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Rathonian Popular Post - SA 50

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Rathonian Popular Post

Naidheachdan Rathanach de na daoine


Issue 2 - Year 50 of the Second Age

Iris 2 - Bliadhna 50 den Dàrna Linn

Free of charge | saor an-asgaidh

Editor: Dùghlas MacDhaibhidh Sutharlainn


Man found dead at City South
Fear air a lorg marbh aig Cathair a Deas
A citizen has been found dead at City South, close to the Thistle Residence compound. The man was found pale and drained lying on the floor outside the compound. The government of Dùnrath has been alerted about this incident and has been investigating the case. More information will be published soon.

Leo Jones was appointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security
Tha Leannain Iones gu bhith air a cur an dreuchd mar Rùnaire a ’Chaibineit airson Tèarainteachd Shòisealta
The speaker has proposed to the Baron to appoint The Right Honourable Gentleman Leo Jones as the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security of the Barony of Dùnrath. He will enter the office from the start of Year 51. He will be working for the community in regards to matters related to social security and investigations.

Tax Code of the Barony of Dùnrath has been revised
Chaidh Còd Cìsean Bharanachd Dhùnrath ath-sgrùdadh
The Tax Code of the Barony of Dùnrath has been revised by the Government Council of which a majority of housing and entities will receive a tax break. This adjustment was due to the appreciation of the Agnethe Currency and the proportion of the sizes of the apartments.

The 1 deàrr coin will be out of circulation from 52 SA
Thèid am bonn 1 deàrr a-mach à cuairteachadh bho 52 DL
The Bank of Sutherland has decided to stop the circulation of the 1 deàrr coin as the value is too low. 1 Deàrr is currently equivalent to one-eighth of a mina and the bank is going to issue new coins worth 5 Deàrachean. The 1 Deàrr coins will be recycled and melted to make into 5 Deàrachean coins.

The Rathonian Central Library is under construction
Thathar a ’togail Leabharlann Mheadhanach Rathanach
The construction of Dùnrath’s first library, the Rathonian Central Library, which began construction in Year 49, has nearly come to an end. The library is being stocked with books from all across Morantìr/Nyrheim/Almaris. Original books such as local books will also be accessible there.

The Tales story writing competition has started
Tha farpais sgrìobhaidh sgeulachd air tòiseachadh
The Cabinet Secretary for Education The Right Honourable Lady Alethea Dumieres has launched ‘The Tales’ competition. The theme of the competition is ‘Culture’ in which participants write about their home culture. It is a chance to win a prize of 800 Agnethe Deàrachean, equivalent to about 80 minas. More information can be found in the supplement.






Note: This issue will be available all across the Barony of Dùnrath, available in Taverns, banks and other public spaces.

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Alric reads over the finding of a corpse in the southern part of Dùnrath.


"I am compelled to ride South to the Barony, this seems interesting."

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Cloaked in winter's haar, a creature uncanny origin cackled odiously, "Oh- investigate to thy last breath."

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A particular woman rolled her eyes and threw something of a fit at the news of the discovered body. "This is a trespass I cannot abide. I will see to the resolution of this matter myself, if I must." She said with a vitriolic hiss. "But, patience first. Patience first..." With that, the woman began preparing her things for a trip south.

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