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Ahura-Ma, Lady of Freedom

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Ahura-Ma, patron of mental liberation and freedom.

Anudj-har-tha (hello), children of the Ka’tau. Freedom, my children, is the prerequisite for Ka’tau to emerge in this world, amet-tek. If you are shackled by emotional bondage and physical or spiritual slavery, you will never be able to serve Ka’tau or exhort others to do so. Call upon my ka through prayer, for I shall break every chain and restraint that binds the children of Ka’tau from their potential. When tyrants and enemies of Ka’tau set traps for your soul, call my name and their snares shall collapse beneath your feet. Lo, for this is my decree.


Ahura-Ma is the lesser spirit of mental liberation and freedom under the spirit of hope and new beginnings Ublulhar, venerated by the desert dwelling peoples of the Ka’tau faith. Ahura’s inclusion in the Ka’tau faith is quite fitting, since the natural habitat of the religion’s adherents is vast, open dunes, which extend far and wide without any civilization in sight. Ka’tau spiritualists take the notion of freedom - both physical and spiritual - quite seriously. Freedom, which is defined as the absence of undue external forces over the functions of the soul, is essential in fulfilling the divine law of cosmic harmony, Ka’tau. One cannot fully follow the path of cosmic harmony, justice, and truth without achieving those attributes within themselves - and freedom is the only viable means of doing so. Tyrants who run nations or concoct dark sorceres in underground cults are seen as two sides of the same coin - enemy of the soul’s ability to grow and prosper under divine order. Consequently, both physical slavery and mental bondage (mind control of all sorts, manipulative binds, and so forth) are anathema to Ka’tau and all of it’s faithful. The Rah’mun tribe, one of Ka’tau’s historical devotees, preferred to kill their enemies rather than enslave them, for none are to be bothered in the condition of their souls.


In Rah’mun lore, a cult devoted to worshipping Ahura in the Old Empire often deployed a phalanx of troops to liberate slaves from both enemy nations and smugglers alike. Mythos describes instances where this phalanax would manifest like fire and strike down enslavers with great, almost divine precision. It is believed priests of Ahura could invoke her power in the form of two brilliant emerald wings of energy which would wreak havoc upon tyrants and liberate the slaves from their physical chains instanteously. 


Beyond the philosophical importance of freedom, Ahura has her own story. She was discovered when Rah’mun clergy began reflecting upon the nature of desert living, and the special abilities it afforded the faithful to fully serve the Ra’tuhmet and the principle of Ka’tau. This environment - underlied by freedom - was seen as indispensable to any Rah’mun dwelling, necessitating Ahura’s incorporation into daily faith practices.


In Rah’mun mythos, Ahura is said to be the sister of Hesthor, patron of pure waters, preservation, and bovine purging. They both have similar aims but distinct methods; Hesthor seeks to eliminate all impurities and defend from external ones, whereas Ahura focuses on the soul’s ability to act freely, which brings her in tension with soul-corruption, undead entities, and bound beings. But whereas Hesthor may not mind a mundane ruler who is tyrannical towards his citizens - especially if he is enforcing the law of purity - Ahura minds in every single case and has been known to lay waste to entire cities to liberate the enslaved. 


Unlike the Divine Three (the major deities of the Rah’mun faith), Ahura does not have a specific canonical enemy. Her concept is naturally opposed to Kazul (Inferi general of Iblees) due to his bound nature, and Keop/the void, given it’s ability to twist and warp souls to serving eldritch powers, and all undead or soul-altered in general, for they cannot access the fullest sense of freedom. But Ahura also recognizes the role that free will (Ka-atet) plays in bringing individuals to horrible conditions. For that reason, her focus is primarily on those unduly oppressed, though all who seek freedom may find recourse in her worship.


Ahura manifests as a human woman donning sparkling blue robes, with two brilliant multicolored wings sprouting from her back. Her followers oftentimes wear helmets with miniature wings protruding and spears with similar designs. When invoked through prayer, her power normally manifests as elongated spectral wings, taking on a variety of colors (between emerald and purple) to tear down enemies of freedom (ankh-atum). Her power also sometimes manifests as emerald-green fires, signifying the dynamic Will unlocked by the power of freedom.


Worship of Ahura consists of liberating the oppressed, using one’s own freedom as an example to others, and strengthening one’s will against the snares of would-be conquerors.



This is another edition to my shamanic religion Ka'tau which can be found here


If you want to join feel free to message me on the forums, discord, or in-game!


Edited by Boknice275
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Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Iron Ugz, grins despite the weariness of his frame upon hearing of this new lesser. His mustache gleams with sweat and grime from the caverns underneath Almaris, and yet...

"Lup'Ublulhar, agh Lup'Ahura-Ma, daht awl zhakulz uv znagadum ahr broken en grukker agh ztrength!"



I LOVE THIS SPIRIT! Will definitely be included in the Compendium =)
Well done Boknice!

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