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# Monks of the Cycle #


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The Lore of the Monks of the cycles

2 brave adventures came along exploring the wilderness Raven and Foren. As they were sick of their leaders In the Imperial Coalition. They stumbled across a temple and explored it. It had a wondrous library in it they spent days their reading all about an old order of monks called the Monk of the Cycle.

Brief History of the Monks Written by Raven after reading though the books in the temple.

The Monks came from the land of Shillis they were the peace makers balance between all good and evil. They travelled the world spreading the word (( Their Holy Text of the monks )) so that the world would become one and be at peace. Soon the had swathes of land and men under their 2 leaders Arakna the Sun Monk and Fillatonius the Moon Monk. Arakna was the leader of the peaceful side of the monks. He was kind compassionate and had would always think of the good of people. While Fillatonius did all the dirty work he headed the army who went up against all the people who were not persuaded to follow the word and bring peace and order to the world.

After years of this Fillatonius became jealous of Arakna and tried to assassinate him so he could be Supreme ruler of the monks. The attempt failed and a civil war was started. In doing this Fillatonius had broken the words largest law, never let the balance of power swing to any side. Fillatonius was confident he could win the war as he had most of the monk military power under his command. What he had not counted on though. Was some of his monks betraying him to Arakna.

So the civil war went on for 3 years and by the end the world was in chaos thousands dead and more dying each day. Fillatonius fled the country in shame seeing what he had done to the world he had loved. He fled to a strange land called Aegis where Elves and dwarfs lived. He spent the rest of his days in Exile Writing books about his land. He died and no one found his temple for another 1000 years.

Until Raven and Foren found it know they plan to start the monks over again but change all of its flaws so it can be stronger and help all the citizens of Aegis.

The Law Of the Word

Do Not Steal

Do not attack or be disrespectful to any fellow monks.

Do not attack outsiders without a reason.

Do not Disrespect your superiors.

Do not question orders.

Do not hoard stuff. (( All Diamond found will be handed out Equally ))


Sun Monk - Leader of Monks of the Cycle. Leads Warriors [sword Monks] into battle.

Moon Monk - Leader of Monks of the Cycle. Leads Marksmen [Archer Monks] into battle

Celestial - Officers of the Monks of the Cycle. Takes orders directly from Moon/Sun monks. Split into 4 Elements.

Fire - Sword Celestial, best weapons [ In peace : Guards, Farmers ]

Earth- Sword Celestial, best armour [ In peace : Miners, Farmers ]

Air - Archer Celestial, fastest monks [ In peace : Messengers, Scouts, Traders, Diplomats]

Water - Archer Celestial, assassins and ambushers [inpeace : Scouts, Pre-emptive strikes on Leadership, Traders]

Warriors - Sword Monks, Specialize in swords and usually wear armour into battle

Marksmen - Archer Monks, Specialize in bows and often go into battle without armour, to allow for faster travel

Trainees - Answer to anybody of higher rank. New arrivals are kept here for a while until it is properly

distinguished which path they are more proficient in - Earth, Fire, Water, Air

PUNISHMENTS [severity Rating 1-5]

1. Simple warning from Celestial, 3 warnings results in a meeting with either the Sun or Moon monk.

2. Given menial tasks, and if they are not completed in time or well, goes to severity level 3.

3. Suspension from duty and made to do force labour.

Failure to complete will proceed to severity rating 4.

4. Flogged and humiliated in public. Locked in a room and told to reconcile and pray. Most severer breaches of

law will result in a 4-rated punishment. If and ONLY IF they repeat offend it becomes a severity 5 punishment.

Offender is sacrificed. His items will be collected and used for the good of the Monks.


MC name:

RP name:



Reason for joining the monks:

Preferred Element:

If Accepted Contact Raven (( sirmaca22 )) Or Foren (( AlikSong ))

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MC name: THEtinyCHEESE

RP name:Shadow



Reason for joining the monks:I really like the idea of using the elements as a guild.

Preferred Element: Water

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MC name: THEtinyCHEESE

RP name:Shadow



Reason for joining the monks:I really like the idea of using the elements as a guild.

Preferred Element: Water

Accepted Welcome to the Monks

Contact sirmaca22 or AlikSong in game or ask us for a PM

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MC name:coopermar

RP name:Linicliun



Reason for joining the monks:I wish to join the monks to show i can make my father pround and make peace through out the land

Preferred Element: Earth

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sorry to say this but well first off good idea about the monks but also i am pretty shure you have to run a new guild by a gm for it to get accepted so you have to make a post about it on idea's and lore. and see if the gm's aprove it in the mean time you can not work on the guild any more till accepted by gm.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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