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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [Cvllectivist, Quetzalcoatl, Df2] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):


Cvllectivist, Quetzalcoatl, Df2






Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Major griefing and overall toxicity


What circumstances led to this ban?


The two reasons for my ban are two seperate incidents so I'll start with the first. The first incident having to do with the toxicity is at the time I was trying to get a build pasted in which was a long tedious process that had taken about a two weeks so far. So I had gotten the schematic uploaded by an admin now I had to get it pasted in so my req is picked up by Laenothan. He tells me that he can't do it tonight because hes about to log off. I ask him since hes about to log off if he could just please close the req. He says no he can't and we go back and forth for a couple minutes before he says hes logging of. At which point he unprompted messaged me on discord after logging off that because I asked him to close it he was putting it off till sunday. Which I got angry and out of turn and responded by telling him im not gonna suck his ****. Which all in all was immature and I shouldn't have done. Then I forget if I messaged his manager or if he messaged me or even who his manager was but I said just about this I believe; That I thought Laenothan putting me off was mod abusing and I thought it was uncool but specifically I said that guy should kys for that. Which at that point I assume the manager reported me to staff and I was banned for it. Which then a week later my ban was updated with Major griefing. At the time I was unsure why I dmd itdontmattas discord and he never responded with why I was given major griefing on my ban. However so many months later I tried to message the player Elrith or maybe its Elennore now I think eh changed his name. To my suprise I was blocked so I asked another player to middleman and ask him to unblock me. Described to me by another party I learned that he thought I had griefed his buildserver when in reality someone I had whitelisted to help with a build had griefed it. As to how this can be avoided, I believe I acted last time I was on the server better to the overall community I wasn't toxic in my comings and goings. I was only banned for toxicity in dealing with staff in my cringe way of not wanting someone to have power over me, I recognize now that its a volunteer force the server couldn't survive without and Im thankful that they do what they do. As for the griefing I apolgize thoroughly to Elrith for what happened I think he has forgiven me we've been talking about Norland and stuff again which what makes me want to come back, but I really did not intend for his build server to get griefed Ive known him for most of my time on the server.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


The only aspect I disagree with was not being told why griefing had been added to my ban. Besides that I acted rudely and immaturely towards staff who do a service by volunteering to help keep the server running.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


Recently I have been seeing alot of posts from my old community in the discord circles I still am in. Id like to return to the server so I could help the culture continue to develope and interact with it again as Ive become quite nolstalgic.


Attach other relevant information.


If theres needs for screenshots or questions about anything in my ban please reach out to my discord linked Accountv6#9165

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After a discussion with the team we do not believe your behavior has changed or that you've learned from the past. This is based off your actual appeal and your conduct in parts of the community as of late. Take some time to reflect, improve your behavior, and create a stronger appeal. You may post again to try on the 25th of June.

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