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Positions in the Office of Settlement


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‘Va Paumz ve Nauedlervik’

(To Aid the New Haeseni)


Vzmey and Hynk 427 E.S.



“The Office of the Komptroller of Settlement shall assume the duty of overseeing the movement of new denizens into the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, ensuring that these individuals are housed and employed at the behest of their respective administrators of the Kingdom.”


Komptroller of Settlement:

The Komptroller of Settlement oversees all new citizens for the crown and sits on the Aulic Council. They are tasked with familiarizing those who move to the nation with the societal norms, professions, community, etc. The Komptroller also supervises an office of workers who wish for the same goal and delegates work to each person as needed, allowing for a broader outreach. They also keep Koncordat wards organized and ensure they continue to reach out to those who have recently joined or are about to enter.


Kastellan of Settlement:

The Kastellan of Settlement is second in command to the Komptroller. They are tasked with helping to oversee the nation’s new citizens and making them feel welcome. They enable them to integrate smoothly and serve those who have recently joined the community. Help organize and check up on Koncordat Wards.


Koncordat Wards:

Koncordat Wards are tasked with being the vessels of the office. They are the ones that are tasked with actively reaching out to the new citizens of Haense, making sure they have everything that they need. This means that they will frequently work with stewards to get them housing, find them access to jobs throughout the kingdom, and make sure they are cared for by the community.



His Excellency, Iulius Vernhart, Comptroller of Settlement





If you have any questions or would like to apply for the office, contact Iulius Vernhart (tcs_tonsils_ or Alamo#2985)


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