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Royal Norlandic Ashguard Fieldguide


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authored in the year 74 S.A. by Marshal Asmund Camian







Section I: Preamble

Section II: Authority

Section III: Military Organization 

Section IV: Military Courtesies and Customs

Section V: Rank Structure

Section VI: Billets

Section VII: Awards and Merit

Section VIII: Enlisting and Oath of Service 

Section IX: Retirement







The Royal Norlandic Ashguard, often only referred to as the Ashguard, is an organized military organization of the Kingdom of Norland tasked with the protection of the Kingdom and her citizens from internal as well as external threats. It acts as the sword and shield of Norland, protecting its people, territory and interests as well as uphold law and order within the Nation.


In the past, its ranks consisted of main soldiers, ready and willing to give their lives for King and Country. Today, the Royal Norlandic Ashguard serves as a much less martial capacity as a cultural enterprise composed of the brave men and women within the Kingdom, paying due respect to their ancestors.






The Royal Norlandic Ashguard acts upon the direct authority of the Marshal of the Kingdom of Norland and subsequently upon the authority of the King of Norland. It doubles as an organized military to defend the Kingdom of Norland and as a policing force to uphold law and order.

Officers of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard may arrest and punish individuals breaking Norlandic Law and oversee the extradition of foreign nations to their respective homeland in case a treaty between such a nation states such. It is furthermore the authority of Royal Norlandic Ashguard to, in times of crisis, enforce curfews, set up security checkpoints along the roads and set security perimeters within Norlandic territory.






To ensure a stable and effective military defense of the Kingdom of Norland, the Royal Norlandic Ashguard has various forms of military organization deeply embedded within itself. These forms vary from a system of promotion and awarding, to individual military proclamations. The most important and essential forms of military organization are;


Military Proclamations of the Marshal, which act as direct orders to all members of the Ashguard. 


The Royal Norlandic Ashguard’s Mark system, in which each and every soldier is rewarded a certain amount of marks for a duty they carried out for the military and shall be rewarded accordingly.


The Billeting system, in which every soldier has the right to claim a secondary set of duties to perform in the name of King and Country.









When on duty, each and every soldier of the Royal Ashguard has the duty to wear the individual Uniform in accordance with their military rank. When not on duty, the military expects due behavior from its soldiers, as they represent the Royal Ashguard and subsequently the Kingdom with their actions.


Furthermore, helmets are to be worn during official duties such as court and patrols. Personal modifications made to your uniform are not permitted unless directly given permission from either an Overseer or the Marshal.




Unlike many militaries of the south, saluting is rather a form of tradition than a way to show respect to one’s comrade in arms. Hence in general it is rarely practiced by the soldiers in the Royal Norlandic Ashguard. Although the aforementioned fact stands, there are certain exceptions. These include the presence of the King and the Marshal. In this case, a soldier of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard is to raise his fist to his heart.




When addressing a soldier who is senior to oneself, one must first of all state the rank of the person one wishes to address as well as their first or last name. Following this, the reason for the address is to be stated.







The Royal Norlandic Ashguard is made up of two individual types of soldier. The Officers and the Enlisted. Following will be a brief explanation of each rank as well as their individual duties and responsibilities; the hierarchy of Royal Norlandic Ashguard’s ranks will be listed from highest to lowest.






The Marshal of the Kingdom of Norland serves as the direct Commander of the Armed Forces of Norland, including the Royal Norlandic Ashguard as well as further militias organized by the Kingdom. It is his or her duty to ensure the continuous security of the Nation from both internal as well as external threats. Furthermore, the Marshal of the Kingdom of Norland acts as the King’s first Advisor in matters of military nature.



Overseers act as the deputy to the Marshal and have the duty and responsibility to administer the Wardens below them. They often take on administrative tasks such as delivery of pay, equipping the soldiers and promotions. It is furthermore the duty of the Overseers to keep order and discipline amongst the Royal Norlandic Ashguard and issue accordingly punishments.



Wardens are junior officers of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard, tasked with keeping the military discipline and competence in check through hosting training, patrols and further military proceedings. They are tasked with numerous duties involving direct contact with the soldiery as well as conducting regular inspections upon military bases as they see fit.




The Masters At Arms are experienced and battle hardened soldiers of the Ashguard and junior Officers. They are normally placed in command of an encampment or Fort in the countryside and are entrusted with the respective logistics and administrative duties of said military installation, such as weaponry, food supplies and repairs. Furthermore, these soldiers are tasked with policing and patrolling their respective territories surrounding their military installation.




Men At Arms are senior enlisted personnel with multiple years of military experience. They stand as the perfect example of military discipline, skill and hardship. These soldiers are granted the special task of overseeing the direct training of a group of Initiates and acting as their mentor during this time.


