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The Light of Tahariae






Original Lore: [!]

Lightbearers, formerly known as clerics, are chosen descendants gifted with boons from Tahariae, the Aengul of Purity. In an age once prospering with ancient clerical warriors, descendants warped the gift of the white stag for their own selfishness and evil. Due to this, the magic was stripped from them and the presence of the stag’s boon remained unknown for many centuries. 


It was only due to universal threats – all impure in the eyes of Tahariae – that have started to rise once again, that the Aengul has decided to return the gift of clerical light to descendants. He achieves this through his patron – a Dragaar by the name of Sordran, the Blinding Flame. 


However, the white stag is distrusting of mortals, who once abused his kindness, and so has bestowed powers that are imperfect and not whole. It is made to both test descendants, support them in achieving Tahariae’s goal, yet lay the task of penance for the misdeeds of those who have come before upon them.





✢ Purity is the main theme of this magic, as Tahariae is the Aengul of Purity. In the eyes of Lightbearers and Tahariae, purity itself has nothing to do with morals — evil or good. It has to do with it being abnormal, otherworldly, or something that was not meant to be, which directly goes against the balance of the universe as deemed by the Aengul. For that reason, Lightbearers would find darkspawn (creatures of darker alignment) to be impure: ibleesian creatures, inferi and so on. 


✢ In that same vein, common crimes or descendant conflicts would not fall under impurity as it was of the original design set out in the beginning. To give an extreme example, they would not see humans genociding elves as impure. Although this does not mean they will not see it as evil, it is not impure. However, the mere existence of an undead would be considered an impurity.


✢ The role of a Lightbearer is to rid impurities from the world (or worlds). This does not mean destruction, death or oblivion (although it could should no other option suffice). For example, attempting to cleanse the impure or rid darkspawn of their impurities if capable.





Tenets are rules that must be followed by all Lightbearers. Each tenet is specific and breaking one of them leads to severe consequences - reflecting upon them immediately in roleplay.


All Lightbearers know about the tenets because it is a requirement via the connection ritual for them to have it bestowed on them (by having the teacher recite all five). This means that none will be innocent of ignorance to the tenets, nor will there be any loopholes that can be used to avoid a tenet. 


❇ Lightbearers may not ‘sell’ their magicks or connections, etc. for favors, monetary gain, or otherwise.

❇ Lightbearers must follow Tahariae and His teachings, unable to pledge themselves to another deity or otherworldly power

❇ Lightbearers may not willingly befriend, work with, engage in romance with, or ally with Darkspawn. Blood Magi and Nephilim are included under this definition.

❇ Lightbearers may not willingly reject or refuse to adhere to the direct commands of their Aengul or His Patrons, ‘lest they lose their Gift outright.




‒ Those who do not follow the lessons of Sordran will feel an excruciating amount of pain begin to sprawl across their body. A sensation that matches the shattering of bones and tearing of tendons which lasts for hours. It is a painful lesson that one must endure for the mistakes of the past. This is able to be felt in combat, debilitating one for the rest of the encounter. 


‒ Darkspawn shall be defined as beings of dark or draconic provenance, such as the Nephilim of Azdromoth, Liches and Necromancers, Ghosts, Wights and other spectral entities, Inferis, Zar’akal and Naztherak, Frost Witches. Naturally, the definition extends beyond these examples, and applies to any unnatural entity that has been twisted and subject to some manner of meddling affiliated with the Dark, Azdromoth or Daemons. In event scenarios this is left to the ET’s discretion. Direct servants of these dark beings or those who possess magics directly affiliated with them are included in this definition. Specific spells may list themselves as only being effective upon Exposed Darkspawn, meaning hostile effects only manifest when the Lightbearer is fully aware of the Dark nature of the Darkspawn. Kharajyr, Musin, Hou, etc. are not counted as Darkspawn for the purposes of this section.





Blessing of the White Stag




This section will re-iterate the abilities and provide detailed emote examples for each spell. Passive-spells such as tells or the creation ritual have not been provided with emote examples due to being free-form / unlimited emotes, and is up to player interpretation. For clerics that are looking for any references, consider the following themes: starlight, whitelight, white, stag and so on.




Gift of Painful Light [Connection to the White Stag] [Non-Combative] -

Sordran does not acknowledge descendants to be worthy of the gift of the first light, touched by the brilliant stag. The patron of the stag fears that his master will be let down once again by mortal kind, and so offers but one solution. Sordran will be the gift-bearer and the gift-thief. He will only present the gift of the White Lord to those most worthy, so those who have it may spread it to others.

