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Issued on this 6th day of Jula ag Piov of 479 E.S.




[!] An oil painting depicting Lady Amaya Colborn 

tediously working in the clinic.




At the tender age of fourteen, the Viscount of Venzia - my own cousin, Carolus Colborn, bestowed unto me the “Vaskr” or “the washing” that allows the youth to obtain true adulthood as per tradition in Scyfling culture. The Vaskr is the trial that all Colborns must undertake in their adolescence to learn about and honour the Patron Ancestors in preparation for “Nattrvaskr,” known symbolically as the night that washes away youth upon completion of the bestowed trial.


Inspired by the tenacity of Jesper Colborn, Patron Ancestor of the Sickly, and the tremendous intelligence of Katherine Vanir-Colborn, Patron Ancestress of Education, I dubbed these two figures my designated Patron Ancestors. Thus, I achieved an apprenticeship at the Hospital of St. Amyas with the intent to learn all I could about medicine so that I would one day publish everything that I have learned for the betterment of Haeseni knowledge in accordance with my trials. 


Every patient I have tended to - as well as my knowledge of various medical procedures obtained over the past eight years, are recorded for the Kingdom’s perusal. With this publication, it is my hope that those encountering similar injuries will know how to address and treat them as we navigate this new world on the horizon.





Name: Unknown Male

Location: Aaun

Injury Sustained: The patient sustained a minor cut on the top of his forehead.

Procedure: The wound was cleaned and disinfected with alcohol. Tippen’s root herb is a useful coagulant, and thus it was used to stem the bleeding at the source, and the gash was properly sutured with some needle and thread.


Name: Anatoliy Godunov

Location: Haense

Injury Sustained: The patient’s left ear was severed by a blade.

Procedure: The wound was promptly disinfected and coagulated with the help of Tippen’s salve. The remaining viable tissue was sutured and bandaged with sterile gauze. 


Name: Renilde I

Location: Petra

Procedure: The patient was in labour, two healthy twins were delivered and checked, and the patient’s health was closely monitored following the birth.


Name: Fabian Kortrevich

Location: Haense

Injury sustained: The patient’s wrist was broken.

Procedure: Blissfoil was applied to numb the coming pain, an incision was made to remove bone fragments before the wound was sterilized, stitched closed with thread, and the limb stabilized.


Name: Fabian Kortrevich

Location: Haense

Injury sustained: The patient needed his cast removed, however, he had also rolled his ankle.

Procedure: Ice was applied to reduce swelling of the ankle, a compression bandage was applied, and the ankle was elevated to reduce blood flow to the area.


Name: Princess Analiesa Josefina

Location: Haense

Injury sustained: Deep stab wound was sustained to the hip.

Procedure: Pressure was first applied to stop the bleeding, Tippen’s root was then used to coagulate the blood and stem the bleeding further, internal fragments of bone were removed with forceps the wound was stitched and cleaned thoroughly, and wrapped in gauze bandages to protect it.


Name: Fabian Kortrevich

Location: Haense

Injury sustained: The patient had sustained gashes to the back of the head.

Procedure: Upon receiving the patient, his hair was cut for the sake of better access to the wounds. Superficial bleeding was quelled with pressure, and Tippen’s root salve, the wound was cleaned and sterilized with alcohol-soaked gauze, numbed with a blissfoil salve, and then stitched and bandaged.


Name: Demitrey Norikov

Location: Haense

Injury sustained: Stab wounds in the stomach and neck.

Procedure: Surface-most bleeding was stopped with Tippen’s salve. The wound was then quickly bandaged during the transport to the clinic, then properly cleaned with alcohol and stitched at the clinic. Before stitching, the man was assessed for internal damage, but his armor thankfully took the brunt of it.


Name: Baldrum Colborn

Location: Haense

Injury sustained: The patient’s plate armor had melted into the skin on his chest due to exposure to intense heat.

Procedure: The wound was numbed with blissfoil after the armor was removed, the bleeding was stemmed with Tippen’s root salve, disinfected by sterilizer-soaked gauze, and treated with burn salve. The wound was then stitched and bandaged afterward.


Name: Princess Briar Pendraic

Location: Norland

Injury sustained: The patient’s shoulder was dislocated, and she may have sustained damage to the eardrum due to rogue cannon fire.

