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((Welcome to the first of a few posts of the horse culture that is rising! Expect a fuller posts of explanation on ritualism, religion, and life soon!))




Smoke Rises From Round Tents

Hooves thunder, Like Lighting They Strike The Steppe

Man and Beast, Together they Ride, and Arrows Fly




A boy asks his father the meaning of all the struggle; watching the scene from the top of a holy sky mountain, as his father's horse ascends the mountain trails in a well trained stride. Prodigious trainers and tamers of beasts, the horse focuses on comfort of the riders.


The weathered but warm nomad, speaks while guiding his herd up to their summer pastures.

“We live in a vertical world. Where every being, every spirit, from plant to stone, from prey to predator, all have their own tribes and clans. Each struggles to get over the other, to reach the sky.”


Suddenly the path widens, and the father and his son arrive to meet mother and sister, already their Gyer is set, and they relax for the night. Sister, though a cub of six winters, has shot rabbits for dinner


In the morning, Son, confused and inspired takes his horse further up the mountain. The night lead to the death of a sheep. Carried off in the night…


Suddenly, he spies it. From another hillside opposite his. A grey wolf. Mouth still red with the blood of their sheep. Trying as he can, his arrows do not reach the other hill. He resigns to sit there, watching the predator finish the poor sheep it had carried off. Just like Brother...


He found his thoughts drifting back to his father’s words. His gaze found the open, infinite sky, and like a flash of golden light, an eagle slew the wolf. Returning to the cliff above him and Feeding it’s chicks with its flesh.


The boy understood what the struggle was… There was a time, before the light of the Skyfather, when man was below even beast tribe… Preparing himself for a climb to the eagle’s nest, he seeks to reach even higher into the sky





In their legends, the Azukazi consider their origin to be twofold. They say they lived as beasts, amongst the reindeer of the frozen north. Where in their ancient past, they feared the strength and nobility of the powerful deer. That only after the light of the Skyfather gave them the gift of consciousness, they quickly bent the animals of nature to their will. 


The noble deer and their allies now fought alongside the men, as equals, against their first enemies. It was after the predators were scattered from their primeval frozen forests, that the Deer gave the Scydrians a sacrifice. Bone, antler, and sinew. From where the unique construction of Scydrian bows are derived.


Those Proto-Scydri that did not fight alongside the deer had a grand exodus from the north, into highlands and other regions where elements of ancient skyfatherist belief and ancient tradition were still held.


It is still in the north that the primary culture of the Scydrians developed after the taming of horses by the first of their kind on the edges of that primal forest where it met the infinite grassy sea of the Steppe they would soon come to dominate.


As time would come, peoples would diverge, though the ancient culture of the deermen would continue to be refined. Man and beast became one as humanities first centaur tribes were born.


In recent times, conflict with the barechested Cimmerean tribal warriors lead to a resurfacing of the powerful tradition of mounted archery amongst the Scydri. After many victories over them for hunting rights over the entire north, the Cimmeareans defeated the horsemen in a great clash that lead to the slaughter of herds of countless sheep and horses alike. Great cattle raids, invoked by sacred rite drew the attention of other northern nomads which quickly grew to join the Scydri. Seeing the need to end the Cimmerean threat after an attack on their sacred skymountain which lead to the death of the chief’s half-brother, the Scydri began a war against a rival steppe nomad band, The Hongali, trampling their corrupt warriors on the open steppe after a fierce feigned retreat, taking their horses, women, and children as their own.


This drew the attention of a nomad diaspora amongst Radaghastisn Highlander clans that remember their old ways. Who, seeing their ancestors freedom and ancient traditions still displayed proudly, quickly rode to join them!


By this time, the clans of the Scydrian Tribe are strong and free. Just as the Skyfather intended.




Highlanders rejoining their lost brothers. Returning home.


Way of Life


Herdsmen first and foremost, the Scydrian peoples are universally pastoral nomads. Though congregating in camps known as Ordus around fine pasturelands, blacksmitheries to replenish their arrows and reshape treasures to their whims, and fine hunting grounds. 


Blood and Milk. The warrior’s diet. Known and enjoyed by all Scydrians. Their cows, too valuable for simple slaughter are instead bled and milked while on the trail. It is said that it was this diet of powerful protein and fats that gave the first of the nomads the strength to defeat the many tribes and enemies in their path to steppe domination. 


The average member of Scydri society is an above average horseman and archer. Simply because of their upbringing. Even the girls are taught from the age of four or five to ride sheep and hunt small game with light bows. This means every member is self sufficient and can provide for themselves with the tools of man. Horse and bow. 


