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The Valyronn | Walkers of the Riverside


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The Valyronn seed long prospered far from the eyes of the other Mali’ame that roamed the realms. In the earliest times of Malin, they were already a solitary and nomadic seed that traveled along the riversides to places where nature provided sufficient resources for their members to prevail. Interactions with the other children of Malin were rather parsimonious and often only occured when their survival utterly required such. Even during the great battle against Iblees, those of the Valyronn seed mostly kept to themselves. Despite this, they often took care of the warriors that had sustained injuries during these periples before sending them back on their way to rejoin their civilisations. 


After the first migration, the walkers of the Riverside once more returned to their nomadic ways until the Chieftain of those times spotted a beaver carrying a lusty bunch of branches. The entire seed followed the beaver, the favored kin of their patron Mani - Meracahe -, for days in the hopes of finding an abundant grove of life where they may settle. But days passed and the beaver never settled, if not to rest for the night and regain its energy; as early as dawn, the rodent once more picked up its pace on the vast swaths of land. The Valyronn, bewildered by the strange occurrence and steadfast in their beliefs, continued pursuing the animal, certain it was a messenger sent by the Beaver Prince himself. The journey would be known to younger generations as the ‘Stroll of the Beaver’ and to this day, only approximations of its duration are known. What is certain though, is that which the Riverwalkers found at the end of their unexpected voyage. 


The Beaver had led them to a land that was ripe for construction, easily some of the most plentiful and promising forestlands that these ‘ame had ever seen. The Chieftain took this as a sign to build their settlement there and announced that their nomadic days had come to an end. It is said that they built artificial islands alongside the beaver and its companions on which they would settle. These favorable conditions allowed for a multitude of crops to flourish : they grew wheat, potatoes, corn and many other flora in such amounts that it was sufficient to provide for themselves and the critters they had befriended while still allowing for leftovers. The settlers grew accustomed to their newly found sedentary lifestyle and continued relying on the area’s resources to fuel their constructions and designs. For a long period, roughly spanning 50 years, referred to as the ‘Azure times’, the Valyronn continued to prosper on their own with relatively little known chaos




As was to be expected, such prosperity eventually attracted the attention of the realm’s crooks and brigands. But one could not reasonably blame these plunderers for preying on the Valyronn for their abundance had made them lazy and easy to pillage. Over the course of weeks, attacks on the seed’s settlement multiplied, throwing the lives of the men and women of the clan into disarray. The Chieftain that had once led the people of the River to greatness, now shivered before an enemy that he was no longer confident in being capable of confronting. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the Head of the seed ordered all of his people to strengthen the defenses in a move that would effectively isolate the Valynnor even further from the machinations of the realm. Weeks of labor would pass before the constructors laid their final hands on the great wall that would usher in the ‘Era of Isolation’. Wherever they would move, whatever realm they encountered, the Valynnor would wander off into the wild and erect their great bubble to disconnect themselves from the realm. 


Over the course of time, resources dwindled in numbers. The Valyronn, in their efforts to maintain a protective bubble, had only ruined their own opportunities for innovation and growth. Generations passed and younglings were born without ever having known the luxuries their ancestors had bathed in. The companions of Meracahe had long abandoned the seed for more promising lands where they would be able to live without being disturbed. In the face of the downfall of their once great seed, the clansmen and women grew weary. Disputes contaminated the minds of all, and simple ill-will slowly grew into acts that showed themselves to be gradually more violent. A grouplet within the seed, seeing the decay, deemed it necessary to take action against the Chieftain that they considered to be at the source of all their banes. Their zeal culminated in one fateful night during which some of their more fanatic partisans snuck into the Chieftain’s chambers and pierced his heart with a sly sweep of their daggers. The corpse, contrary to customs and honor, was not offered a proper funeral and the Chieftain’s names were scrapped from all the records. He would only be known to younger generation’s as “The Disgraced”. 


Upon learning of the assassination of their Chieftain, a grand fight broke out between the different parties that had formed within the village. One side spoke of scandalous behavior and could only feel disgust towards the actions of these rogue seedlings. The other considered their actions to be the just enactment of balance in reaction to the degeneration of their once plentiful society. It matters very little to know which cause was most righteous, for the Valyronn disbanded and scattered all over the realm only very little time before the children of the four brothers moved to the lands of Almaris. 


