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Issued 12 S.A.



A jar of fireflies, collected from around the Silver City.
[Firefly Night, Brianna Moore]




Since the times of Larihei have the Mali’thill striven for light - illumination, in both mind and in body. It is said that, when Mali were simply Mali, the only providers of light were the Sun and primitive Fire. It was only through the inventions of Larihei that manufactured Light was given use in daily life - the creation of lanterns, controlled fire and arcane luminescence provided permanent sources of light to guide the way. In the forests of Malin, light was rare - a slim beam through darkened canopies, a small campfire in a clearing as to not burn down the old trees. Larihei was one such source of light to us all. With the first iteration of elCihi’thilln, it is said that the city was lit with purely the arcane, which shone so very brightly that one could hardly tell day from night without looking directly to the skies.

The Mali’thill are a people that shine with promise. To celebrate both this and the current season, the Blessed Citizenry are asked to come together for the Night of Luminescence. It is hoped that all shall be able to show their inner light here.


The Night of Luminescence : Event Schedule

[9pm GMT / 4pm EST]
Glowing Banquet :
As the night begins, the Silver Tavern opens its doors, having prepared a variety of wonderful dishes to share with all. The Silver City would be most pleased should Citizenry bring their own dishes to share about, in true community spirit. Please enjoy this unique and wonderful cuisine, making good discussion with your fellow Mali’thill as you await the next event of the evening.


[10pm GMT / 5pm EST]
Firefly Hunt :
Though certainly requiring energy, this activity is open to all, from oem’iian to elders. Group together and collect out fireflies in jars - it is the season for their appearance, after all. These jars of fireflies shall light the stage for the next event.


[11pm GMT / 6pm EST]
Lights Displays and Talent Show :
We shall welcome talented Mali’thill to take the stage and perform for the blessed Citizenry, with acts ranging from beautiful musical pieces to dazzling displays of arcane prowess.
In the spirit of meritocracy, prizes will be awarded to contestants with the most-loved displays of talent.


[12pm GMT / 7pm EST]
Releasing the Stars : 
Finally, in the centre of the Silver Square - where the sky is clear, dark and unobstructed - we shall release the fireflies earlier caught, and award a prize to the group with the most fireflies collected. The prizes for the best performances will also be awarded at this time.
With this, we shall conclude our festival, a complementary pin given to all there.


We look forward to a wonderful evening of fine dining, enjoyable socialisation and, of course, beautiful displays of light.


[OOC : Friday, 26th February, beginning 8pm GMT / 3pm EST ]


~ Department of Elokarir’mali
~ Elokarir’mali, Lleinde Tillun’sae


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