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A Journey Set Once More


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Dividers I Like, from The Architect's Mistress, a roleplay on RPG

The candlelight was dim in the stone corridor as an elder adunian trekked his way through the empty halls of a stone wrought tower. Rain pattered against the windows of his home, filling the air with a musk that heaved his breath, where murky corridors swallowed him in his descent through the halls. The far off landscape that was once Ando Alur was now but a lifeless wasteland which passed by a glance in the window. It lurked beyond the rounded crags of his hold, a sweltering cancer that mocked creation.




A cenotaph waited for him outside the clearing of his land, marking there the empty ground that lacked the corpse, “Corbin Wick.” News of his first student’s death was recent, having been brought by letter of a Haeseni courier. The mage’s active role in the Sutican Rebellion had brought him a capture and swift execution. A tear welled in his eye, staring upon the empty grave with pity as an aching dread pressed heavy upon his heart. The ground beneath the carved stone was muddied, shadowed by the tall tower which protruded from the earth as a lackluster symbol- his dreams and goals were bereft of vigor. An owl screeched from the highest perch of cobblestone, flapping to land on its master’s shoulder. Fragmenting the reality before him, a walking stick formed within his grasp only to fall into his palm.




The land was fresh, as were its inhabitants. He was obsolete- no longer, nor never needed in the land of Almaris. The forests beckoned once more, as they awaited his arrival from whence he came. Each candle was snuffed within the castle, its entrance boarded and locked in the magi’s leave. In his wake the tower remained empty, sunken, and lifeless; the encroaching blight casting its grim shroud upon the mound as it dared to crawl ever closer. Goliath Irsei, once the Soulless Armor of Oryx, left the land much like he came to it- in passing, along his grand journey. Yet, even after all of his failures had been counted, a spark remained within.


In somber tombs, something churned from deep within the crypts of the Hexicanum.



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