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[Redclyfian Ballad] The 200 Knights


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The 200 Knights

A  Ballad detailing the Redclyfian Defenders of Amaethea during the Mori Invasion


During the hard-fought siege defense in Amaethea against the Mori invaders, The knights of Redclyf were among the brave descendants who fought on the front rows of the walls. Although greatly outnumbered by both ally and foe, they put up a valiant resistance against the invaders as they attempted to scale the walls, mori being met with arrows, war hammers, swords, and cannonballs thrown at them. The Redclyfians were among the last to withdraw from the walls and Amaethea, having made sure their allies such as the elves and Uruks of the Iron Horde retreated beforehand. 


The Ballad has been written to commemorate their sacrifice, bravery, and defiance against death and impossible odds. It is played with drums, trumpets, violins, and flutes while the lyrics are sung from the perspective of a father to the brave warriors.

A depiction of the 200 redclyfian knights defending the Amaethean farmland walls against Mori and dread knights.



The lyrics of the Ballad:


Six of  my young lads stay at home

and hide the clear gold.

The other six in elven lands

put the swords to the test.

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!


They raised their yew longbows

high on the walls,

then they let a volley out

to the mori below.

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!


They fought upon the farmland walls

for 3 and 4 lady's hours,

The mori fell at Clearon's sword

like plants fall for a good scythe.

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!

They fought upon the farmland walls,

they were all full of wrath

the mori fell at Bjorn's warhammer

like the snow falling on fields.

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!


They fought upon the farmland walls,

tired were the redclyfian knights,

the moon could not shine bright

because of the mist of mori blood!

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!


They are overwhelmed by the mori,

slowly backing up,

Then earth and stone shatter

as Bjorn calls out "Death before Dishonor!".

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!


So far reached the inspiring words,

it resounded in the sheaths,

The knights threw themselves back into the fray,

held the mori off to let their allies flee.

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!


The knights fell back,

they board ships all soaked in red,

they have successfully defended their fleeing allies

and all the descendants fled.

They Ride out to Amaethea

with fine maidens on their saddles!

Fight the mori on the walls

Death before Dishonor!

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