and that I will build for you.



1800 minas

(includes sail/hull recoloring)



A good boat for personal use, be it fishing, traveling, light cargo, simple sailing, or small parties.



1000 minas

(includes sail recoloring)



A simple, cheap boat designed to haul cargo from port to port.

(Not recommended for the open ocean.)




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