What was left of the Valyronn traveled the lands in small groups, reflecting on the events that had transpired and caused them to fall so deeply. For they knew deep within that their tale was a cautionary one - one that would be used to teach when balance was lost. Many of the lost ‘ame delved themselves deeper in their devotion of their patron mani hoping for atonement and for a new era of abundance. Others yet, finally decided to break the cycle of isolation they had become a prisoner of. One such being was Avalos Valyronn, who came to the Vale to seek for a new home with the hope of a better future. 


This is the story of how the Valyronn landed within the Vale of Nevaehlen.


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The Clansmen and women of the Valyronn Seed are faithful to Meracahe. 



It is general knowledge that Meracahe was no great hunter. His form was not splendid to hold. He did not bear a crown of antlers like the great Amaethon, nor fierce tusks like the mighty Moccus. His silhouette did not inspire the fear of a wild wolf, nor the majesty of a proud soaring eagle. Meracahe sought not to boast or bluster his glory, for he was content in the knowledge that he had a part to play. His labor, although, was of the utmost importance, for it was through the work of the River Guardian and his favored kin, the beavers, that many ecosystems continue to thrive to this day. The realms Meracahe designed with his careful structures hosted predators and prey, mighty beasts and tiny insects.


While not much is known of this Mani, for he far preferred pursuing his labor to interacting with the mortals of the realm, clansmen and women have dedicated much time to develop a deeper and more complete comprehension of the intentions and workings of the River Guardian.


Meracahe is seen by the members of the seed to be the most ingenious engineer and builder of the natural realm. When building its contraptions around the rivers of the realms, the Beaver Prince was known to plan carefully and work diligently until the task at hand was finished. It is unsurprising that many mortals looked to him as a lesson on the importance and value of structure. Despite this, Meracahe, conscient of the impact of his labors on the realm, was particularly attached to balance, both in the world and within oneself. This particular connection to the elements was suspected to be at the origins of the seemingly endless creativity of this Mani, always seeking to further improve on his crafts. It’s partly due to this mix of creativity and structure that the Valyronn Seed sometimes thought of the Great Beaver as the Constructor of Dreams. It is still debated amongst different members of the seed whether this refers to actual dreams, or whether Meracahe shows mortals the path to making dreams become reality through his diligent methods.


The Beaver Prince is also known to mortals as the Guardian of Rivers. Tales are passed down from generation to generation of how the Beaver Prince shaped the winding rivers of the realm by zig-zagging around the trees that littered the plains. As his rivers tore through vast landscapes, more and more of Meracahe’s kin installed themselves along the banks. The Riverside became home to many of Meracahe’s kin ; first came the beavers that stacked many branches to create vast oases for all others to hydrate themselves ; then came the great capybara, caretakers and guardians of the Riverside ; they were followed by the rats, harbingers of Meracahe’s wrath ; seeing the vast groves develop, hamsters quickly dug their burrows along the riverside and provided for Meracahe’s companions with its bounties. It did not take long before predators came to the Riverside and pillaged its peaceful critters. Meracahe, in his everlasting search for balance, led the Porcupines to his dens where they would become deterrents to some. Balance having been restored, the groves grew plentiful and soon attracted the interest of squirrels from all over the planes. These energetic critters, impressed by the conditions they encountered at the Riverside, became its fiercest promoters, ushering any and all lost souls back to safety by the side of the Beaver.




While Meracahe is revered by all those of the Valyronn seed, many other beings roamed the Riverside in Meracahe’s presence. Much like their shepherd, these creatures, while not being mighty and impressive, each have an important role to play in the Beaver’s great schemes. It’s common practice for those of the Valyronn seed to seek the favor of a specific companion to the River Guardian, usually according to their own role within the seed and within society on a larger scale.






It is to be noted that none of the following animals have been provided with mani lore, and are simply considered to be animals associated with the Beaver prince by those of the Valyronn seed.


The rat, patron of Strategy, Persistence and Pestilence - Persistent and tenacious, rats have the unmatched ability to live among the descendants uncaught and unfettered. It is said by some that rats are sent by Meracahe carrying diseases in order to wipe out ecosystems if they’ve grown too abundant and pose a threat to the balance. 


