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The Tour of Sutica


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Members of The Red Company engage the few men of the PKS who decided to fight within the walls of the defeated town of Brynrose



The Tour of Sutica

Penned by Friedrich Radclyf, Commander of The Red Company


The words “Death to the Redfists” had barely left the Count of Sarissa’s mouth when he, and the other cowards of the PKS decided to pull out of the combined PKS and Red Company raid on the Barony of the Rhein. The men of the Red Company, though, were determined to take on the responsibility of putting the greedy Baron in his place by themselves. Once The Red Company arrived at the Rhein, the peasant militia there were more inclined to surrender than fight. We did the only thing we could at that point and disarmed the group, to lessen the amount of weapons in the hands of the Rhein. Those who complied were treated fairly, as they were told they would be when The Company arrived. Those who drew weapons on The Company suffered a worse fate. 


Once The Red Company returned home, we did not find the friends who were so anxious to show support to us before the raid. They were nowhere to be seen. Worse, we were backstabbed and betrayed. The Count of Sarissa, the same man who declared a crusade on The Redfists, arrested an esteemed member of the group, Hok’Lur, and falsely charged him in a mockery of a trial for crimes that the count was ready to commit himself, just an elven day prior. Then to further the betrayal, the count brutalized Hok’Lur, and cannibalized his finger, before whispering in his ear, ‘should not have left any witnesses.’ 


This treachery by The County of Sarissa against The Red Company, could not be ignored. The Red Company rallied their men, and some Rustlers, and marched on the town of Brynrose. When they got to the town they offered the PKS members and other offending groups the same option they gave the militiamen of the Rhein, to take up their swords or surrender. They found that they were inclined to surrender, just as the militiamen of the Rhein were. Those few who were courageous enough to not surrender and stood their ground were dealt with swiftly, and thus the crusade of Brynrose was complete.


The Red Company then decided to move their forces to the Barony of the Rhein, to prove once more that The Red Company is, and always will be on top. The men of the Red Company and the Rustlers swooped in with very minimal resistance and took what they wished from the town. We waited for anyone to confront us, as many who retreated promised they would, but unsurprisingly the cowardly Redfists offered no resistance and we decided to leave with the spoils we had already gotten. 


Let this be a warning to all of the vassal-states of Sutica, hundreds and hundreds more of you should expect to give your lives to defend it. 



Friedrich Radclyf, Commander of The Red Company


Edited by spk
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"Now this does put a smile on my face," I say as I look at Friedrich's handiwork. I had suggested adding the part of Red Company on top, "Red Company on top does complete the piece."

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