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Issued by the


On this 4th day of Vzmey & Hyff of 482 E.S.



Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik,


I address you with a solemn and still heart as our nation is in bereavement in light of the loss of our king, Georg. His passing leaves us with much to reflect upon as generations of Haeseni will speak of his legacy and the moments of his reign as an era of great reform and uplift. The foundation he leaves us is not a final farewell but an invitation to continue the work left to be done. I call upon you all Haeseni to enjoin the national effort to renew our promise to the late king’s memory and to usher in what I know will be an age of greatness—the Morrivi of Prosperity.


A century and a half ago, my predecessor in this office and our beloved late Benedict Cardinal Jorenus, warned of difficult times, a dark winter of discontent—the Dark Nikirala. During his day, Haense had experienced its difficult moments with malaise, a rise in crime, uneasy relations, and an amoral Church under Owyn III. I can say with confidence that the spring of prosperity is upon us. The time to rejoice is nigh. We stand ever more poised to strengthen the bonds of unity toward a better future.


In the Morrivi of Prosperity, for the first time in a generation, more Haeseni can afford their own home. More of our children have the opportunity to receive higher education. Income has never been better with more Haeseni families earning more mina. Our citizens can choose who they love. Our society is changing and our values remain true and withstand the test of time. It has never been a better time to call Haense home. As the season of Morrivi imparts to us, we must be grateful for the bountiful life and the blessings of God that continue to pour forth from the emanations of glory.


During my chancellery, we have undertaken bold initiatives to revitalize our cultural unity, to shepherd an age of scholastic renaissance, and the bolstering of our military and diplomatic corps. What cannot be overstated is the tireless efforts of you, the Haeseni people. In the days that test us, we continue to be a bulwark of humanity. I address you all in the spirit of the Morrivi of Prosperity. In our economic affairs, we have lowered our debts and formed an equitable revenues system to support the rapidly expanding markets within our kingdom. In education, we have developed a system to reform and increase literacy, make transparent the records of state, and update our sacred historical record that maintains the traditions and memory of our nation. In our political life, the reforms promulgated by His Late Majesty are now in full force to grow public discourse and legislative process in the first elections of the People’s Duma. This is what a strong, united, and educated society can do together. As your Palatine, it is my honor to uphold the kingdom’s interests in the name of His Royal Majesty’s government. 


Yet, what remains before us is still at hand. Morrivi cannot come without hard days. The ever persistent threat of geopolitical instability remains an enduring concern of which we pledge our unwavering efforts to maintain the peace. We cannot take any moment for granted while we secure the blessings of a safe and bright horizon for our posterity. Rogue states like Adria and their illegally sanctioned sovereignty present a security and moral dilemma for the world. I call upon all nations to enjoin in collective condemnation of their lawless actions. States like these, and their insurgent allies, constitute an axis of wickedness, forever tarnishing the fabric of a civilized humanity. We must continue to condemn and support the Will of God as directed by the Church and her agents.


If we succeed, generations of Haeseni to come will say of us now living that we fulfilled this moment, that we helped make the world safe for mankind. The flowers of freedom spring forth in this Morrivi, and I say to you my fellow Haeseni, we are an isle of illumination. I will keep Haense moving forward, always forward, for a better future, for an endless enduring vision and a thousand points of Light. This is my mandate, and I will accomplish it. 


May God bless our King Aleksandr.




His Excellency, Otto Gant, Lord Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska 

and Baron of Gant



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