The capybara, patron of Guardians, Caretakers and Kindness  - The great capybara, the largest of all living rodents, are the ones to stand guard over Meracahe’s carefully crafted world. Poets write no great works of their majesty and men do not tremble when they approach. But despite this, they are powerful swimmers and can bear great loads.


The hamster, patron of Gatherers, Companionship and Abundance - The hamster is the smallest of all of his rodent kin, yet - as it goes for all rodentia - it plays an essential part in its ecosystem. Known to be fervent gatherers, they’ve become a synonym of abundance in stark contrast with its rat counterpart. They are mandated by Meracahe in order to collect and provide for all of the animals of the River.


The squirrel, patron of Messengers, Vivacity and Change - Unlike the others of its kin, squirrels are often recognized for a certain cute-factor they possess. Amongst those of the River, they stand out for their electrical vivacity and the sheer happiness they radiate to any of those to lay their eyes on them. It is said amongst the Valyronn that Meracahe invited the squirrels to his realm so that they may spread the message of the Beaver Prince and usher back any lost beings to the safety of the Riversides.

The porcupine, patron of Warriors, Passivism and Survival - While the Capybara provided the Riverside with care, they were not great warriors and did not impress predators. For such reasons, Meracahe invited the Porcupine to live in his realm. While it had an utterly passive character, its imposing quills were usually sufficient to scare away any potential threats to the safety of its kin. Legend has it that it was the Beaver Prince that taught the porcupines how to keep afloat in water as to survive even the slimmest odds.




Craftsmanship Those of the Riverside usually indulge themselves in the arts of creation; this creation may manifest itself in very diverse ways : be it through the smithing of a sword, the construction of a building, the organization of a feast, or the brewing of a potion. All such projects are equally regarded in the eyes of the Valyronn for they put their creativity, logic and organization to the test.


Orderliness - The Valyronn, unlike any others, show a great attachment to the idea of Order and consider it of utmost importance that all beings know their place in the grand hierarchy of things. Every being, every plant, every object has a role to play alongside the River of life. 

Piety, and a deep respect for the Beaver Prince and its companions are another by-product of this particular attachment to order.


Humility - The greatest quality of the Beaver resides in its humility, regardless of the utter importance of the labor he performs. The Valyronn are utterly aware of their place within the world but also hold the wisdom that without the participation of others, such a world would cease to function. They rarely seek for glory or recognition, for they consider their part in the grand mechanism to be only natural and necessary.


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These are several of the documented tales that were transmitted from generation to generation within the Valyronn seed. Their recounting is still part of current day education.



How the beaver got its tail ((adapted from an Ojibwe legend))



Once upon a time there was a beaver that loved to brag about his tail. 

After walking for a while, he stopped for a drink by the river and saw a muskrat. He walked to the muskrat and said, "Hello little muskrat. What do you think about my tail?"

"Well, it is very beautiful and big and fluffy," answered the muskrat. "Is it also a strong tail?" 

"Why, yes it is," the beaver answered. "Do you wish you had a tail like mine?" 

"I didn't say I wanted a tail like yours. I just asked if it was strong," the muskrat replied with a disgusted voice. 

The beaver quickly turned and began walking back to his dam. He was angry because he felt that the animals were being rude to him. He was very upset and decided to take out his frustration by cutting down trees. After cutting down a couple of trees, he came to a very large one. He knew that it would be a great challenge for him. So he went to it. But as he was cutting, he kept thinking about his tail and didn't notice that he was cutting at a bad angle. Before he knew what was happening, the tree began to fall toward him. He jumped to get out of the way, but he didn't jump fast enough, and the huge tree fell on his beautiful tail! He tugged and pulled and finally dug away the earth to free himself. When he finally pulled his tail from under the tree, he was horrified to see that it was flat. The beaver was very sad and started to cry. As he was crying he heard a voice. It was Cerridwen.

"Why are you crying?" asked the Cerridwen

"A tree has crushed my beautiful tail," the beaver cried. "Now no one will like me." 

Cerridwen then  told him that a beaver is not liked for his tail but for his kindness and wisdom. He also told him how to use his flat tail. "Now your tail will help you swim rapidly," Cerridwen said. "And when you want to signal a message to a friend, all you have to do is slap your tail on the water."

Hearing this made the beaver happy again. When the animals saw his flattened tail they were shocked! But the beaver said, "It's better this way." 

From that day on, the beaver never bragged about his tail, and all the animals liked him.

