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Aengudaemonic Submissions

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Aengudaemonic Submissions

This subsection covers the types of deific submissions that you can make on LotC. You can read more about the direction Story is taking Aengudaemons hereIf something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here.



Aengudaemons are a type of deity created by the Creator during creation. Mortals have dubbed a split with one side being “Aenguls” and the other being “Daemons”. Neutral ones are regarded as regular Aengudaemons. However, these are just labels and there is no difference between an Aengul and a Daemon in terms of capabilities. What differs is their personality and/or goals.


An Aengul typically is a “good” deity compared to some of the Daemons and have goals that they actively push for in the mortal realm. These deities tend to openly use mortals as followers, granting them power in exchange for worship and/or service.


Daemons are generally seen as the “mean” or more dangerous variety, as they are not afraid to get their hands dirty themselves in the Mortal Realm. While some do have followers like Aenguls, it is not uncommon for them to send in Patrons or descend themselves to mess with the mortal realms. However, a misconception is that all Daemons are “evil”. Many simply have a goal and are ruthless about carrying it out, but a good amount of these goals are not to destroy the realm or wipe mortals out.


When designing an Aengudaemon, you do not need to conform to the “good” vs. “evil” trope. An example of this would be Tahariae, who on the surface seems “good”, but their actual goal is to rid the mortal realm of what they believe is impure. Children, women, elderly, fellow Aengudaemons, it doesn’t matter who they are to Tahariae, if they are deemed impure he will go all out in trying to have them purged. Conversely, Metztli is a Daemon due to the fact that they abducted mortals and experimented on them in an attempt to create the ultimate race. However, they do not wish to wipe out humanity or anything that actually endangers the mortals as a whole.


Each Aengudaemon has a “title” that showcases what they are about. Tahariae is the Aengul of Purity, Xan is the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, Llahir is the Daemon of Trickery, Thievery, and Luck. 1-3 titles is the norm and each should be reflected in the Aengudaemon’s lore/purpose. Any magic that they grant their followers or patrons that they raise should also reflect the titles and their purpose. E.g. Tahariae grants their followers the power to “purge” impurities, Xan grants their followers the power to maintain Order, and Llahir grants their followers ways to trick and steal from others.



This formatting is meant to be used for proposed Aengudaemonic lore submissions. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact Story management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it.



The title should be as follows: “[Aengudaemon Lore] – [Name], [Aengudaemon of (insert titles here)”. For example: Aengudaemon Lore – John, Aengudaemon of Baseball



This should cover the backstory of the Aengudaemon and why they are now paying attention to the Mortal Realm OR detail what they are doing in the immortal realms. Their title/purpose should be explained here as well. Make sure it follows and aligns with existing lore.



This should cover information about the deity’s realm or place of current residence.



This should detail if the Aengudaemon seeks out followers/if they have existing ones and what they offer to their followers (e.g. do they only communicate with them? Do they offer small boons? A magic? etc).


Present Day

This should elaborate on what the Aengudaemon is currently up to and how they will impact the current story (if at all).


Purpose (OOC)

This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon.


Citation Spoiler

You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.


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