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Lost an eye. Gained a friend

49 S.A.



Dear Myrinians and friends of the state,

With Balthazar’s blessing on my side, I’m fortunate enough to be able to write to you in good health. Although I don’t remember much of the event, it has come to my attention that a hoard of assassins attempted to steal some of my leftover time. Three steel bolts flew in the direction of the dias as screams filled the marbled halls of the Myrinian palace.


The first of which was caught by my son Felix, who now suffers from major scarring. The younger Mareno risked his life to be able to heroically pull me to the side.

The second of which bounced right off of the carbarum circlet, with which I was crowned.

The last one, however. Struck me right in the left eye and penetrated my temple, leaving me bleeding helplessly in my son’s arms.


The assassins claimed to act in the name of the Free City of Elysium and were met with swift steel. Their Ducal office made a public notice to denounce the murderous band. The Myrinian Orchestration won’t take further actions against the Elysians as of this moment but will remain vigilant around the Westerners during diplomatic affairs and ushers them to thread with extreme caution.


It is but a sliver away from a miracle that I can still feel the mighty Myrinian soil below my feet when I get out of bed in the morning. Yet even the most brutal of assassination attempts shall not keep the followers of Balthazar I from placing the cornerstones for the fruitful times to come. Thus let us remind ourselves of better times, in hopes of reaching said fruitful future.



[!] A mighty display of the extreme manliness of Sigismund III & Balthazar II during their festive cooperation of 48 S.A.


Myrine has been the host for a multitude of  absolutely glorious events in their first year of it existing. Our tournament grounds bring true life to the city, so much that even the marble statues almost start dancing at the sight of an invitation. The council of the Savoyard State has recently acknowledged Myrine as an official mark; promoting our Baron to a Marquis. This elevation should not mean the end for the sheer drive we bring with us, so The Myrinian Orchestration sees it fitting to introduce a handful of new positions to aid the upbringing of the greater Myrine.


The Marquis of Myrine sends out the following offers :

For the esteemed position of Captain of the Myrinian Guard, Felix Mareno.

Since having proven to be a master at arms, even to the extent of having earned the title of “Champion of Karosgrad” in recent times, and let us also not forget that you in your pursuit of combat mastery have risked your life to heroically save my own, a show of true dedication to our cause and the responsibilities a true Captain of the Myrinian Guard needs. I so hold faith in you and your abilities to lead our white and blue standards into glory when war reaches our walls.

For the most paramount position of First Consul, Jace Mareno.

A most ambitious man is Jace Mareno, a man whose advice rings solid and true. A man whose principles were built on the foundations of loyalty to his kin and family. A man who elevated the name Mareno into the Mercantile world and holds it there with pride, and now holds a spot by my side from it all. There is no better choice within the March to fill this position, nor is there anyone more suited.


For the eventful position of Aediles, Caderina Marelène.

Since the first time you boldly and sporadically mounted a horse and rode fiercely against her comrades and allies in a tournament, I’ve held a smile of pride. Every time I see you get atop a horse, prepared to bring pride to Myrine, it brings a smile to my face. This position is arguably the most indispensable amongst all, because the tourneygrounds and event-life in Myrine arguably rest as a lifeblood of our March, and with such this position deserves someone who holds great passion for these things.


Signed by 

Balthazar II, Marquis of Myrine

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[!] A missive would be penned to the Marquis, scribed in silver ink, and signed with the mark of an ouroboros. 


"To the Marquis of Myrine, Balthazar II,


I am saddened to hear of the loss of your eye in such a grizzly, brutal attack! Regardless of the true culprit, I would wish tidings of safety for yourself and your son - truly, you have my deepest sympathies. 


If you would wish for such horrific injuries to be mended, you need only send for myself, and my services. There is very little that I cannot mend on this plane, save for the pale slumber itself. 


With wishes of good health,

Cecilya Anastasiya, Proprietor of the Sacral Serpent Apothecary."

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