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[Shelved][✓] Changes to Archons

GDPR 014

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Note: Should this lore be accepted, it would be integrated into the original lore piece. 




The Transcended Form, Reforged


"Feeble, no longer."

(Credit to Nino Vecia)


Marked by the void and veil via the replication, the transcended creature become able to become something more, transforming their bodies into stabilized arcane. Rather than an ethereal form, the archon adapted -- their other-form-bodies evolved into something solid, granting them corporeality in both bodies; the Transcended form was reforged. The reforged transcended form, given its newfound corporeal state, is now able to interact with objects, though at the strength of a well-practiced mage. No longer does the archon have to bear with the pain and time of transformation, such siphoned with each stage of evolution.


Naturally, the reforged Archon bears a great affinity to cast, with their spells being augmented by their hybrid souls, tapping into magic’s power. The Archon will find using the arcane becomes incredibly easy in this body, manipulating it to a greater degree than those with mastery, aided by the perpetual connection to the void and veil in this form. Focus also becomes a factor, due to the ease of magic, the Archon will be able to keep its concentration on subjects and spells greater than a masterful magic user: The focus is changed as so:


  • Minimal and Harsh force from attacks such as punches and tackles are fitted in the same category. While they will most likely do nothing, a well placed shot to important areas will weaken an Archon’s magic by a tier or two, depending on the force; though it is not unheard of for one to be dazed.
  • Things such as stabs and cuts depend on where they strike the archon, and the force of penetration. Harsh Cuts and stabs to the arm will drop an archon down by two tiers at the very most, assuming it isn’t severed. If the ligament is severed, then they will be unable to cast for the duration of the pain, typically seven emotes. Blows to the chest with a moderate amount of power (ie a stab to the chest without standard force) and other important regions half the magic’s power halved, with enough force nullifying the cast. Headshots, if not lethal, will more than likely hamper the connection to the point where they will be limited to basic spells at the very least. The pain will always be a factor, and the greater the pain and more force applied, the less likely it is for an Archon to use their abilities.

  • Blunt force trauma depends on where it strikes, and the amount of force. While most strikes might weaken an Archon by a tier if struck anywhere but the torso and head, heavy blows towards the chest will both halve the power, but weaken magic by a tier for an additional emote due to the prolonged sensation. Head strikes will absolutely stop the magic with enough force.

  • Armor still does not thwart all the force, depending on where one hits, the Archon will likely only be hampered slightly, or even to the point of halving their spells power. The most effective use is blunt force, where the plate will lodge into the Archon and create prolonged pain that while initially halving the magic, will keep them weakened by a tier -- though this depends on how damaged the armor is -- for the duration of the plate sticking inside of them.


While some things and situations might not be stated, these guidelines should help the Archon in figuring out what they can take. Common sense is the big factor, the more force, the worse it is going to be.


The Archon however, is now less resistant to the mundane in this form, and the objects that hurt them also change, for better or for worse. The solid mana body has something of a resistant skin, something akin to the robust hide of a beast. This means that the corporeal body can now be manipulated by the Archon’s enemies, and normal weapons can pierce through the archon, albeit with difficulty. Likely requiring additional force on the area with a normal weapon to pierce through and deal great harm to the archon; mundane projectiles however, will nearly always rip into their mark, though they do not always penetrate through and through, for the most part lodging into the archon if it has the power of a munition’s crossbow, or a standard longbow, though high powered ranged projectiles will be able to rip through with relative ease. Blunt force is also a factor, and can crush the archon with a few well-placed powerful swings, meaning that if something was to exert a massive amount of force onto the archon with a blunt object, it would be able to crush and deal great harm on the area, with things such as falling buildings putting an Archon out of commision, or at the very least incapacitate them. Shots to the head are also something to keep in mind, much like any creature, the head, even when struck by something that isn’t lethal and with enough force will likely daze them; bolts and powerful strikes that pierce the hide more than likely incapacitating or rendering them out of commision. While gold is out of the question, substances like thanhium, enchanted items, alteration, and fi magic will still be large threats to them.


