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「 Whispers of the Damned 」【PK】


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Screams of dismay sounded from a broken mage, storms of tears running down her bloodied cheeks. Surrounding her was the destruction and downfall of the home she held dear- all by her own hand. She was so foolish, so naïve to have believed she'd be able to save anyone she cared about. She had never been able to save a single soul that she cherished. Death had always followed her trail, death, and destruction. Why would striking a deal with a manipulative demon change such? 

And so all the mage could do after obliterating her home, was plead to those who could listen, to end their suffering with her own demise. She was a reckless danger unto them all. Thankfully, she was ultimately offered the freedom of her life when an arrow sent by a woman known as Houri, soared through the window of her tower and struck her in her neck, silencing her screams. Pain ran up the wound, blood spurting out, but it did naught do the end, she was stuck in a never-ending state of pain. She couldn't scream her desire for death, she was still a danger unto them all. But those thoughts vanished as a loud BOOM rang through the tower, Pain erupting in her mind as it exploded into many bits and pieces before she found herself in the blank nothingness of death. 

In the split moments, before her head would become naught, she found herself surrounded and alone in darkness. In such a peaceful moment she could recall how she ruined everything, oh so clearly.

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In the emptiness of the darkness, she remembered her youth, her loving mother, her baby brother, and her father. And just as fast as she remembered them she also remembered their haunting demises. Flashes of her family's capture on a pirate ship that had raided her small home of Rolin. Flashes of her father tearing into the neck of her baby brother before being beheaded right before her.  Flashes of her mother's head, split into by an axe.

Words they all spoke rang in her ears, but only a promise rang through into the silence. The only one she could clearly recall. Her father's last words to her.

"Kolette, you must promise me to live on and be strong." 

The flashes returned, flashing in the nothingness were the men that saved her soul.
Edmond of Sava and Masuo of Yamatai. 

They had rescued her from death's clutches, but not from her own terrors and mind,  for years the sound of the water splashing onto that deadly ship's hull, haunted her. 

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After being saved the young tattered girl spent years at the camp of the Hexers, fighting and training to overcome her trauma and become an initiate herself. She struggled and struggled, wanting to repay Edmond and the others for their kindness. But in a flash the words that stopped such rang in her head. 

"Kolette, You cannot become an Initiate.  Your father told you to live. You, I have to honor him." 

She remembers Edmond's solemn expression as he spoke of the promise that kept her going. And just as fast as her training began it ended. She was sent away to try and live a normal life, but the things she had seen kept her from enjoying such. She would grow a bit older before she'd find the Hexers again in Dun an Ein. She begged and begged but Edmond would not bend until she found a loophole and a blessing. 

Eliza Wittenbach

This beautiful woman came into Kolette's life and welcomed her into the conclave. She became a teacher, a mentor, and a mother figure to the lost girl. Kolette became a sorceress, eager to defend and protect those of the creed she had found a home in. She was a natural, and with the power of Water Evocation, she slowly began to overcome her trauma with water. She used the fear she felt as power, Slaving away day by day to be a master one day. 

In these days of training, she even found love for a time. She had fallen deeply in love with a kind man who showed her kindness and care.

 Solun of Esbec

He was her comfort. Often caring for her when she had overworked herself. He kept her going, kept her strong. And would often keep her from her own stupidity. She felt complete in his arms and couldn't bare the idea of him going to face dangers on his own.

In the darkness flashes of the fatal trip to Kivdrona rammed into her head. She had been warned not to go, he begged her not to go. But she never listened. She went and experienced the worst things in her life.

Those monsters and deaths that happened there haunted her and conquered her mind. After such a traumatic experience she clung to Solun's warmth and love, but even that would be stolen away. To stay true to the code he left her, ending their love. She was left alone again, even more so when the creed fell apart. 

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After years of loneliness and longing to be loved and surrounded by her family, the mage heard the news of the Creed returning. She found her way back to Dun an Ein, eager for the happy welcome, but she didn't receive as much of a warm welcome as she had pictured. Margot of Reinmar and her dear Mentor Eliza, were among the missing, along with many others. 

