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The Impure Hates?

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The Impure Hates?


Recently I was informed that some Fe’thill or other published a letter criticizing the Cult of the Gymnasium. I did not read her missive but, being as prescient as I am I can no doubt ascertain the contents. I have a nagging suspicion they are merely an extension of the poorly concealed mockery that has become so vogue in elcihi of late.


Let me take this opportunity to reflect upon purity. As it stands within Haelun’or purity is supposed to be merely a binary. Either one is ‘thill or one is ‘ata. In my opinion, this is a juvenile perspective. Haelun’or our gleaming nation by and for ‘thill exists by the very premise that we, the Mali’thill are a superior people in all aspects. To maintain our superiority demands endless effort and labour. One cannot merely be ‘thill. One must maintain their ‘thillness at all times.


Whether this is in the development of higher virtues, of greater mastery, or of service to the great ‘thill state to be a ‘thill is not a singular benchmark but an endless demand. Those of us who adhere to the Path of Health hold the principle of unattainable purity permanently etched into our thoughts. For us it is not sufficient to be merely ‘good’ nor is it sufficient to be ‘great’, one must be perfect. Yet, despite even the long stretch of our lives in comparison to the fleeting moments of the lesser races, we can never attain perfection. We can never be perfectly pure.


In this principle, it is evident that purity, rather than merely being a binary is in fact a gradient. There are those who are less pure, who let themselves rot under the soft path of hedonism and pleasure. They may not dye their hair, they may not breed with lesser races; but can they truly be understood as purely. They are merely ‘acceptable’. If we are to truly be the superior people, the superior nation, then mere acceptability is in fact unacceptable. In all things, perfection must be pursued. 


There are those who question my arguments. To be pure is to merely not be impure they will say. Wrong. To be pure is as necessary to a Mali’aheral as food and drink, as breathing. All ‘ata, those stepped in the poison of impurity wither and suffocate. Choked by their own self imposed deprivation of purity. It is only through the purely lived life can we exist at all.


Let us then return to the Path of Health, fondly and often comedically referred to as the Cult of the Gymnasium. There are those who seethe and decry the pursuit of physical perfection; Vanity! Arrogance! They cry out. To these I would pose the following question, is it vain to appreciate one’s progress on the path to perfection? Is it arrogant to revel in one’s innate superiority? Those who adhere to the Path of Health seek to raise their fellows through public displays of excellence designed to elevate and inspire. It is only by goading our fellows to pursue excellence on their own can we move them towards greater purity.


The varieties of aristocratic ‘thill often scoff behind my back at my public art installations. Smashing them when my back is turned, or on occasion uprooting them and casting them piecemeal into the sea. What purity can be found in such actions. The petty intrigue and scheming of lesser races is below us. Yet in the presence of physical excellence, there are so many who recoil. Whose first instinct is not to pursue and eventually attain such heights. But instead to conceal, to deface, to destroy. There is a rather pertinent quote given by our absent Sohaer.


“The Impure Hates”


I can think of few other descriptors of these behaviours besides hatred. In this the perpetrators, the critics reveal their own levels of purity. They may remain unknown to all. But in their heart of hearts they shall know themselves by their fruits.


Purity is not a choice but an obligation. Purity is not a luxury but a desperate necessity. In the absence of Purity all that is left to us is to pursue base pleasures as the Mali’ame do, or to abandon the cold darkness of a life lived impurely, to take one’s life.



Orated by Kael’Thas, Scribed by a friend who shall remain unnamed

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"It is not vanity. You can not be vane." He muses after Kael'thas handed him the missive in person, "It is envy. Envy of the impure ... they lust for what you are -- pure." As Kael'thas flexed his arms in response, Haskir added on, "And you're strong as an olog."

"The impure hates."

Haskir looks to the statue of a fair maiden gazing skyward in the center of Haelun'or's main city square where the centerpiece Kael's Average Day sat as the pinnacle of Elven stonemasonry. Reaching into the bushes alongside the art piece, he plucks a dumbbell from within. Haskir gives it a curl or two, before laughing. "They wish they were us. They wish they were me."

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