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[✓] [World Lore] The Remnant Hexes: The Fallout of Shamanism


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This is a means of historically tying together a lot of shamanism lore that has been rewritten, amended, or simply removed from current submissions, retconning of shamanism. My second purpose is also to give non-shamanic players some means of interacting and creating engaging stories through spiritual events and antagonists. 





This piece is my attempts at addressing

  • Spoiler
    • The inconsistent cannon of spirits being able to manifest and not manifest
    • What happened to the old features of shamanic lore and what they do now
    • Cut features from subtypes and wholly shelved magics
    • Addressing Spirit Mannerisms
    • Create a Spiritual Timeline 
    • Dark Shamanism, its abuses, and very possible return(through feat or cultural practice)


And in Turn

  • Spoiler
    • Creates a solid basis for which people (even those outside the current shamanic community) can utilize lore, old and new
    • Allows for non-magical shamanic players to engage with Shamanic RP  in an impactful  way
    • Expand on MArt culture and reviving Lesser Spirit RP




The Spiritual Plane has always escaped mortal perception. Over the centuries, the access to the realms twisted and shifted to the whims of the spirits who controlled them. The pantheon of spirits grew larger and their influence on the mortal realm increased. However, the whims of the Mortal Realm warped Krug’s initial intent with these unfathomable entities.  






The first generation of Dark Shamanism stole the true names from the spirits, shattering and altering the form of shamanic pacts. In ages past, spiritual power was passed among words, however as more and more of the spiritual language was perverted, The Greater Elemental spirits retracted from the Mortal realm, so that their names could longer be exploited. The great feats of Krug and his first kin were forever locked away to stories of old.


 Centuries past, and the second generation of Dark Shamans were born. Driven by the madness of Ixli, the Ish’urkal desired utter chaos and complete power. Their greed broke the physiology of spirits, and in consuming them,  they became them. Mindless power shaped them into the beings they loathed. In pursuing spiritual power, their bodies, what little was still descendant, were ripped from the Mortal Plane. As they abused their power, the Ish’urkal lost their mortality. Permanently cast into the spiritual realm, the forlorn dark shamans were left to the whims of Ixli and Ikuras, becoming Zezimar within the Moz’Strimoza.


Orgon’s stint in the Mortal Realm altered the flow of souls within the Spiritual plane and the connections the Shamans could now possess. It fundamentally shifted the Spiritual Plane into a place of personal conflict and quarrel.  When Orgon had uplifted himself from the position of Lesser to Greater, he set off a chain reaction that shattered the placid nature of the Spiritual Realm.  Any spirit who now reached out to the mortal realm through physical means now found their hand restrained by an infinite number of opposing forces. 

The Spiritual Planes in constant conflict, a self cannibalizing process, one without the meddling of shamans


TLDR: Dark shamanism caused the phasing out of older spirit lore(in which current shamans cannot utilize Greater elementals like Time, Death, Space, etc), and Orgon shattered the balance in the spirit realm, causing an endless cycle of chaos that temporarily prevents them from manifesting in the traditional way, save for spirits with exceptional power or roots within the Mortal Realm.  








Dark shamanism continued to proliferate. The Ulua’mirzgai continued to infect the Mortal and Spiritual Planes. Ismuth Anchors,  the perverted totems, captured and made spirits mortal through the strength of Leyd. For the first, and last time, the spirits bled, and in perceiving their mortality, sectioned themselves off so that their manipulation would end. There were larger things at stake. 



 A spiritual war that would last the length of creation.




TLDR: The last generation of dark shamanism sealed the deal in spirits willingly manifesting or engaging in the mortal realm in their former fashion, and instead must be done through new means.




With the fizzling out of many of the features and figures of shamanism, the creatures left behind; the muyakelgs, the Ismuth Anchors, spirit smiths;  the names forgotten the annals of history awoke, permanently severed from the Spiritual Realm. Grudges that had been abandoned for thousands of years found themselves overturned. The strength of the spirits were still the essential power the shamans drew on, but no longer an endless tap of abounding magic.




The forlorn mortal pieces of the Spiritual Realm were relics, monsters, characters who had chosen to stay within the Mortal Realm. Once the Age of War began, the options these remnants possessed were trapped in the Mortal Realm. With no way back, they only sought to proliferate in a final bloom of once what was. These figures exist as a wide array of entities, persona, and objects from over the lifespan of shamanism within the mortal realm, as well as any avatars the shamanic community or playerbase would like to interact with. The strength, ability, and overall effect is based off of the totem lore, where worship = power.  These characters may be roleplayed shamans, whether as reverent entities or malevolent figures.  Lesser spirits constantly squabble and strive for power and so their nature is fickle and wild.  These avatars are in character interpretations of  natural phenomena intertwined with spiritualism, but could easily be roleplayed or created within the current scope of Shamanism.

 These creatures cannot be tamed, utilized or exploited beyond the scope of events. They are no different than event animals and serve a similar purpose. They must adhere to these redlines:


These creatures do not require a CA of any sort and are used explicitly for player or staff events. These must be OOCly coordinated and must be trusted for responsible use. To utilize these, you must ask shaman ST/LT, and/or representatives of the shamanic community. 