The connection ritual itself is quite simple, though requiring a great deal of ritual and ceremony between the Teacher and Recipient; not for the rites themselves, but the faith and conviction of those involved. Once all is done, the Teacher need only invoke the First Light while reciting the five lessons of Sordran, and weave it into the soul of the prospective adherent, often resulting in a litany of visions or hallowed phenomena to the OOC taste of the Teacher. Once complete, the prospect would now be a full-fledged Lightbearer, bound eternally to the Lord of Purity. 

Rescindment of Painful Light [Mantle of the Gift-Thief] [Non-Combative/Combative] -

Should circumstances deem that a brother or sister has been led astray, while not having acted in such a manner as to draw the ire of the Judge or Blinding Flame, any Lightbearer who possesses a [TA] may work in conjunction with another [TA] holding Lightbearer to sever the boons of those who have been deemed lacking. With one Lightbearer to bind the individual to be disconnected, the other may call upon the gift of Sordran, and by channeling an abundance of Light into the offending individual over [4] emotes, their connection would be severed and their [MA] denied. This process is volatile, requiring uninterrupted concentration to perform, and both Lightbearers must be within an arms reach of their victim to perform this ability. 

Performing this rite is no easy feat, however. Requiring a great deal of divine magick to perform, it will leave both the victim and perpetrator burned or damaged as described under 'Tells' for a period of [3] OOC days - their bodies broken and flaking away into divine light, skin bubbling and boiling, etc. The pain for this would fade to a manageable standard within an OOC day for the one who performed the disconnection, while the victim would need to suffer it for the entire duration. The individual who had their boons severed would retain [1] scar or mark in line with the aesthetics of 'Tells' upon their body for a permanent duration; a mark of their sacrilege.



‒ The Light of Tahariae is a [1] slot Holy-Deific MA. 

‒ Those who are taught the means of connection must have it marked on their [TA], which then allows them to take on new students. They hold (3) slots to teach new students, with a slot refreshing every (3) IRL months after the initial connection.

- Connection does not require a special ST signed structure, only a teacher capable of spreading the magic. The ritual and act is largely cultural, with the only necessary components being the recitation of the five lessons of Sordran and the invocation of Tahariae's light to infuse it into the recipient's soul, branding them as one of Tahariae's own. 

‒ The first [TA]s will be grandfathered, and thereafter, one may share the ritual to another once every [4] IRL months. One must have been a Lightbearer for [3] IRL months to receive the ability to connect new Lightbearers. The only exceptions to this are the initial grandfathers.

‒ When connecting another person to the magic, the roleplay to do so is free-form in terms of aesthetic as long as it fits the purity, white or bright theme.

‒ This MA can be dropped should one hold the ability to give and rescind the Gift; however, should one willingly drop the Light of Tahariae, they may never acquire it again in the future. 

- Any [TA] holding Lightbearer will inherently acquire the knowledge of Rescindment, and may utilize it. 

- Rescindment must be performed over [4] emotes uninterrupted, with the individual needing to remain bound the entire time. Its consequences are to be strictly adhered to by all involved. 

‒ This MA may only be acquired by those who are not darkspawn, voidally attuned, attuned to druidism or connected to a deific magic / feat already. The following may be updated in the future. Please see the following list: Naztherak, Mysticism, Necromancy, Blood magic Azdrazi, Siliti and other CAs related to the above dark magic including Blessed Children of Ixris, Paladins of Xan, Templars of Malchediel, all voidal MAs, CAs and FAs, and all druidic MAs, CAs and FAs. Those who bear Tawkin mutations are unable to become Lightbearers, as such is bodily impurity. For clarification, with the exception of Mutations, these incompatibilities are standard to all Deific Magicks which involve connection to an Aengul.




Injury Chart -

Minor Injury - Cuts, bruises, lumps, spots.

Major Injury - Deep cuts (i.e. being stabbed but not the whole way), Loss of small limbs.

Severe Injury - Loss of limb or organs, deep wounds (i.e. blade going through stomach). 


Invocation of Purity [3-4 emotes] [2 encounter-use] [Combative/Non-Combative] -

The chosen Lightbearer will begin to connect with the shimmering light that sustains them, coalescing across their form. After connecting to this painful light, they can weave their light into blessed starlight and cast it onto a designated target. This Light is borne of Tahariae, able to sear soul and flesh alike, and scorching away the very foundations of a being deemed 'Impure' while mending what has been dubbed 'Pure'. This spell may be used in one of the two below variations, which determine the effects;


The Blinding Flame's Rebuke [3 emotes]:Reaching up to [6] meters away from the Lightbearer, a blast of scathing starlight ushers forth from the Lightbearer, much akin to a speeding arrow. If it were to strike true upon an Exposed Darkspawn, it would scorch them where struck with 2nd degree burns which sear the very soul and flesh alike with white-hot pain, even through their armor should they bear any - alongside hurling them back a distance of [2] meters. 


