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OOC: The following letter was delivered in private and is not considered public information. Its contents are recorded here for solidarity.@Malaise

[!] Before an infernal altar was left a sealed scroll. If broken, the contents are as follows.

To you, O’ ‘Tyrant’ - I ask but this:


From Man’s dubious origins, the soul of a man is but an ember from a flickering, great flame. The ancient years of his progenitors has become fable, and the meaning of Fire has been lost. Yet those who know and claim mastery of fire understand the implication of this statement:


There is, with great light, deep shadows.


The more ennobled that light, the longer the shade cast from it. It is for this reason your own children call you Tyrant, for they recognize that to live is to be of dual nature - to cast shadows.


To be mortal is to be perpetually changing, and to be imperfect. Wheresoever men make idols of mortals, it is inevitable this imperfect nature comes to surface. 


It is for this reason they have been stricken with fear - for that which was born shall be one day condemned to die. They claw and bite at any perceived threat to the Father and their God, and in their blind scratching stoke the fires of their enemies.


By mistaking myself with a Paladin, they have wrought but destruction upon themselves. Even now, they do not understand what I am. This privilege shall be given to you alone.


I am Vaevictis, Woe of the Conquered.

I am heir to Vorukhan-Ur.
I am the Shurad, King of Men to those of Ur-Sum-Ut-Sur.

And I bear the secret of the Sword.


Return again to that Woodland Realm which I was architect of, and I shall show you the very same Sword as displayed by Vorukhan before all mortals. There will come a time later for wings and fire - and no immortal life should bother itself with a city which will not outlast the realm, or with hundreds whose lives are droplets compared to yours.


For but a simple flight the Emerald One was nearly sundered. Shall you be met with this same fate, as the heavens of Eos part to reveal the Lord of Sunlight in all his temperament?


I leave you with this to ponder:


It was I who sent Vorukhan-Ur back to his shadows, and your children nearly brought me into your realm, thinking I had the ‘Lance’. Should they fail you again, must the Father be punished for the acts of his Errant Sons?


The Wheel turns.

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