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[Closed] Selling Cheap Headshots


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Greetings friends of Malinor, I’m here again for my Bi-Annual art sale
For now i’m only selling Headshots because theyre easier to do than full body (Cursed legs)
Payments are sadly Paypal only (or G-Cash if you , for some reason live in the philippines)

They’re only 10$ wow!


All I need from you is screenshots of your skin or any references for your character.
Payments first yada yada.
Feel free to contact me via discord @ (Virgins#0012)


To do list:

* Paid

Titaniumlord430 x2

AlphaMoist x1

Rae x2

Demi x1 (full body)

Braxis x1 (half body)

Cig x2

Muffins x1 (full body)

Recent samples:











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Yo what about mina? 

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1 minute ago, Demotheus said:

Yo what about mina? 

Currently not taking Mina as payment since I cant really login LotC with my current setup hhh, thats why im selling art so i could save up for a new laptop that can actually run Minecraft

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I once did an art commission thing a long time ago with some artist and the way she did it was she laid out her prices and stuff but before she made me pay she did some rough sketches (no color) and sent me LOW QUALITY/RESOLUTION versions to basically make sure she was on the right track for what I wanted and once I confirmed with her that it was good she had me pay her and then she finished it. 


Would you consider doing the same? 

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3 minutes ago, Demotheus said:

I once did an art commission thing a long time ago with some artist and the way she did it was she laid out her prices and stuff but before she made me pay she did some rough sketches (no color) and sent me LOW QUALITY/RESOLUTION versions to basically make sure she was on the right track for what I wanted and once I confirmed with her that it was good she had me pay her and then she finished it. 


Would you consider doing the same? 

I do the same. Although it’ll only be up to a very rough sketch.
Anything complicated (Full body commissions) usually have me updating them on the progress through discord but its my rule of thumb to not start on lining/coloring before payment as i’ve had multiple cases of people backing out midway due to irl issues.

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Yeah my guy that's exactly what I'm talking about! I might make a request tonight then. How much longer from now will you be up? 

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3 minutes ago, Demotheus said:

Yeah my guy that's exactly what I'm talking about! I might make a request tonight then. How much longer from now will you be up? 

its 12 in the afternoon for me, I have class in a bit but i’ll be up for a few hours atleast

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Right on. I'm at work right now for the next six hours lol but I work overnights at a condo so hopefully soon I'll hit you with a request. 

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Character Name: Lotha Scylla, often referred to as “Lotha the Imp” or “impish”

Link to Skin Reference: https://namemc.com/profile/Demotheus.1 

The color palette for that is more or less accurate. 

Alright now some details...


Race: She is a dark elf and mountain dwarf mix. 

Hair: Fiery ginger hair that reaches as far down as her lower back and is just a little bit wavy. 

Eyes: Crimson Irises which (this is optional) when channeling magic glow crimson and also glows a sort of shiny bubble gum pink colour around the edge of her irises.

Ears: Big, stupid, pretty floppy, kind of tattered. It gives her a very impish look. They’re also drapped in various piercings, preferring pretty gemstones over things like studs and metal. Have fun with those possibilities haha. 

Face: She looks quite young, and almost childish. She has a small, cute nose with sharpish angles making it closer to a triangular prism in shape than other noses, but isn’t so sharp as to be referred to as pointy. Her lips are in the middle as far as fullness is concerned, not thin, not botoxed, pretty average. Her face has only a little softness to it, enough that she doesn’t have particularly sharp cheekbones or anything, but not nearly enough to give her a baby face look. She wears a fairly mischievous expression most of the time and is prone to grinning. Her teeth, from some psychotic break centuries ago, are filed down such that they are pointed and sharp looking. Think frost witch wannabe phase or something like that. 

Neckline/bust: She doesn’t have much of a bust. Her robes are thick traveling robes of high quality make. All over her body excluding her face, upper neck, hands, and feet, she is covered with tribal style tattoos which glow gently with a blue-green color. Some of these are visible as they reach up over her collarbones and sort of wind around her neck and shoulders. 


So, when I made this character like 6 years ago or so I was a big, big, big fan of Midna (specifically her cursed form) and drew heavily from that when I was creating this character’s aesthetic. I amplified a lot of the things I enjoyed a lot about her, so you can reference fan art of “Imp Midna” for a little extra help – especially with regards to the tattoos, the hair, the expressions, and the ears. But she’s not a complete carbon copy of Imp Midna...because if she were she’d uh...well, have fur and ****. 


Anyway, my discord is Detrimental#7014 so if you decide you want to do this one you can send any questions you have my way as well as the rough preview sketch through there as well. 

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Heyo, I’m curious if you do emblems too.. if so I would be interested in such.

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