[1] Vanyel took a deep breath as they approached the towering demon, glaring as his pupils turned milky white; his skin beginning to flake away in motes of golden light. 


[2] As he approached, his throat began to well with mystical starlight; his skin bubbling and boiling as his cheeks shone in starmoon, wisps of hallowed incense escaping his mouth as he began to charge.


[3] With a mighty roar, Vanyel lurched forwards - a blast of scathing Hallowflame shooting forth at great speed from his maw, colliding with the Rakaal and burning its unhallowed form, sending it flying two meters away!




‒ The breath can reach up to (6) blocks away onto a designated target. 

‒ This ability is useless upon targets which would not be considered exposed Darkspawn, and may not be used to ‘out’ or otherwise expose hidden Darkspawn. 

‒ One may dodge to avoid harm while casting this spell, but in doing so, would need to restart their cast from the very beginning. 

‒ Once cast in this manner, one may not do so again for [3] emotes. 

- This spell could be inhibited in effectiveness via a large shield, with the severity of the burn upon one's arm being reduced to 1st degree if one were using a buckler or kite shield, or no burn at all if a tower shield were employed. 

- This is only a swift 'blast' of starlight and holy fire, and not a flamethrower or AoE cone. It can thus only affect one target at a time. 

- In addition, this spell takes hold even upon the undead or things typically resistant to such burns, as the holy flame scorches the soul itself - with undead still experiencing damage equivalent to a mortal suffering such burns, while ghosts and phantoms would suffer damage equivalent to [1] strike of Aurum. 


Stag's Healing Invocation [4 emotes]: Only usable within [1] meter of oneself, one may divest themselves of their Light momentarily to save and mend another, this process requiring one to cast uninterrupted for [4] emotes as they are rendered helpless in the process. By weaving their Light into a wounded individual, they may heal a single Major Injury as defined on the table above, rendering the healed individual at half their strength and stamina for the next IRL day. Alternatively, they may instead choose to stabilize the individual by spending [2] extra emotes to do so, rendering the individual unconscious for [1] IRL day but in turn stabilizing all of their Minor & Major wounds to prevent an untimely death. This would also render the Lightbearer helpless for an additional [2] emotes, taxed by the sheer expenditure of energy to accomplish such a feat and unable to cast further for the rest of the IRL day. 


[1] Atticus inhaled sharply; bulbous white-lights began to escape the pores of the man. It would slowly traverse across his exposed left-arm - visible signs of deformation became apparent, and the cleric agonised with gritted teeth. 


[2] Atticus kept his open-palm pointed in the direction of Joel – a mortally wounded man with a deep sword-stab in the chest. Pure, white light danced across his finger-tips, jutting in and out. The skin of the cleric began to bubble and boil, gushing pools of blood. 


[3] Atticus screamed in pain as the white-light ripped out from his finger-tips and began to seep into the chest-wound of Joel. His skin continued to bubble and melt, revealing partial bone and viscera from the injury. 


[4] In a near instant, the light would disperse into the wound. Joel would find a miracle; rapid regeneration of his bones, muscles and damaged organs from his injury now fixed in a matter of seconds. However, Joel felt cumbersome and weak, left with only half his strength. Atticus looked down at his injured arm, which also instantly healed thereafter.




‒ The magic can only target an individual within [1] of oneself, or ‘touch’ distance. It may be used to heal animals such as horses, dogs, etc. but not plantlife or things such as insects.  It does not necessarily need to be exhaled from the mouth, and may be cast from the hands instead. 

‒ This ability is unable to mend the wounds of Exposed Darkspawn.

‒ One is rendered entirely helpless during the casting of this spell, unable to defend themselves and requiring concentration in order to cast. If the cast is interrupted, the mending is undone, and must be started anew. 

‒ Healing adheres strictly to the limits detailed above, constituting [1] Major Wound per cast, and rendering the healed individual at ½ their strength and stamina for the rest of the encounter. Stabilizing refers to stemming the bleeding and mending the individual’s applicable Major & Minor Injuries all at once so that they do not immediately perish, necessitating a total of [6] emotes to perform alongside rendering one entirely helpless and unable to move or act for an additional [2] emotes, being unable to cast for the rest of the IRL day. 

- If foreign debris is present in the wound, then as the wound heals, the debris shall remain - e.g an arrow wound would have the flesh heal around the arrow, with the arrow remaining within. 




