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[✗] [Alloy] Londonium ingot


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Londonium alloy,

The smithing guild of Melkor Frey dug too deep and too greedily into the mines of Cloud Temple, the monks warned them “There are more dangerous and vile things than darkness down there”. But it was to no prevail, they started to dig under the confines of Cloud Temple. The company of Frey dug through miles upon miles of stone and iron. Until a very special moment when they found a pressurized emerald. When mined with a blue steel pickaxe, it has the perfect chance of not breaking. The gem was so marvelous, they took it with them. Upon return of the company to the guild hall, they started experimenting with the gem. Frey started to heat it up to an absurd amount of heat, the pressurized gem started to heat up and melt in the cauldron of the specialized forge, the gem had to be under pressure of the forge, molten steel was added to the gem fluid. The fluid started to turn a pale green color. Upon his first blade, he noticed that it was quite poisonous. The first animal he slashed died within two days of the initial slash, a faint green color surrounding the wound. When in sunlight the blade shines like the still water with sun cast upon it. The strength test proved more than expected, it was a lot stronger than normal steel.

The guild of Frey are tempted to use it as their best blade yet, but his slayer steel is the pride of the guild.



The gem in the pressurised state just mined from the mines.


The mixture of Gem and steel must be cooled down and cast into an ingot for proper use, also cooled down as fast as possible.

The ratio of gem and steel must be 3:1.

This steel has been perfected for slashing, it has a potent metal poison.

The heat needed for the perfect mixture conditions is at least 2500 Fahrenheit (1371 Celsius)

The steel needs to be molten separately before adding it to the gem.



The metal when in ingot state, ready for use.



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Thanhium alloys exist and display very similar effects, with the additional integration of thanhium lore with magic lore.


I do not know the current state of minerals/thanhium lore and whether they will be re-written. All I know is that both the LT and the single player author who offered and started the re-write have since quit doing so due to disapproval of lore management.

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41 minutes ago, Medvekoma said:

Thanhium alloys exist and display very similar effects, with the additional integration of thanhium lore with magic lore.


I do not know the current state of minerals/thanhium lore and whether they will be re-written. All I know is that both the LT and the single player author who offered and started the re-write have since quit doing so due to disapproval of lore management.

Thanhium is still in lore (I got 3 pieces into this map via the vaults)

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1 hour ago, Mavromino said:

Thanhium is still in lore (I got 3 pieces into this map via the vaults)


Yeah but trigger happy lore staff have threatened over and over to remove / re-write it.

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This lore has been denied as per this thread: click me. 2 weeks were given to reformat and correct the submission to match the current criteria, which were not done.


If you believe this is a mistake (as this was a big sweep, yours may have been overlooked), please contact me over the forums here: click me.

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