Damage to the archon is cruel, appearing as something similar to a warping of the area, to seeping fluid, or even a gash in their hide to expose a wispy layer and fuming gas. In their new form, no healing potion or blessing can heal this body. This development will require an Archon to partake in other methods; one such way being regeneration. An Archon must be out of combat for this to happen, and depending on the severity, it will take more or less time. In addition, the Archon will have a penalty of a half resistant hide, and lose their augments for three hours.


      Minor: 15 minutes.

      Moderate: 30 minutes.

       Major: 60 minutes.


Alternatively, the Archon can imbibe on magical energy, liquid mana, a magic item or creature, either mutated or in nature, outside of combat, which will cut the time for each wound by a half, rounded up. This would look like the creature is swallowing the item, tearing the magical energy from it. Depending on the wound, it will require more magical energy; from the smallest requiring meager amounts, to the largest requiring a few meal’s full. This act does not have the same penalty.


Note: Creatures and items must be of the arcane/general variety. This means no necromantic taint, liches, ghouls, and so on.


From The Horrors of Mordskov:


The aftermath of a glorious battle. Spell fire and cracked earth littered around the marred azure Primarch -- leaking auric essence and sporting various warpings along its arcane body --stood hunched over before a worse-for-wear sorceress; a follower of the Eldritch beast that plagued Mordskov, with her followers, fellow magi, watching in awe and fear of what was to come. Faust’s lap dogs would only know strife as the Primarch stared on through its cracking, many eyed mask, intently set on the downed Sorceress. It was filled with an insatiable hunger, a yearn for the energy this woman had -- that which surged through her. The creature’s armor creaked as it leans over the woman, pinning the struggling sorceress with its dented gauntlet and boots. She was beautiful, thin, futile, and divine under the creature’s grasp; under its dim and dying light. The hunger only grew as it leaned its mask closer to the writhing woman. Her and her followers shrunk back and widened their eyes as searing light fell over the Archon’s mask, converting part of it to a movable, twisted jaw -- with metallic teeth meant for ripping and grinding -- the energy within her became too much for the Primarch to resist, mind overtaken by the hunger; the yearn to fuel itself.


The Sorceress could only manage to scream, her resistance futile under the beast that leaned in, metal jaw creaking as the trembling mandible opens to reveal a pulsating mass of carnivorous azure, with droplets of blue-like drool falling on the ground besides her, some even falling on her delicate neck.


"T-the thing’s going to eat her!” A Cultist, frozen in fear, would exclaim, legs unable to hold the follower as the sorceress’ screams resounded the chamber; metal tore burning energy tore into her neck. It was like ambrosia to the Archon, hunger beckoning to take more and more from her body; rending the arcane secrets from her flesh and bone. It sounded like a squelching sound came from the creature, laced with the woman’s dying screams -- her blood and chunks of gore spilling along the floor -- though this was not enough, even with the spilling auric blood of the Archon began to clot, it needed more. It tore into bone, crunching and charring the ivory under the strength of its metallic jaw, with energy from the dying, pitiful sorceress pooling into the Primarch’s maw. What horrors filled the cultist’s mind when it was not finished, excess energy drooling from the Archon’s mouth as it ate on, devouring her body, with crunching and squelching replacing any screams from the sorceress. She would be devoured, the magical energy Faust, and the Beast of Mordskov granted her would serve to fuel the Archon.   






"Embrace the change."

(Credit to Nino Vecia)


As previously stated, the Archon’s transformation is decreased, and the effects of moving in and out are dampened. The Archon feels less pain when going into the form, though starting at something of a burning sensation, it will eventually become a surreal shift; likewise coming out will be less exhausting, and such things as limited abilities are altered, as well as the tell. When coming out of the archon form, the archon will have brighter, aura hued veins along their eyes, with their irises taking on a brighter color of their aura, and depending on their stage, they will have limited abilities for the duration of a set amount of actions. The transformation into the form is purely aesthetic, and doing so requires a great deal of focus. It must be uninterrupted for three to four actions, or else manifesting will result in failure.





