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To Stand Before All - The Fall of Amaethea


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The air was thick with tension as Ut'torvioth, his brother Ardromiath,  and their soldiers stood at the edge of the bridge leading into the lands of Amaethea . Before them, hordes of insectoids, beasts, and creatures rendered of pure malevolent sorcery awaited to ultimately claim their death. The fate of Amaethea, the city they had fought so hard to destroy just years ago, hung in the balance. The sound of the enemy's approach grew louder and more intense, as they swarmed out of the western forest and charged towards the stone walls of the city.


As the mori reached the bridge, the elf known as Goc  lit the explosives that had been laid underneath, causing a deafening explosion that ripped through the air and sent chunks of debris flying in every direction. The explosion killed many of the enemy forces causing hundreds to be ripped apart at their ligaments, and thousands of other creatures in awe at the edges of the forest however nevertheless - they charged.


Looking at one another the brother’s had known that the time for their plan to begin was now. They closed their eyes, feeling the ancient power of their dragonkin forefathers flow through them. Swarms of fire began to escape the ground below them as draconic runes filled the air. The grounds nearby the soldiers who stood around them shook as they were sent backwards by such a mighty feat. The skin of the dragons began to shimmer and twist, their limbs elongating and stretching until they stood before the enemy as towering reflections of the dragon’s their very father rules.


With a deafening roar, Ut'torvioth and his brother launched themselves into the river below. As they fell, they breathed out streams of fire that lit up the dark sky like shooting stars. Hitting the water, they quickly rose to the surface, their scales glistening in the moonlight as sand and mist exploded from the base of their bodies with every step. To the enemy they appeared nothing more than two sets of flaming eyes approaching them. A low rumble creeped outwards from their throats as they approached.


A loud cracking noise filled the air as their first true enemy approached. They were met with a 30-foot-tall spider, the largest they had ever seen as it tore through the mountainside to their right. The creature's eight legs thrashed in the water, sending waves crashing against the dragons. But Ut'torvioth and Ardromiath were not afraid. They circled the monster, talons at the ready, their breaths steaming the air around them. The battle was fierce and brutal; Ardromiath fighting off soldiers and spawn wrought fourth by the spider whilst Ut’torvioth engulfed the head of the beast with dragon’s flame. Such a monstrous being put up a good fight, but the dragons were too powerful for the spider. With a final roar, they tore the creature apart, leaving nothing but shredded limbs and broken shells in their wake - or so they had believed. But as they basked in their victory, they were suddenly surrounded by a swarm of dread knights, the elite soldiers of the mori. Behind them, a bubbling corpse of the spider.

Out of pure instinct Ut’torvioth tackled his brother into the river to avoid the blast of acid that was sure to come from the fallen titan. However, such a maneuver cost them their position among the sands as the knights of the mori closed in behind them. Ut'torvioth and his brother fought fiercely against the knights, but there were too many. One by one, the knights began to take them down, their blades slicing through the dragons' tough scales. Ardromiath watched in horror as his brother fell, a sword piercing his heart. He let out a deafening roar of grief and rage, but it was too late. The dread knights swarmed over him, their blades cutting through his flesh until he could no longer fight back.

Upon the sandy bank that they fought upon, the battle continued even after their deaths. What monstrous twin dragon’s that stood at the frontlines of Amaethea no more as their bodies exploded in a flurry of flames and ash. The river they fought over was stained like a beautiful canvas of reds and greens with them being the artists. The brother’s knew what fate had awaited them, however as their ashes carried onto the night sky they knew this death was like everything else within the world they ruled; temporary.





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The shrieks and wails of the fallen Ardromiath would echo throughout the valley underneath the war-torn bridge, swerving about the columns of the destroyed pillars. It had done it's best to protect those that stood atop the cliffside alongside the city itself, and yet the Nephilim was stricken with temporary slumber, leaving nought but a wrought ashen husk behind, charred bones and ripped wings. But indeed, that slumber - it would not last forever.

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