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The Oaken Tome: Laws of Nevaehlen


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The Oaken Tome


Wrote and adapted from the Father Circle Code of Conduct

on the 94th Year of the Second Age


The Authority of the Stag


          As Amaethon presides over his brothers and sisters upon the Mani pantheon, so do the Eternal Concord keep watch over the Vale of Nevaehlen as guiding hands, stalwart shields, and when necessary; the bearers of justice. Each role upon the concord is granted the authority to oversee certain duties in the village and to administer them as they see fit. 

          When village-kin find themselves with a matter that requires the attention of the Concord, they should always consider when and where is an appropriate time to bring it up. If the Concord member in question is in the midst of debate, handling a separate situation, or in the midst of combat then waiting for that appropriate moment would be wise and essential.


The Matriarch


          As the guiding head of Nevaehlen, the Matriarch serves the people as a teacher and motherly presence comparable to even that of Bolommormaa or Cerridwen herself. She has the final say on all matters concerning the village, though divides these duties amongst the rest of the Concord. Her advice is provided to aid in this and better guide the decisions of the Concord as a whole. 


The Eldarch


          The Matriarch’s hand, the Eldarch, is an individual meant to serve as her second in guiding the efforts of the Concord and advising the other members in caring for the village. While they do not have the same authority of the Matriarch, they are a means of reaching her without interrupting her busy day-to-day.


The Valeseer


          The commander of the Halerir’elame, the Valeseer, oversees all matters of the military and the Vale’s safety. They organize the defense and training of the village kin, equip all with the necessary means to fight, and ensure that all are following the laws and traditions of the Vale. To disobey their word is to invite swift punishment.


The Keeper


          The Keeper is the master of keys and stewardry. They manage the housing of every villager and see to the welcoming of new kin to the Vale’s woodland walls while being an example of what it means to be a villager of Nevaehlen.


The Triumvirate of Wild Chiefs


          Just as the Matriarch has her Eldarch, the Valeseer has the three Wild Chiefs to aid in commanding the Halerir’elame. They are meant to serve as the captains of the military and act as the hands and enforcers to the Valeseer’s decisions, while also advising them on matters of the Vale’s safety.


The Greenblades


          The village militia that each and every member of the Vale must take part in. Every Greenblade has the authority to defend the village, its inhabitants, and the culture that resides within it. They, however, do not have the authority to make decisions regarding the dealing of punishment for criminal offenses, diplomacy and foreign affairs, and other matters left in the hands of the Concord. This, of course, does not pertain to matters of life and death such as self-defense, the removal of banished individuals, or executing those who are marked for death. Further authority to act may be given by members of the Concord.


The Conduct of the Stag


          The following are topics and their descriptions of how all villagers of the Vale and guests are required and expected to act. All those who visit or live amongst the Vale of Nevaehlen must abide by these rules. The code is subject to change.




         § 1 - On Classifications of Conduct


          § 1.01 Required to protect the Vale from any harm to the land or its members

          § 1.02 Required to protect fellow brethren of the Vale

          § 1.03 Required to uphold the tenets, culture, and faith of the Vale

          § 1.04 Required to remove any dark mages from the Vale

          § 1.05 Required to preserve and protect the Father Tree

          § 1.06 Required to uphold the very Code of Conduct

          § 1.07 Avoid political matters on Father Circle grounds

          § 1.08 Required to maintain one allegiance to the Vale, without holdings or affiliations to other nations or settlements.


         § 2 - On Classifications of Crime



         § 2.01 Crimes Against Nature


         § 2.01.1 - Voidal Magic- When a person or group of magi who possesses, practices or attempts to practice the conjuring of spells, creatures, or items of voidal origin within the village are to vacate the premises or be marked for death. 

         § 2.01.2 - Land Destruction- When a person or group who deliberately destroys, or attempts to destroy an environment are to vacate the premises. 

         § 2.01.3 - Animal Cruelty- When a person or group who deliberately harms, or attempts to harm an animal with malicious intent are to vacate the premises. 

         § 2.01.4 - Disturbance of Nature- When a non-druid person or group who intentionally acts in a means to disrupt nature's peace are to vacate the premises.

         § 2.01.5 - Disturbance of the Father Tree- When a person or group attempts, or successfully attacks, harms, or destroys the Father Tree, a banishment is warranted. 

         § 2.01.6 - Interbreeding- When a person or group suggests, attempts to, or engages in romantic relations between an elf and that of another race, a banishment is warranted. 



         § 2.02 - Crimes Against Citizens


         § 2.02.1 - Violence-  When a person or group attempts or successfully kidnaps, assaults, murders, or harrasses members of the Vale, a banishment and shun are warranted within the village.

         § 2.02.2 - Theft- When a person or group attempts or successfully steals the property of a member, a warning will be administered.



         § 2.03 - Crimes Against the Village


         § 2.03.1 - Disturbance of the Peace - When a person or group, intentionally or unintentionally, disrupts the peace and sanctuary of the village, a warning will be administered. 

         § 2.03.2 - Destruction of Property- When a person or group attempts or successfully sabotages, destroys, or vandalizes property within the Vale, a banishment is warranted. 


         § 2.04 - Crimes Against the Vale


         § 2.04.1 - Propaganda- When a person or group spreads false information about the Vale of Nevaehlen, whether the slander is within or outside the Vale, a banishment is warranted. 

         § 2.04.2 - Vigilantism- When a person or group acts on enforcing the law or pursuing matters of the Vale without the authority of the Concord, a banishment is warranted.

         § 2.04.3 - Treason- When a person or group betrays information or aid to enemies of the Vale with the intent of harming the village or its people, a shun is warranted.


         § 3 - On Classifications of Entry



         § 3.01 Dark Mages- Individuals who possess or practice the use of dark magics and/or dark magic items are not welcomed within the village; ie, Necromancy, voidal magic, demons. Any who are found within the village will be removed from the premises or marked for death. 

         § 3.02 Unnatural Creatures- Any unnatural creature is not welcomed within the village; ie, Undead, voidal constructs. Exceptions can be made for Sorvians depending on their intentions. Any who are found within the village will be removed from the premises or marked for death.

         § 3.03 Refusal to Leave- Any individual or group who refuses to leave upon order of the members of the Father Circle or Vale, a banishment will be warranted.

         § 3.04 Concealed Identity- All individuals and groups are expected to remove any helmets, masks, hoods, cloaks, etcetera upon entry to the Vale. Refusal will result in a warning and barred entry. Exceptions to the rule include Halerir’elame and Vale residents.


         § 4 - On Classifications of Punishments



         § 4.01 Banishment- The person or group is not allowed entry within the Vale of Nevaehlen.

         § 4.02 Shun- The person or group will not be spoken to and are not allowed within the Vale of Nevaehlen. 

         § 4.03 Marked for Death- The person or group will be killed on sight within the territories of the Vale without pleas or mercy.


**Under special cases where any of the above is brought to a member of the Concord, further punishments may be dealt depending on the situation.


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