‒ This requires (3-4) emotes to cast.
‒ This can only be successfully used (2) times in any given encounter. However, Healing Invocation may be used for an unlimited time outside of combat if one is simply healing minor injuries such as small cuts. 
‒ The 1st emote is establishing their connection. One must emote tells, such as veins of light that steam and bubbles the flesh. 
‒ The 2nd and/or 3rd emote is the apparition of light within one’s throat and upon one’s body, as it prepares to expel.
‒ The 3rd-4th emote is the cast, in which blessed starlight is cast upon the designated target. 




Shattered Light of White Stag [3 emotes] [2 encounter-use] [Combative] -

The Lightbearer may bring forth their inner-light over [3] emotes, allowing the Light to begin forming about themselves or a target of their choice within [8] meters. The Light coils and expands around them, as this blinding light forms a temporary shield around the person, in order to shield themselves or another from foul sorcery. This light is bedazzling, 


[1] Vanyel exhaled as he looked upon the Warlock stood across from him, the False Prince conjuring a storm of Malflame in the skies above. The only action Vanyel took in response was to raise his hands, empty and bereft of weaponry, as his gaze radiated radiant light and wisps of gold began to dance around his form. 


[2] The storm took shape now, nearly ready to burst, as Vanyel was brought down to a knee; his body beginning to flake away in specks and fractals of light, leaving behind only inky blackness where they had broken off. However, the wisps of gold now began to dance and whirl ever faster, and the light from his eyes seemed to shine brightly around him in 3x3m radius.


[3] As the Hellish Firestorm descended upon him, scorching the area with Malflame, Vanyel stood defiantly - a thin barrier of divine light separating him from the foul malediction cast by the Warlock. Balls of malflame pelted upon the barrier, only to fade away the moment they struck, unable to infringe upon the divinity made manifest in that moment.




‒ This requires (3) emotes to cast. One may move at full speed while they cast this spell, though it requires concentration, meaning being physically attacked while attempting to cast will interrupt the spell and one must start over from the beginning. One may cast it upon themselves, or instead upon [1] individual within [8] meters of oneself. 
‒ This spell lasts for (3) emotes. It may be ended early through use of Null Arcana or Thanhium upon the barrier. 
‒ This can only be used (2) times in any encounter. 
‒ This is a defence-type spell, abjuring only magical spells of Darkspawn origin. It is useless against physical attacks.
‒ Upon casting, the 1x1 radius of the shield will grow warm and have sparkles of light around them, encompassing the expanse of the ward. All exposed darkspawn who attempt to enter this radius would be blinded and disoriented - effectively stunned for [1] emote. 
‒ All phantom races such as intangible ghosts or wights will still be stunned. 
‒ The Lightbearer must put forth a great deal of concentration that renders one unable to move for the (3) emotes duration of the spell. However, after the (3) emotes are over, the damage will heal after (1) to return them to their state before the cast (i.e. they sustain all injuries before the cast, but the damage caused by this cast on themselves will disappear). 
‒ All people not considered darkspawn are unaffected by this, and can step into the barrier freely. 


Cleansing of the Bright Lord [4 emotes] [1 day-use.] [Non-Combative] -

The Lightbearer may remedy the ailments of others, as is the prerogative of their kind. By taking (4) emotes to bring the purifying starlight gifted by the Blinding Flame to bear, thereafter bathing the afflicted individual in the mending magicks, their bodies soothed as the blessed magick gently unravels the very fabric of the blight which afflicts them. This ability may only be cast once per IRL day, and may mend the following conditions;

All forms of poison or disease, magical or otherwise, with E.T plagues requiring communication with the E.T to be able to mend. This includes necromantic diseases, those wrought by Vargr, etc. 
-Thanhic Poisoning & Azhl Anemia, though the afflicted would remain at half-strength and stamina for [1] IRL day afterwards as their body recovers. 


In addition, the Light bears the capacity to cleanse the foulness of Curses even in its diminished state, under the following guidelines.



- The Corcitura Curse requires [2] Lightbearers to mend. 


- Shamanic Witchdoctor curses require [1] Lightbearer to mend. 


- Necromantic Pale Curses, Fjarriagua Cursed Food, etc. require [1] Lightbearer to mend, except in the case of stronger Pale Curses, wherein the amount required is detailed under said lore piece. 


- Miscellaneous Curses and those crafted by the E.T require communication with the relevant ST or ET elements, as the requirements to cleanse them will always vary and their potency is always different. 


[1] Atticus looked down at the poor, old man suffering from cancer. He would place an empty palm down on the forehead of the man; starlight burst out from his pores, bubbling and spewing viscera. The cleric clenched his teeth in pain.


