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Issued by the Herzog of Minitz

in the year of our Lord 1902





As the numbers, prestige, and positions of Minitz have seen growth, so too has the requirement of an officially structured government to oversee the due processes within our realm. Much work it has required, but finally, GOTT has blessed us for our labors.


It is thus that by the Edict of Herzog Leon Barclay, Duke of Minitz, THE HERZOGRAT OF MINITZ be officially formed, and act as the Ducal Government of the realm.


Three branches shall compose the new Herzograt of our realm:

  • THE HERRENHAUS: to act as the Duke’s most trusted council, to lead the realm through their duties and authorities

  • THE LANDTAG: to act as the second council of the realm, composed of all Reinmaren tribesmen of Minitz, who shall have say in the Moots of Minitz and in its legislation.

  • THE MAYOR’S OFFICE: to act as the representative of the Burghers of the realm, the non-Reinmaren residents who fill the walls of Neu Brandthof.


May GOTT light our path to a better future, and to our Herzograt’s prosperity and efficiency.








As the most paramount council of the realm, the Herrenhaus is composed of the Herzog’s most trusted advisors in Ducal matters. As the positions of tribal roots, the Lawspeaker and Warchief of the Herrenhaus are elected from among the eligible tribesmen of the realm, whilst the rest of the positions are designated directly by the edict of the Herzog.


Each member of the Herrenhaus enjoys their respective duty and authority over their own domain, only bested by the Herzog and the relevant due processes, and shall be bestowed the honorifics “His/Her Excellency”.


Each member of the Herrenhaus shall hold their respective Ehrensache, or “Item of Honor”, a ceremonial item that shall symbolize the power and authority of the Herren of the Herrenhaus. They shall be obligated to both upkeep, protect, and display their Ehrensache during official events, thus representing their seat as members of the Duke’s Herrenhaus.


Additionally, each office of the Herrenhaus shall uphold its own Heraldry, to represent the office as a whole, and be integrated into the Herren’s own Heraldry if applicable.


Thus are the positions, duties and authorities of the Herzog’s Herrenhaus





The highest authority of the Herzogtum, the Herzog is the Lord of Minitz. It is he who holds ownership of the land, oversees the prosperity of the realm, and has final say in all matters within Minitz. The duties of the Herzog extend to all of the domains of the Herrenhaus and more. It is the duty of the Herzog to delegate and oversee the work and responsibilities of his Herren, to attend relevant Moots, to partake in the oathing of the new Reinmaren tribesmen of the realm, etc.

The only time when the Herzog’s ultimate authority falls short is in matters of the election and deposition of the tribal rooted positions of the Herrenhaus, namely that of the Warchief and Lawspeaker. In such matters, the powers of the Herzog are outlined as follows:


  • He shall hold TWO votes in the elections of the Lawspeaker, and is able to nominate up to THREE Reinmaren Tribesmen for the position during elections.

  • He shall enjoy the privilege to call for the re-election of the Warchief once every five years, during which he holds a SINGLE vote in the election of this position alongside the rest of the Warriors of the Warband.

  • He shall enjoy the privilege to call for the re-election of a Lawspeaker after the absence of the current one for more than five years.

  • He shall enjoy the sole privilege to offer final approval for any addition or edict to the Kanun after a vote from the Landtag during a Moot.

  • He shall enjoy the sole privilege to pass law without the voting from the Landtag. Such must be done with the joint approval of the Lawspeaker. 


The Herzog’s Ehrensache shall be the Herzogliche Krone (Common: The Ducal Crown), a testament of his authority as Lord of Minitz, and a peer of the United Kingdom of Aaun.




Elected from the high ranking persons of Minitz, the Theoderic’s Warchief is the highest authority within the Warband. They oversee the leading of the band as a whole, and to have a say on matters of militia and war within the Herrenhaus. Within the Warband, the Warchief’s say is final, and the promotions through the ranks are dictated by them. Similarly, they oversee the recruitment and training of not only Warriors, but the ranks of leadership.


During the inception of Minitz, the position of the Warchief could have been held by any tribesman, for the times of war required it so. As peace settled around the lands of Minitz and Theoderic’s Warband reformed, so too is the list of those eligible to be nominated as the Warchief, currently including the following:

  • The members of House Barclay von Minitz of adult age.

  • The Chieftains of the Tribes of Minitz.

  • The Hochgeehrtes of Minitz.

  • The Speermanns and Hauptmanns of the Warband.

All Warriors of Theoderic’s Warband, including the Herzog and Lawspeaker shall have equal vote during the election of the Warchief.


Thus are the powers of the Warchief in matters of the election of the Lawspeaker:

  • He shall hold TWO votes in Lawspeaker elections, but may not nominate people for the position.

  • He shall hold the privilege to call for the re-election of a Lawspeaker after the absence of the current one for more than five years.


