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Open Race Submissions

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Open Race Submissions

This thread covers Open Race submissions. Please note that we are not looking for new open races at the moment. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here.


Open Races

Races that can be played without a creature application or ET, such as descendant subraces (example: mountain dwarves), combinations of descendant races (example: adunians), or entirely new races (example: kha, before the CA). They cannot be specifically any stronger or have more advanced abilities than your average descendant, and if they’re a subrace or mix, they must adhere to the racial curses that already exist in lore, though they may be somewhat altered (for instance, while halflings live as long as humans, their dwarven greed is expressed in food and drink rather than gold).


Story/Administration is not currently looking for any new open races or subtypes, but will still review any submissions made for them. Something you NEED to keep in mind for these submissions is that you will be required to have a significant backing. Open races are meant to be active and accessible to everyone. If it fails to gain traction, there’s a big chance that it will be demoted to a CA race or potentially shelved. We also require that Open Race submissions be substantially detailed and not lacking or vague with information.



This formatting is meant to be used for proposed open race lore pieces. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact story management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it.



The title should be “[Open Race Lore]” followed by the name of the race. For example: Open Race Lore – Billybobians



The origin/backstory should present how the race came into existence and was discovered/how they came to the current map should be described in this section. This can be left vague



All of the traits that the race may have should be detailed here, both physical and mental. Height range, typical hair colors, skin color, et cetera for the physical side of things. Mental traits aren’t necessary, but you should note if they differ from a regular person. For example, elves tend to start going insane after 1000 years.



This should cover the history of the race, including the major turning points and general direction they have been going in. Please try and refrain from inserting them into events that occurred on the server. For example, citing that this race helped against the undead in the Westerlands eventline makes no sense.



This section should detail the culture(s) of the race and any notable distinctions they may have. What kind of society do they have? Do they have a unique sense of fashion? Religion? Festivals? Et cetera.



This part should go over any unique abilities this race may have that a normal descendant lacks. It does not have to be magical in nature and could be a unique physical trait. This can be skipped if your race does not have any special abilities. If your race does, please follow these guidelines for creating your abilities, along with the ability formatting:Ability Components + Ability Types.


General Red Lines

This is where you list general red lines of the race if any are required. If your race is restricted from learning magic or has restrictions of a similar nature, be sure to include that here.


Purpose (OOC)

This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. This is OOC and separate from the lore itself and is meant to help the Story Team and Administration understand what niche your race is filling.


Citation Spoiler

You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.


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