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| Story Team Build Recruitment |


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We are quickly approaching our fifth month since the dissolution of the World Team. One of the major changes, for a more effective outcome regarding builds, was sending staff builders to the Story Team.


While the Build sect is a separate part of Story Team, much like Event and Lore, they work in tandem to ensure world narratives and event-lines are engageable and interactive. Story Builders have the sole responsibility of building for events and lore only.

What we look for in our builders is not only their building skills, or abilities to use tools like World Edit, but their collaborative skills, communication, and availability.


If you are interested in applying your building skills to the Story Team, to help continue the story on LotC, click here!


                                                                                                                                                                                                        - WestCarolina 



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Tried once before, denied. I doubt the answer will be different if I tried again. Doesn't matter if I'm good at building, me and the staff just tend to not like eachother.

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Can I apply for free pex

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idk... volunteer build team when good builds are something people pay for nowadays makes me just feel bad, especially when build team has kinda been known for high standards

can the server not hork up any shinies for builds to get some event, etc. content to players?? :/ 

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