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The Rhun Redemption


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"Finally... he's dead."

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Meylis looks dissapointedly towards Norli as he walks away from the recently collapsed entrance the Khron Hundmar. He tries to think of something inspiring... something that would make Norli stop, but his time as a meal for the beasts underground keeps him from doing so. 

Instead his own thoughts rush, perhaps now is the time to retire... he had only just recovered from the wounds dealt from the last altercation when he was forced to face death again and this was a tiring life. A face strikes his memory, and he makes a promise not to say goodbye.

"I still have many questions for you about being our people, I never got the true chance to learn over all these years."

Meylis doesn't like the response Norli gives, but hopefully it's something he can ask again one day.



10/10, I'd be happily eaten and partially melted again. Though next time you should carry a more stacked inventory :P


Strike the Earth!


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A letter would soon arrive via a pigeon, so aptly named Nepja as the top of it's wings were as white as the powdered snow that cakes the hills of the Iron Mountains. "Norli, you have not failed in your endeavors, but merely taken a loss through chance. As you have claimed in your missive, it is through triumph and therefore work that we uphold our relationship with the Brathmordakin, not through worship alone. Do not let defeat cloud what you have wrought, you who hath raised a mighty fortress in a land where no-one else could, who led a company of khazadmar to glory. You struck the earth and it struck back, simple as. Yemekar, as defined in the simplest of terms, may be appealed to by labor and creation itself, an indiscriminate concept, and just as he had instilled into Dungrimm, so too did your creation eventually perish just as all things created should. Hold pride in your heart, Starbreaker, for you were certainly a dwed worthy of holding the title of Rhun Prophet during the time that such a title blazed within your breast."  At the bottom of the letter would be a lime colored wax stamp indicating a hollow and featureless half mask, the signature of Angr Ireheart.

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"The Rhun Prophet is dead.... Long live the Rhun Prophet..." Rumbled Irongutenberg, man of rock and stone.

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Sigrun Ireheart shook his head with anger and dissappointment. "Oi did naeh expect yeeh toh buckleh down an' accept fateh when toimes got tough, Norleh Starbreakah. Oi thought yeeh had taeh brass bollocks toh stand up toh failureh an' kick et's arseh."

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3 minutes ago, xMuted said:

Sigrun Ireheart shook his head with anger and dissappointment. "Oi did naeh expect yeeh toh buckleh down an' accept fateh when toimes got tough, Norleh Starbreakah. Oi thought yeeh had taeh brass bollocks toh stand up toh failureh an' kick et's arseh."

“Oi do naet fink a Dwed recognisin’ when his toime is past an’ handin’ off responsibility tae a new, younger Dwed is a bad fing.” Thalgrim commented wistfully nearby.

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“Oh. That’s who he was.” A High Elf says curiously.

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