Solun, her late love was the grandmaster, and had lost his feelings over the years, the feelings that still riddled her chest. Whether it was for him or for the feeling of being wanted or needed, it made her act out. 

She grew a bit overwhelming, trying to help, and broke at his mind. She cared too much and chased him away more into his madness. As such, she decided to make a stupid decision. She sought out the same demon that racked Soluns' mind with visions. She planned to go alone, but Darya of Caermad joined her, wanting to protect the stupid stupid mage. 

And into the cave they went, eager to help those they cared for. What Kolette wanted was waved in front of her eyes and she foolishly took the bait. Throwing Darya under the bus with her as the twos souls soon belonged to the demon. She damned them all with a stupid longing of belonging. 


And so as it all came to an end she reached her clarity, as her brains littered the floors of that damned room. She felt her life fleeting as one final thought crossed her mind. 

"You are a danger unto those you love, only in death may you truly keep those you love safe."

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I adored playing Kolette! It was heartbreaking to watch her fall into this </3 But I am so thankful to all the friends she made and all the stories she has been apart of <3 Here's some arts and such of my lovely gal! <3 


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He didn't witness it happen. Merely, an arrow sail through the air, as he'd been trying to breach the tower and pull them both out. 


Between the roaring of the blaze, and the shouting of his comrades, Masuo of Yamatai did not hear with certainty what went down in the tower. Just the explosive power of a boomsteel arrow. 


Yet, the flames raged on, and  the samurai could not bare to lose any more than he had. Simple shouts and commands, to abandon the keep, and escape with their lives. 


Fighting through smoke and flame, did those weary Hexers run. Witnessing the horrors of lost comrades, one of which his beloved niece, he trudged on. 


As they looked back, Masuo fought tears. How could this have happened? How could the mage do this? A mix of hatred and pain tore his face asunder, the tears welling in his eyes until he could not contain them much longer. 


Kolette of Rolin


At one point in time, he cared for her like a mentor, trying to steer her from her misdoings, and occasionally even partaking in them. He could see her face planted clearly in his mind. The scared little girl, on a ship besieged by pirates. He'd tried to visualise her now, in the present, but the pain was too much. Even with her final act, he could harbor no hatred. 


Despite the misgivings of others, and the antagonistic nature, he'd miss her. 


In his mind, he knew she was gone. No one escaped the blaze. But in his heart, he prayed she'd somehow made it out, and left to embark on a quiet and peaceful life. 


He'd think back, to their last conversation together, sitting side by side at the great dining hall of Dun an Ein.


"I'm happy you are back. It's so good to see you!" 


"You as well, Kolette." He'd smile. "You as well..." 


This. This is how he'd remember her. A girl who loved so completely, that she'd sacrifice herself for those she'd care for. 

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  First the arrow struck her collarbone. The second arrow struck her head. It was that Mihyari menace behind the crossbow who shot Kolette, causing her that physical demise. The focus and steady which unfurled into her ungraceful doom. At least she didn't burn like Darya, she had thought, gripping the reins of her steed more tautly. As she glanced rightward to the mourning Masuo who struggled not to break. She inhaled, soon after shifting her sights to the wagon they lugged to Petra. Angelika, Solun, Verres, and Henry. Two wounded and asleep, one weeping for the loss of her sister, and one steeled as he gazed out at the endless mounds of sand and towering cacti. 

  The images would haunt her forever -- of her first killing. Of the woman who deftly wept in pleads of forgiveness and death as corruption crawled within her frame, consuming the once kind soul. She grits her teeth, causing a pained neigh from the animal below who roused in discomfort and near alarm. A calming palm lowered to their neck as she provided it comfort, eyes steeling ahead. "Dangerous and harmful." She'd recite to herself, recalling her last words to Kolette. The woman would forever mourn, never acquiring peace over this death. 

Edited by DahStalker
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OOC: Dino your pk post are novel like, I love reading them. hope u had fun with this character <3


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