May not be tamed or kept as a pet.

 May not be used to attack other nations.

May not be used as defense for yourself or other nations.

Player-signed Items and trophies cannot have any extra-special abilities or be exceptional in nature and must follow any rules listed in the lore. Crafted tools or weapons may not surpass their steel counterparts. Items will not warrant an ST signature, unless they have some spiritual influence or minor ability. Minor abilities are limited to the scope of current shamanic lore (I.e,) a rock that gives a farseer blessing.


This resource is ONLY allowed for DIY events - meaning that which is run by a player group(s) of people which has OOCly consent, abuse of this will not be tolerated and any queries regarding anything one may be unsure of should be directed to an ST or the shamanic community.

Repeated use of remnants in the same area requires ST and Management approval or 1 OOC month cooldown per invocation.

Remnants may remain for 1 narrative day, though they have no effect other than to astound those who seek intercession with the spiritual realm.

Player made event items are not able to grant full shamanic blessings and only serve a purely aesthetic purpose, unless specifically approved by ST.

In order for player made event items to be approved by ST, the player would need to provide proof of creation RP.


This resource is ONLY allowed for DIY events - meaning that which is run by a player group(s) of people which has OOCly consent, abuse of this will not be tolerated and any queries regarding anything one may be unsure of should be directed to an ST or the shamanic community.

Bhraf-ob Kor 
Mists of Kor




Drawn out through past attempts at Communion- and the failure of old Muyakelgs, these mists are the echo of what once was.  These mists contain the voices and sounds of Ancestrals, simply the resonant connections and attempts at keeping them within the mortal realm. 

This unexpected cacophony arrives during times of great sorrow, during lost battles, and Ancestral rituals. Drawn out by the loss of life and the passage of Kor’s rites, these fragments of Ancestors glean the true nature of the Stargush, and what lurks within it.  


The leftover remnants of spiritual energy may only project outlines and true details- an atheist, or simply non-ancestralists would see this little more than whispers on the wind, or stories told by shamans of old.



No specific characters may appear, unless a T5 or multiple (3) lutauman are present.
This depiction is easily dispersed by wind, magic, or any mundane means.
This would disappear if combat was to begin.
They cannot  be collected/captured, as they are the remnants of older spells.
To summon the mists of Kor, a Iutauman or haruspex would need to burn a mixture of descendant blood/viscera (preferably spirit worshippers or those that died), soot and gold.
A ritual of no fewer than 5 emotes is required when asking for an intercession from Kor or King, as the mists begin to form and take shape of an Ancestral at the end of the fourth emote.
Remnants of actual characters are required to be RP'd by said characters original player.
Characters summoned through Mists of Kor, choose so speak vaguely, only revealing snippets of their memories.


Avatar of Urin: Blue Storm




This weather pattern emerges as a loud and rolling cloud of voices, rippling with spiritual energy.  A witchdoctor sought to create a being that could bring unending rain. Instead, he created a spiritual tempest that prowls  weather patterns of the land. This avatar was evoked in the past seeking to flood the mortal realm, and it outgrew its purpose. To survive in the mortal realm, the creature sustains itself on clouds and latent storms. The sharp imagery of blue light can often blind or disorient those present with the rippling spiritual energy, and often leaves many transfixed on the spectacle. These large clouds are ripe with spiritual energy, coloring the rain and light they emit with a cool blue glow. This rain is far stronger than any normal deluge and may create intense flooding in the surrounding area.  Ironically enough, this storm is often attracted to shamans- those who invoke patterns of weather seeking a hungry meal. Followers of Urin may unintentionally conjure forth the hungry avatar when failing hexes or utilizing the spells of the Weather spirit. 




This is just a flood with extra steps and a light show, it is not a spell or controllable entity.

Cannot be used combatively, you will not summon a spirit somewhere, nor can it be used in spaces with large numbers of people without proper summoning techniques(a ritual circle, sacrifice, some form of ceremony, knowledge of its name and Old Blah).

Cannot appear without PRO permission.

The maximum brightness of the storm would be like a modern day, high powered flashlight. While it may not blind you, staring at it for a long time would cause discomfort.

The damage caused by the storm is minor unless invoked multiple times.
The storm is unable to damage buildings and the like, without repeated use (3 times within 1 OOC month).




Avatar of Enrohk



A disease. An omen. This avatar manifests with horrid, telltale signs. The Naughrizha is an infection, able to invade weather patterns, animals, and old decaying structures. It manifests most commonly within the sky. Initially born from a curse, this plague lingers from the wrath of witchdoctors. When infesting buildings, the Naugrizha exists as a viscous and webby structure, ensnaring the living and all those around it in a horrible leathery vine like material. The Naugrizha also manifests in a second form, a weather pattern when the Naugrizha has fully engulfed an area, signifying a need for its cleansing. Touching the Naugrizha inflicts anger and madness upon its target, a slow erasure of the victim's mind until they are left in a bestial state. Over the course of 2 IRL weeks of prolonged exposure(touching skin, breathing in spores), the target loses their mind. This corruption is especially potent on fauna and flora, who may become aggressive and subvert their normal nature.