Procedure: The patient’s dislocated shoulder was quickly set back into place by extending the outermost limb laterally and guiding it back towards the ball-socket joint of her shoulder. Her eardrum was assessed for damage, although it was determined that it would heal on its own.


Name: Prince Aleksandr Otto 

Location: Norland

Injuries sustained: The patient had a sustained wound upon the forehead and an identified concussion.

Procedure: The wound was stitched closed following a swift procedure of disinfection. From thereon, the Prince was prescribed rest.


Name: Ulric Frostbeard

Location: Norland

Injury sustained: The patient had sustained many deep wounds with shrapnel embedded in his back.

Procedure: Monitoring the patient’s bleeding, any excess bleeding was stemmed by Tippen’s salve as shrapnel was removed. Each wound was sutured as needed and promptly disinfected during the procedure.


Name: Viktor var Ruthern

Location: Haense

Injuries sustained: The patient bore gashes upon his arm, and his forehead was split open.

Procedure: The bleeding was quelled with Tippen’s salve as per usual, disinfected, and both wounds were sutured thereafter. Sterile dressings were applied to protect the sutures as the wounds healed. 


Name: Via Weiss

Location: Haense

Injuries sustained: The patient’s lung was lacerated, and she had several fractured ribs.

Procedure: A surgical removal of rib bone fragments was required. A scalpel was used to make an incision in the center of the thoracic cavity for ease of access to the ribcage.  The resulting laceration from the lung was accessed through the incision and sutured as the rate of bleeding was monitored and eased with Tippen’s salve.


Name: Mikolaj Barrow

Location: Haense 

Injury sustained: The patient suffered a gash on his knee.
Procedure: The gash was disinfected with alcohol and cleaned with sterile gauze. The wound was not deep enough to require stitches, and thus the patient’s knee was wrapped in a gauze dressing to heal.


Name: Alyona Godunov

Location: Haense 

Injury sustained: The patient’s finger was frostbitten, and the tissue had become necrotic.

Procedure:  The frostbitten bit of the patient’s finger was amputated following the application of Blissfoil salve to numb any sensation of the procedure. What tissue remained was wrapped in sterile gauze and properly disinfected and cleaned, then bandaged. 


Name: Sterling Amador

Location: Haense 

Injury sustained: The lung was punctured by a broken rib.

Procedure: The injury was severe and affected the patient’s respiratory rate as well as the intercostal muscles deep to the ribcage, resulting in a hasty surgical repair of the patient’s lung and removal of the broken rib. An incision was made in the thoracic cavity for ease of access to the lungs and ribcage whilst the bleeding was succinctly controlled with Tippen’s salve and monitored closely thereafter.


Name: Nataliya Amador

Location: Haense 

Injury sustained: The patient suffered a gash on the back of her head during the Siege of Karosgrad.

Procedure: The patient’s hair was cut for better ease of access to the gash. It was cleaned and disinfected with alcohol after the bleeding had been controlled with Tippen’s salve. Thereafter, the wound was sutured, and the patient’s head was bandaged.


Name: Prince Aleksandr Otto

Location: Haense 

Injury sustained: The patient sustained two crossbow bolt lacerations, one below the shoulder blade, and one near the hip.

Procedure: The shafts of both bolts were snapped to allow for easier removal. Blissfoil numbing salve was applied to ease the pain of the procedure. The remaining bits of the bolts were very carefully extracted, and the damaged tissue was salvaged with sutures. 


Name: Princess Analiesa Josefina

Location: Haense 

Injury sustained: The patient’s lung was punctured by an arrow to the chest.

Procedure: The lung was surgically repaired via an incision made in the thoracic cavity. Tippen’s salve was used to coagulate any excess bleeding as the large puncture wound was stitched to close the air leak and allow the lung to inflate with air over time. 





Her Ladyship, Amaya Milena Colborn


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Elia Eryka wafted a hand in the air, ordering for a servant within the Stafyr campsite to make effort on framing a copy of the ledger. Warmly, a smile crossed her lips.

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Fabian Kortrevich reviews the work of his dearest friend, cackling at memories of a misspent youth. 


"Well done, Ams!"

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Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of the Book, smiles to herself at a job well done. "I may have reviewed the young Lady Amaya's work," Murmurs the Scribe in affirmation of her young cousin, "But it was her who put in the work and time to achieve this great feat. The Ancestors would be proud of all she has accomplished - and I am sure that the skills she has earned will treat her well in the years to come."


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