Footmen are soldiers who have passed the trials of being an Initiate. These men and women of the Kingdom have proven themselves as reliable and trusted members of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard, being entrusted with the life or lives of his or her fellow servicemembers.



Initiates are young and becoming men and women of the Kingdom who have decided to take up arms in defense of their homeland. During their time in this rank they face numerous trials and attend many military procedures in order to learn and master the skills needed to defend the Kingdom of Norland.







Billets, a specialized rank, are extra duties granted to Soldiers who show exceptional knowledge and ability in a certain skill. These roles are in effect both during times of crisis and peace.




Couriers are military messengers entrusted to deliver and receive imperative reports and orders from command to deliver to their cohorts. These roles are usually given to cavalrymen.



The Drillmaster is a position given to a soldier of the rank of Man At Arms or above. They are tasked with the training of the Initiates of the Ashguard within the entire Ashguard. The role is typically assigned to a Man At Arms, and they are responsible for ensuring the qualified Initiates pass their trials and progress to the rank of Footman.




The medic is tasked with ensuring that each and every soldier of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard is physically prepared for any task they may be ordered to perform. They furthermore administer to the soldier’s medical needs in any way possible.




The Quartermaster ensures everyone in the Ashguard is well equipped for any task they may have to face during peace and or war. They take count of equipment and act as the keeper of logistics in the entire Ashguard. They furthermore conduct inspections and report to high command on any supplies needed. 








The Medal of Javier

A bronze badge depicting the face of the Thegn King Javier “The Undefeated” Ruric. This badge is granted to those who fulfill the first order they are given. It is the most common badge amongst the Badges of Acclaim.


Medal of Thoromir

For those who have brought new, eager soldiers to the Royal Norlandic Ashguard. Unlike the other badges, there are several variants of this badge. The first badge is a bronze badge, and this is given when a member has recruited one soldier to the Royal Norlandic Ashguard. The next badge is a silver badge and that is given when one has recruited five soldiers to the cause. After that, there is the Golden badge which is given if you recruit ten soldiers. The final badge is the diamond badge which is given to a soldier when they have recruited fifteen soldiers. 


Medal of Hakon

The Norlandic Bloodrose Amulet is given to a soldier who has been injured in the line of duty. This amulet represents the blood and sacrifices a soldier is willing to take to serve his people. The amulet is amongst one of the greatest honors one can receive during his/her time of service in the Royal Norlandic Ashguard.


Medal of the Guardian of the North

A silver badge depicting the Ashwood tree. This award is gifted to a soldier who shows valor in the line of duty. This badge is for one who has continuously placed their life on the line. It is to be worn at all times to distinguish those selected from the others. It is a tremendous honor and is granted to those who have done everything in their power for the Kingdom of Norland. 


The Sword of Alisgrad

A four-foot golden broadsword engraved with ancient Norlandic Text, on the pommel there is a golden hound with a crown on its head representing Eirik “The Great” Ruric. The Gilded Blade is the highest Badge of Acclaim being granted personally by the King himself. This weapon of choice is forged by the best Blacksmith throughout the land and is a symbol of undying loyalty for which the soldier placed onto Norland and its people.






In order to enlist the Royal Norlandic Ashguard and subsequently serve the Kingdom of Norland, a man or woman wishing to serve must fulfill the following criteria:

They must be a loyal Norlandic Citizen

They must be able bodied and at least of 18 years of age

They must understand and follow the principles of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard


If these are met, the individual may be enlisted into the Ashguard per their own request. They then are given equipment, food, housing, pay and must undertake the Oath of Service. This oath goes as follows;

“I, _____, solemnly swear on my honor and my sword to faithfully serve the Rurikkid Clans, and above all the Ruric King of Norland, to uphold the laws and traditions of Norland, and to protect her peoples. I will don the red and black of Norland proudly, and swear not to abuse my powers and privileges as a member of the Ashguard.”


Once the applicant has spoken these words, they are officially a member of the Ashguard at the rank of Initiate.







After completing at least 25 years active military service within the Ashguard as well as achieving at least 100 marks within the rank they wish to retire with, every member who completed these requirements is entitled to a farmhouse in the countryside which shall be free of tax for their lifetime. After the death of the soldier post retirement, the estate shall be reincorporated into the possession of the Kingdom of Norland.



Signed and approved,


            Asmund Camian

            Marshal of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard of the Kingdom of  Norland


                His Majesty, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, King of Norland, High Chieftain of the Rurikkid, Duke of Varhelm and Alisgrad, Lord of Eiriksgrad, Protector of the Highlanders, etc


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