Supplementing their diet with game, the Scydri clans are all prodigious hunters. From the monsterslaying Skarpefangar, to the primal ritual hunts of the Azukazi and Hongali, they can be seen eating meat, drinking and eating blood and milk (Sometimes both at once!) and crafting cheeses, butters, and fermented goods from the many varieties of milk of their stocks.

Their lifestyle breeds strong people of fine stock, as it is well known that many of the Scydrians breed for beauty above all, and seek their cubs to number many. After all, with no walls to trap them, and their herds ever expanding, more sons and daughters mean more animals, and more sacrifice to honor the sky.


They craft almost everything they use, from clothing to tools to their mobile tent homes. All using their ready materials and products from their herds. All love to wear bright colors, and see no shame in little or no clothing when necessary. Some warriors are known to go into battle completely nude, only their sacred tattoos as protection. Also given to all members of society.


Summary of Religion and Mindset




The Skyfather, Dyeus Pataer, Godan, Radaghast


These are some of the names known by the Scydrians to signify the same deity, chief. HIGH chief of the gods


In the most ancient. The time before time, when the spirit of the divine, the skyfather himself was nursed and protected by the divine cow. The source of all life. She guided him as a youth away from the troubles of the chaos of that godly age. As he grew in power from suckling the teet of the divine cow, he took himself consort in the form of The Deer Mother. A fertive earth goddess, who birthed all of beast and all that is moist and wet and alive in the earth. Seeing man as his sons, he gave them the ultimate gift, and sacrificed his mothercow. Giving man the power, and instigating the first sacrifice. A contract that still remains unbroken in the hearts of the Scydri peoples.


Glorifying freedom and spirituality, the nomadic Scydri people see no problem with admitting your position to the Skyfather, to begging the ancestors for help, and pleasing the aspects and spirits of the nature and universe. In their minds, all is encompassed as the skyfather and personified as The Infinite Sky, with the sun as the Skyfather’s lantern eye. Carried by a progenitor hero. A bronze armored woman with a blazing sword, drawing the sun across the sky with her mount, a mythic Gryphon.




The Azukazi



A clan of traditionalists descending from their past as reindeer herdsmen, who among them it is most common to see white, blonde, and red hair and sky colored eyes.Though these features are most often seen on elves and highlanders, the Azukazi are definitive farfolk. They wear wool of sky blue patterns and tartans, each unique to the individual or family. The Azukazi praise beauty and strength as gifts of the gods and live the most simply of all of the clans while prizing skill and knowledge of myth. Dwelling primarily from horseback, each day blending into the next, as each day is an adventure. Influenced by their origins, the Azukazi take traditional names, from their own language, and or describing of mythic events that happened cosmologically, or in the natural world as omens of their birth. 


The Skarpefangar, Radaghastians




A rugged group of northern pastoral nomads who breed hearty animals resistant to cold. They are known for their height and strength of both arms and will. They are known for their worship of a pantheon of gods, the Skyfather Radaghast at their head, and horseriding deities at his sides. Occasional fishermen and raiders, the Skarpefangar are known for their skill in trade (both forced and not) and how they farm only as a final resort, their honoring of women a famous virtue among the Scydri, and the bonds of clan and family make them a powerful, honorable people united in common goals and ideals.


Clan Posts



The Hongali




The newest of the clans that currently make up the Scydri tribe, the Hongali are exceptional high mountain trackers. They are said to have perfected the use of birds for war, and their breeds of horses are stout and swift. Though decimated by the Azukazi in recent times, they remain firmly loyal to the strongest of the horsetribe, finding great pleasure in their rising positions in the world. Primarily farfolk in origin, their phenotype is dependant upon where the family they come from abandoned to the steppe. They venerate all manners of spiritualistic forces and routinely offer their sacrifice to the spirit of the winds


War Tradition




Hordes of horses thundering across the steppe, the cloudless sky, blotted over with a rain of arrows. Positions reinforced by armored Skarp warrior horsemen ready to attack with lance, Azukazi archers, pulling their bronze shortswords and warpicks, Hongali strategists, calling for split second timings to ensure hordes do not collide, and feigned retreat always possible. It is for these reasons, the complete cohesion of every facet of horsewar that the Scydrian tribes have maintained a firm power in the Steppe and even beyond. Their effective strategies and power of the mounted archer strategy employed by all Scydri make them valued fighters and mercenaries, they own very little, and need even less. Every glory won is something gained, and every story formed is a new myth to their peoples.


Edited by SteppeNomad
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