Twitching, the figure clenches his teeth as gray veins surge along his face, and his eyes take on a darker gray color, leaving a gleaming silver in their centers.


The flesh and bone about his veins sear and burn away to become mist, with extremities turning to fog as they begin to come off. The flesh-turned-gray-mist would cling to the position it was on, replacing it with arcane hide.


The Archon continues to twitch and convulse, emitting a gutteral shriek as its body becomes packed mist and arcane. Its wispy head turns to scan the area, with trails of fog occasionally following.



The gray archon twists in its place, a harsh hiss permeating its newborn body as the foggy form becomes flesh, bone settling within, eventually completing the shape of a skeleton, entrapped by the fog.


Flesh and sinew blossom from the bone like flowers, engulfing and eating away at the mist to manifest the figure’s coil once more.


With a sudden shift in power, the newborn returns to his normal state, clutching his heart and wheezing from the strain.


Progression and further information:


Stage 1:

The Archon, having just begun, will find that their magic, while potent in this form is rather limited, granted only the perpetual voidal connection. When entering the form, it will have pain akin to being baptised in fire; given time and experience of a week, it will subside to a stinging sensation as they turn into one. Going out of it would be akin to finishing a long work out, the user would be in a state similar to a long exercise, and show the effects of their return for nine actions, with limitations on their magic for ten actions; said limitations are: not having the augments in coil form, and magic being weakened by a tier.


Stage 2:

The Archon is fairly experienced, having two weeks under their belt. The Archon is able to further tap into the power of their hybrid soul, able to cast with more potence, though limited. Spells can last for longer, and be given more energy and time, even create more; so long as they do not break any specified redlines. Entering this form is less strenuous, being something of an odd sensation that is more of an out of body experience. When reverting, an Archon will be out of breathe at most, and show signs of reverting for seven actions, and being limited in their coil’s abilities for eight actions. Within a month, the Archon will feel more comfortable going into their new form, and reverting back will at most tire them to a degree, with signs of reverting lasting for six actions, and limitations lasting for seven.


Stage 3:

The Archon has become an Elder Archon via the writ of marking, or is the Primarch. The Elder Archon will have no additional benefits, save for subtracting an action from the signs and limitations.




Thanhium: The reforged Archon is as greatly wounded as before, with thanhium alloy being able to carve through them like a hot knife through butter, and thanhic dusting disrupting and violently paining the creature, making it so large amounts of dusting (ie a chamber full) will cause the archon to dissipate, and creating immense pain to disrupt their magic; the pain will come to fade if the dusting leaves the body, however.


Magically infused items (this does not mean a spell manipulating an item, ie druidic vines or transmutation but something like an enchanted item, a tainted sword, blessed weapons, etc): They would react like a normal item would to a person, meaning that if one were to stab into an archon with a magically infused sword, or smack them with an enchanted brick, the archon would be without its physical resistance.


Warding/Abjuration: Should one come to understand the Archon, the use of abjuration can be used to weaken the Archon, with each abjuration leaving them without their augmented affinity for three actions, and in turn weakening their resistant hide by a half. Naturally, the sensation might be rather disorienting. Wards will only weaken the spell affinity some, and their resistant hide will suffer some weakness.


Iconoclast: Antimagic, the bane of all magic, finds itself being one of the biggest threats to an Archon. The mists, if an Archon is within one, will remove their resistant hides and spell affinity, and within four actions of gradual, burning pain, the archon will become incapacitated in the mist.


Further notes:

-To be added




"Varying qualities indeed. Perfect specimen."

(Credit to Nino Vecia)


While the transcended form is reforged, there are very little changes in aesthetic; whisps may still plume from the Archon, their beings may remain the color of their aura, or a dark being with auric energy swirling about, though parts of the creature can be far more detailed, if not their entire being. An Archon can form eyes, a maw even; their hands can be detailed, with lighter colors and various textures to represent parts of the body.  That is not all however, for their coil form can take on some differences. Rather than having their irises be the color of their aura, the entire eye could be the color, or merely the flecks -- each still distinguishable.




