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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [knights5544] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason




What circumstances led to this ban?


Quite frankly the details regarding the ban had happened so long ago that it's a bit difficult to recall. Basically the long and the short of it is that I confronted a friend of mine for metagaming and then subsequently lying about the incident. This 'friend', in collusion with another person who disliked me, went to moderators who were already not fond of me at the time due to me constantly causing drama and informed them that I was harassing the friend. My tone with this 'friend' was certainly not formal, and I was upset considering the circumstances, but I personally did not feel that I was /harassing/ them. This was a FRIEND of mine, so of course my tone wasn't going to be extremely professional in my communication with them. Personally, I felt that the ban was biased and unwarranted, but I had no opportunity to debate that. Following the ban I quit the server, hence why it's taken a year for me to appeal it.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


Personally I disagree with the entirety of the ban, though I suppose that many people would say something along the lines of that. It's a fact that I've rubbed many staff members the wrong way, and many players wanted me gone because I was very oppositional. It's a fact that even at one point a very prominent player on the server who is close to the staff members attempted to get me banned on a separate occasion with illegitimate evidence. I feel that my situation was looked at out of context and as a result I was banned for my interaction which was misinterpreted. Whether there was bias involved or not within the decision to ban me is a separate matter I suppose.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I want to make a difference. The same reason as to why I returned the last time before being banned. I want to help create positive change within the community, and this time take a much more proactive approach to how I can make a difference within LOTC.


Attach other relevant information.


Chicken nuggets

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