The Ehrensache of the Warchief shall be Der Speer von Theodrik (Common: The Spear of Theoderic), a testament of his authority over the Warriors of Minitz and their Warband.





Acting as the personification of the Grand Kanun of Minitz, the Lawspeaker is the highest authority in matters of interpreting the Kanun and delivering its judgment, in such, their word is final, lest the matter is a pardoning by the Herzog themselves, as outlined in the SECOND book of the Kanun. Aside from the Herzog, they are the only authority that may call forth a Mot of Minitz, where matters of law may be discussed and elected from the tribesmen of Minitz. Whilst the Lawspeaker is not obligated to execute the punishments he delivers, for such is the primary authority of the Bailiff, they do hold power to do so.


The Lawspeaker is elected from amongst all tribesmen of Minitz, such are their powers in official tribal matters:


  • He shall enjoy the privilege to nominate TWO individuals for the Lawspeaker elections after their own term, but he shall hol NO vote during such election. These nominations can change throughout the current Lawspeaker’s tenure.

  • He shall hold a SINGLE vote in the election of the Warchief.

  • He shall enjoy the privilege to call for the re-election of a Warchief after the absence of the current one for more than five years.


The Ehrensache of the Lawspeaker shall be Der Große Kanun von Minitz (Common: The Grand Kanun of Minitz), a testament of his authority over matters of law and his role as the speaker of the Kanun





Acting as the Ritter-Kommandant of the Order of Saint Tylos the Stallion of Reinmar, the Herrenmeister shall be the second highest authority of the Order aside the Herzog, who shall always stand as its Grandmaster. The Herremeister shall look over the recruiting, training, and finally knighting of new squires, to delegate them to their respective Ritter. They shall be charged with the commanding of the Ritter forces in battle.


The Herrenmeister of the Order shall be chosen directly from the Herzog from amongst the Ritter of the realm, and shall be given stay within the Herzog’s Castle, further acting as his primary bodyguard.


The Ritter of Minitz shall also act as its law enforcers, done so alongside the Lord Bailiff, and pass down the judgment of the Kanun for the minor wrongdoings. The Herrenmeister shall thus also be given the authority to pass the judgment of the Kanun in the absence of the Bailiff, Lawspeaker, or Herzog.


The Ehrensache of the Herrenmeister shall be Das Schwert des Heiligen Tylos (Common: The Sword of Saint Tylos), a testament of his authority over the Ritter of Minitz, and a figure of honor and strength.





The role of the Bailiff of Minitz is twofold; first as the main enforcer of the law, and secondly as the head steward of the realm. The Bailiff shall hold the power to command the Ritter of Saint Tylos, and with their help bring forth the judgements of the Lawspeaker. Furthermore, as scholars of the Kanun, the Bailiff is granted authority to interpret it, and, in the absence of the Lawspeaker or Herzog, may pass down judgment.


As the head steward of the realm, the Bailiff shall furthermore be in charge of upkeep the steward ledgers, to upkeep them and oversee the leasing and selling of property. They shall have authority over their office, to recruit and delegate work to their Stewards and Quartermasters, thus ensuring not only the proper distribution of the properties to the citizens of Minitz, but also the enforcing of laws and regulations related to property.


The Ehrensache of the Herrenmeister shall be Der Goldene Streitkolben (Common: The Golden Mace), a testament of his authority over the law enforcement of the realm, a figure of justice and fairness.





Appointed directly from the Herzog, the Herald acts as a symbolic figure of Minitz. Their main duty is to represent the Herzog, and in extension all of Minitz. They are the very personification of the Duchy, and act as the most trusted carrier of the Herzog’s word in both diplomatic and internal matters. As such, they are expected to hold themselves with utmost dignity, they do not bow or nod to any figure of lower rank than the Herzog themselves. As Herzog’s attendant, they are expected to stand by their side, and, in cases of the Herzog’s entrance, they are to blow their Herald’s Trumpet, announcing the Herzog’s presence through declaration. 


As the acting voice of the Herzog, the Herald’s work also lies on keeping the citizenry of Minitz informed on important matters. They announce edicts, orders, and otherwise any important announcement presented by the Herzog or his Herrenhaus. As such, it is under their office that both diplomats and town criers work, though none of them would be able to hold prestige close enough to that of the Herald themselves. Generally, the Herald is chosen by the Herzog’s most trusted individuals and advisors, those who are able to uphold their manners and posture in a fashion that brings honor to Minitz, the motherland that they represent.


The Ehrensache of the Herrenmeister shall be Die Schwarze Trompete (Common: The Black Trumpet), a testament of his authority over diplomacy and his prestige as the personification of Minitz







An integral part of the Herzograt, the Landtag is the main legislative body of the realm. Composed of all Reinmaren tribesmen of Minitz, the members of the Landtag act as the second most important council of the Herzog after the Herrenhaus. It is this body of the Herzograt that attends and votes during the processes of the Moots of Minitz.