Shamans may utilize this plant in a special broth, creating a weak potion that induces bloodlust within the target. To do so, one would boil the strange webby substance, and invoke a prayer to Enrohk. Once done, the user may simply drink it.





2 Farseer/Witchdoctor must be present to cleanse the infested form.

Requires PRO Permission.

It is up to the players discretion, on whether they resist or let their character experience bloodlust.
Bloodlust can't be used to incite or force a riot or similar forced methods of violence.
It is up to the character's discretion on how intensely or for how long  the plant affects them, it is not a strong poison nor shamanic hex.
Requires the blood of two descendants.
It also serves the purpose as blight for shamans to clean up.
For simplicity's sake, the drink must be consumed consensually.
Any magic capable of curing plants would also serve to undo the manifestation (e.g. Blight healing, Scorthuz blessing, etc).
Any magic that is able to affect the soul either positively or negatively, can cure the current madness or erode/replace the current curse.






Dark clouds, thunderous crackling, and tinges of deep red mark the pattern known as the Naugrizha. Commonly seen near the volcanoes of the Iron’Uzg,  the infected weather pattern is an omen of misfortune and grief. A fleeting icon of wrath and pain, this version manifests within clouds and gusts of wind.  It marks skies before battles, and fills warriors with blind rage and madness. The Naugrizha can be summoned through the sacrifice of the descendant blood, preferably those who have tasted madness or are the bloodlust of war. Three Witchdoctors or Farseers are required to invoke the Naugrizha, regardless of Tier. Once they do so, an area of 50x50 from the ritual site is affected by a weak hex of Enrohk, inspiring rage and bloodlust.  This bloodlust only lasts for 5 emotes, and poses no boon to physical strength or ability. 



This effect is purely non-combative and not terribly strong, it merely gives something shamans to do before a fight or war.

Cleansing both manifestations of the Naugrizha can be done through at least 2 farseers or witchdoctors utilizing the power of Scorthuz at any tier. 

Any magic capable of curing plants would also serve to undo the manifestation.

Tharb Nûtniin

Blood Rain



A painful blight that manifests in acidic and painful rain, marked crimson. These rains would often blight cities as a retribution for its witchdoctors, or simply the remnants of a curse gone wrong.  The Tharb Nûtniin poisons crops, corrodes armor and weapons, taints water, and pains descendant flesh. They would strike skin like the pain of nettles, and leave painful lasting blisters. Non-lethal to descendants,  it would greatly harm small animals and wildlife unaware of the magical blight. This  weather pattern occurs often after the failure of witchdoctor’s spells and can be invoked when a hex does fail. This does not mean it can be summoned by will. Trying to invoke the Tharb Nûtniin only leads to empty silence.


The Tharb Nûtniin is an orcish acidic rain that poisons and blights crops, erodes armor and weakens those left in its rain.




It does not apply any real curse, nor are the effects lethal. It simply serves an aesthetic weather pattern, with mild affects.
The effects are slightly stronger then rust and other forms of mundane corrosion, it will not punch holes in your armor, or melt a hole in your head. It is a painful inconvenience.
Requires PRO/RO permission to occur
The rain lasts for 2 OOC hours
Requires a minimum 5 emote chant in old blah to be summoned
A roll of minimum 5 (or lower) out of 20 is needed, in order for the Blood Rain to be summoned after the Witchdoctor finishes their ritual.



H’Rukul ob-Orsk

Avatar of Torkorl: The Four Wheels of Theft



Born from the envy and spite of artists and architects, The Four Wheels of Theft are a collection of spirits that appear individually to harass and accost artists.  Often they appear as muses or fantastic inventors, granting descendants creativity and an increased fervor towards creation. However, their capricious nature is revealed when said inventor or artist finishes their piece; only to have it stolen, half-finished, or their memories of making it removed entirely. 


While in their disguise(a wealthy patron, a foreman, a simple laborer) they are extremely confident and sociable. They talk about future plans and “great things ahead”  though it's unclear what their actual intentions are.


When truly manifested, they speak in half-formed and broken sentences, usually expletives or self-deprecating quotes on their unfinished works.


While not accosting the living, they create monuments for themselves. Half completed ruins, dungeons and unending labyrinths or spires that stretch towards nothingness. One can find them here and call upon their intercession, though may find themselves swindled into tirelessly making art they never remember. 



They can create event sites, and only event sites that feature strange otherworldly architecture and confound current design.
They can also “inspire” works of art and feats of great creativity ability, but only tend to focus on those already creatively gifted.
They do not imbue the user with new abilities or savant-like prowess.
They are overseers who trick and deceive, and do not bestow any powers to descendants.
Due to their nature being that of tricksters and deceivers, when attacked they would flee and disappear, stopping everything that they were doing (ending the event)
ST permission is required if the event sites are to be made in an open region
PRO/RO permission is required if the event sites are so be made in owned areas


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Unga Bunga event resources



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wtf is shamanism? it sounds stupid


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