That's how the beaver got his flat tail.

How the beaver stole fire 

How the beaver stole fire ((Adapted from a Nez Perce Legend))



Long ago, there were no people to walk the realms. Animals and trees communicated, and walked, just as mortals do now. In those days, Pine Trees held the secret of fire and would tell it to no one else. No one else could have a fire, no matter how cold it was, unless he were a Pine. One winter, it was so cold the animals almost froze to death, so they called a council. The animals wished to steal the fire from the Pine trees. 


Now, on the River of Life, also held a great council to speak of the matters at hand. They built a large fire to warm themselves, around which they placed guards to keep off all the needy animals. But the Beaver hid under the banks, near the fire, before the guards took their place so that they would not see him. After a while a burning debris of coal rolled down towards the Beaver’s banks. He hid it in his breast and ran away. The Pine trees started after him and when they had almost caught up to him, the Beaver dodged from side to side. This is why the rivers are winding. 


After running for a long time, the Beaver was far ahead of the Pine trees. The Beaver swam across the many rivers and gave fire to the Willows. On another bank he gave fire to Birches and to other trees. So that these woods too would have fire in them. Ever since then, animals and mortals can get fire from these woods by rubbing two pieces together.





The Ilmyumier are a recent apparition amongst the Valyronn. Mostly explained by them getting accustomed to the ways of the other Mali’ame, the Riverwalkers have come to embrace the Ilmyumier as to mark their identity so that they may be identified by their kin.


The Beaver’s tail - The mark of any fully fledged member of the Valyronn seed is the Beaver’s tail tattoo. It is created with a dye extracted from different plants, most notably juniper berries and butterfly peas, which is etched onto the Valyronn’s face. This highly symbolic marking is to remind all Riverwalkers of the Beaver’s greatest tool : the tail it uses as a rudder in swimming, as a way to maintain balance while working on land and to signal danger when slapping it on water.

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The Artisan’s trial


Those who wish to live amongst the people of the Riverside have to show of their capacities first by crafting an item, be it through woodwork, smithing, sculpting or nurturing a plant. During this trial, the aspiring elf is expected to show of their capacity of elaborating intricate works of art.


After passing this trial, the aspirant may officially bear the clan name but they will have to pass through the other two trials of initiation in order to be considered as a fully fledged member of the seed. In a notable manner, their vote does not hold weight during seed moots. It is to be noted that children born to the Valyronn seed are often not expected to pass this trial, but may only pass the others at the ripe age of 40 years.


The Servant’s trial


The second trial is the trial of the servant. In this task, the seed member is assigned to another person by the Chieftain. They could choose another member of the clan or someone that is exterior to it. The youngling is expected to follow the person they were assigned to in their daily life and journal their every day needs and obstacles. 


Upon returning to the Riverside, the Valyronn newcomer is expected to invent something that might benefit the person that they shadowed.


The Dreamer’s trial


During the last trial - the trial of the Dreamer -, the almost fully integrated Valyronn is expected to come up with a project of grand scale : the organization of an event, the construction of a new building, etc. The project must display the Valyronn’s understanding of Meracahe and his companions and the ways of the Seed.


The Chieftain is expected to approve the project before it is executed. If it is succesful, the seed will gather and perform the rite of marking to show the newly gained status of the Clansman or woman.




The Chieftain

Avalos Valyronn ((IGN Paleo))


The Chieftain is the guardian of the seed and preserves its traditions and tales. They can call Seed moots when required and generally watch over the well-being of all clansmen and women. They see to the education of the Valyronn and all that are interested by the ways of the River walkers.

Only the Chieftain may decide if someone is to be allowed to pass the trials of initiation.


The Marked


The Marked are those of the Valyronn that are of adult age and have passed all of the rites of initiation, having proven their comprehension of -  and devotion to - the ways of the Beaver Prince.

The marked may be called upon by the Chieftain to perform special task, conduct certain important rites and has a vote during Seed moots.




Walkers are those who have completed the trial of the Artisan and can thus count themselves amongst the Valyronn. They are expected to become familiar with Meracahe and his companions and still have much to learn about the ways of the River walkers. 

They are regularly invited by clan elders to participate in rituals and clan activities so that they may learn more of the traditions.


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Contact @Paleo through discord @ Paleo#1196




Without any specific order



And WestCarolina for feedback ! :D 




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