The Moots themselves are held at least once every two years, led by either the Lawspeaker or Herzog, and in cases of emergency other members of the Herrenhaus may act as its hosts. During such, amendments, removals or additions from the law of the Kanun are proposed from the appropriate positions within the Landtag, and thereafter voted by the entirety of the Sitzendes. Furthermore, Moots can be held in cases of emergency or other important matters brought forth from the Lawspeaker or the Herzog.


All members of the Landtag shall be required to present themselves in front of the Moots adorning their traditional Reinmaren clothing or their armor. The most important element of this attire shall be the adorning of their appropriate Reinmaren caps depending on their Rank, so that they may showcase their standing.


The following are the positions and ranks within the Landtag of minitz, alongside their duties and requirements:



The majority of the Landtag is composed of the tribesmen of Minitz, who hold the title of the Sitzende, or “the Seated”. Those who wish to sit the elective seats of the Moot must:

  • Be oathed as a Reinmaren tribesman of the realm.

  • Be at least fourteen years of age

  • NOT be pending punishment from the Bailiff, or having been deemed an Excluded or a Joshqiptar. Those Sitzende who fall in this category shall be suspended from their seat until their punishment is delivered or completed.

Whilst the Seated do not hold the authority to propose amendments to the Kanun lik the Lawmen, they do hold ONE vote in all matters relating elections and further voting of the proposed amendments to the Kanun.



Held by only one or two members of the Landtag the Schreiber, or “the Scribe” act as recordkeepers of the Moots. They stand near the Lawspeaker, and keep note of all the laws passed and the names of those tribesmen who have voted. This position is delegated directly from the Lawspeaker or Herzog.


he Mayor of Neu Brandthof shall hold an elevated seat within the Landtag, and, as representative of the Burghers of the realm, shall hold an additional vote to his own in matters of law.



Yet another elected position within the Landtag, the Gesetzmann, or the Lawman is responsible and privileged to amendments to the Kanun, whilst still holding ONE single vote during voting for legislation.


Any member of the Seated may nominate themselves for the position by announcing so to the Lawspeaker, and elections are held every four years to elect TWO Lawmen. At the beginning of the fourth year, the nominations for the next duo begin, and any amongst the Seated may run for such, and campaign for their position. The elections are then opened at the beginning of the fifth year, and those elected then join the next Moot as the new Lawmen, to begin proposing laws and edicts.



Similarly to the Lawmen, the Chieftains of the Minitzian tribes do enjoy the right to propose legislation to the Landtag, acting as the representatives of their respective tribes. They hold this power for as long as they remain Chieftains of their tribe. Unlike the Lawmen, the Chieftains may send representatives from their tribes to both hold the Chieftain’s vote alongside their own, and propose law similarly to the Chieftain.



The Lawspeaker acts as the main host of the Moots and the coordinator of the Landtag. During Moots, they are able to propose their own laws and edicts, delegate work or ask for the Landtag to review the law of the Kanun, or bring forth problems for the Lawmen and Chieftains to work towards. During the Moots, the Lawspeaker also holds a single vote during elections or legislative votings.









Acting as an office separate from both the Herrenhaus and Landtag, the Office of the Mayor, or as named in Waldenian, Der Bürgermeister, shall be in charge of both representing and overseeing the needs of the Burgher population of the realm. Differently from the Reinmaren tribesmen of Minitz, the Burghers who call Minitz home are not able to be part of the Landtag, and thus partake in the processes of the Moot. Their Mayor, however, offers them some representation, and, alongside his own vote within the Landtag, shall also hold a second vote for the Burgers of the realm.


The Mayor’s office also oversees other positions which are under the authority of the Herzograt, but do not fall under any specific office of the Herrenhaus. These include:

  • The Tavern and the Tavernkeepers

  • The Clinic and the Physicians

  • The Stables and the Stablemaster

  • The Brewery and the Brewerers

  • And any such positions.

As such, authority is given to the Mayor over the petty, yet essential positions of the realm, overseeing that necessary goods are produced, etc.


As representative of the Burgher populace of the realm, the Mayor is elected from them. Such are the requirements for someone to run for the office:

  • They are an oathed Reinmaren tribesman of Miniz.

  • They are at least sixteen years of age.

  • They are not be a member of the Herrenhaus.

  • They are not pending punishment from the Bailiff’s office, or have been deemed an Excluded or a Joshqiptar, as per the Kanun.


The elections of the Mayor are overseen directly by the Lord Bailiff, who ensures that all the voters are of the Burgher class of Minitz, that the voting is done properly, that if so needed, the candidates are able to hold campaigns, etc. Upon election, the Mayor serves a term of four years, by the end of which they may run for the position once more.





His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR 

Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren



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"The Paper work ought to double now..." Yvian would say with a weary smirk

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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