The Archon, now with an adapted form, will handle transformation a little differently. Granted, being in the reforged form might feel a little more comfortable, or less comfortable for an Archon, as they transition to another form of being, one that feels more free in its movements and perhaps a bit closer to their own being. These sensations could empower the Archon, making them feel greater in their form, and potentially cause something to occur from such. Archons could have a sense of self that values them over others, or some might value themselves below others; it is up to the Archon, as each will deal with immortality in their own way. However, there is one thing that might influence their thought; The Archon would likely feel more distant and detached from descendent creatures, should they understand that they are no longer of the same. They are eternal, or perhaps close to it.  


Death and Recuperation:


"Woes befall us to truly cherish our humanity.”

(Symbaroum, masked stranger)


Truly, humanity is the Archon’s greatest boon, for the replicated portion of their soul brought about by the void and veil (also known as the void scar) leaves them separated from mortal man. There are Archons who embrace their humanity and individuality, believing that without it -- they are nothing. Their power and minds mean nothing without their sense of selves. With each death, an Archon loses a piece of this, the replication growing every time they die. It is said that when an Archon dies seven times, they will truly lose who they are, and be unplayable. Naturally, with each death an Archon must wait to return, alternatively return soon to suffer consequences; with each wait, the replication subsides from the soul, reverting back to normal when an Archon has not died for six weeks, where they might undergo long travels -- pilgrimages one could say -- for self enlightenment, to heal. While an Archon might not remember how it died, the pain of death is still present, the calm of the endless slumber, only to be brought back through the rippling void, kicking and screaming, to return to the world via soul and catalyst. Such things can be maddening. Woe.


Effectively, Archons have a death counter, as well as have to wait 1-2 days before playing their archon again when they die, alternatively, they can return within 2 hours to suffer a penalty: A cripping weakness in their magic, and lacking their augments. When an Archon reaches seven on their counter in roleplay deaths -- nothing involving PVP unless the Archon chooses -- the character will be PK’d. This can be subsided if the Archon does not die for six weeks straight. While personality wise, there are Archons that reject their humanity and become shadows of what once were, it is not similar to this transformation, where the void replication will practically consume the entire soul and wipe it.  



Tl;dr, the spectral form will be switched out with the reforged form which is corporeal and able to be harmed by normal things plus some other stuff. There is consequences to death with threat of PK, as well as some neat tweaks and aesthetic changes. 



A warm thank you to Zarsies, Skylez, Tox, Perrin, and Thomas for assisting me in writing this piece. You guys are the best.


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A step away from the void wraith meme. Both like it and am disappointed in it.

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19 minutes ago, Teegah said:

this is amazing +1 phil is the best lore master 


if the lore team doesn't pass this ill delete the team

would u mind explaining to us what it's about then since ur such an avid reader :333


+1 phillip writes good stuff

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10 minutes ago, PurpleCola said:

stop this dumb stuff man like stop the lore bloat dangit



11 minutes ago, PurpleCola said:

im joking dont kill me please



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Are there new, stronger archons, or is this just the normal archon?

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Just now, Man of Respect said:

Are there new, stronger archons, or is this just the normal archon?

this is the normal and only archon. This reforged form will be replacing the spectral form, making Archons more balanced and less of "xd xd big boy gay low test spectral endgame xdxd".

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3 minutes ago, The Fire Mind said:

this is the normal and only archon. This reforged form will be replacing the spectral form, making Archons more balanced and less of "xd xd big boy gay low test spectral endgame xdxd".

Good stuff then

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2 hours ago, Sir K Andruske said:

I guess like it (moreso the art. Archons have always felt a but weird to me) but why did you specifically add a way to eat celestials. q_q


I did it for the metal of not being a low test soy boy creature that can regenerate without consequence and actually doing some high test grim tier ****. Got to stick with it or you get the Donovan.




I am sorry you feel that way about Archons, but to each their own.


edit: they wont always need to finish off the magical creature, probably will rarely need to

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Thank you for submitting your piece! This will be our final vote until the end of February and due to the amount of lore currently submitted, will take 2 weeks to finish. Expect a verdict here on the 30th/31st.

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