[2] Atticus focused on the old man, as bright, steaming light engulfed the cancerous, bed-ridden human. Yet again, his arm was layered in boils, burns and scars that continued to appear from his use of clerical boons. 


[3] Gritting his teeth, the light was now fully engulfing the old man, who remained withered and sick with coughs. Atticus screamed loudly, as the white-light began to enter the old-man; starlight flickered in the atmosphere, surrounding the duo.


[4] Atticus loosened his grip on the forehead of the man. As the light began to fade away, the old man found that his health was much better - no, he was cured of his cancer! A few seconds after, the arm of the lightbearer began to heal from its tolling injuries. 



‒ This requires (4) emotes to cast.

- This spell is only effective upon mundane descendants, musin, and Kha. 

‒ This spell may only be cast once per IRL day, incurring a great and terrible toll upon the Lightbearer’s body from the unfiltered wealth of divine power forced through their beings, unable to engage in combat for [1] IRL day. This is a physical effect of the Light's purifying influence, leaving them in pain and exhausted for that time.

‒ Those being cleansed would find themselves paralyzed in place, unable to move or act as they would suffer the same pains as the Lightbearer - unable to engage in combat for (1) IRL day. 

‒ One must be 100% certain that there is a disease or poison present in order to cleanse it. Likewise, one should be ICly aware of the nature of their malady before seeking out a Lightbearer to cleanse it, so as to prevent metagaming.

‒ This ability cannot be cast upon oneself. 

- The capacity to cure curses is limited to what is described in the relevant spoiler, and thus does not extended beyond it. Epiphytes, for example, cannot be cleansed of their parasite. 


Weave of Fate [Passive[Non-Combative]

Owing to their tether to the Aengul of Purity, those who wield the Light are likewise tied into the weave of fate, and may receive prophetic visions of events yet to come. Uniquely, they may also receive prophetic visions sent directly by their patron Aengul at ST discretion, for purposes of guidance in event scenarios or forewarnings of calamities to come.




‒ This is a passive ability of the Lightbearer, entitling them to receive prophetic visions as outlined under the Prophecy lore piece, subject to all redlines and guidelines of such. 

‒ Visions sent from Tahariae himself may follow any format of the ST’s choosing, and must be greenlit by ST management. 


Touched by Purity [Passive[Non-Combative]

Touched by Purity Himself, the Cleric takes on a host of intrinsic traits inherent of their servitude to the Lord of Purity. Passively, minor cuts and inconsequential injuries of those around them, alongside small scars, would vanish in motes of starlight if the Lightbearer would will it. Perhaps most importantly, as Tahariae suffers none to claim what belongs to Himself, Clerics of the White Stag may not be raised as undead creatures, be turned to dark magicks or creatures such as Vargr, or their corpses be utilized for dark rites or sacraments. A presence of warmth and charity accompanies them wherever they may go, a faint remnant of the aura once bore in elder days. 




‒ The ability to heal minor injuries such as small cuts and insignificant bruises are for the purposes of aesthetic, narrative-driven roleplay. It cannot be used to heal deep cuts and wounds. This is passive and does not occur in the midst of combat, and may be inhibited by Null Arcana or Thanhic Poisoning.

‒ The inability of the Cleric to be raised as Undead or turned to Dark Creatures possesses no exceptions at this time, for the White Stag shall not be cheated of His prize. Their corpses may not be used to craft Necrotic Reanimations, they may not fall prey to the Corcitura curse, etc. Likewise, this prevents a cleric from taking on the Epiphyte CA.

- Should the Cleric's body or body parts attempt to be used in dark rituals, they made fade away into motes of starlight, combust in holy fire, or any other thematic in line with those under 'Tells'. Attempting to turn a Lightbearer into a dark creature would simply fail to work; their connection warding and abjuring such attempts with any tell in line with those described under 'Tells'.




Tells  [Aesthetics] -

A cleric of the pure stag, when endowing their prowess into the area, will have numerous tells to portray their strength and deific nature. For some, fractures of white-light or candescent ribbons of radiance will sizzle and twist around their hands and limbs, or surround their body when casting. However, others may simply have a more gore-filled appearance with bubbling flesh and bursting divine ichor. 




‒ The aesthetic choice for a Cleric is up to the user as long as it fits the pure theme. However, they must ensure that during the cast, their skin bubbles and burns, or equivalent tells and damage are incurred (such as one’s skin being splintered and cracked akin to ceramic, their form slowly flaking away into divine light which would mend upon recovery, etc.)

‒ Outside of combat, the cleric is able to cast these tells, but it serves no purpose outside of showing off their strength. For example, having sizzling white light surround their hands. 




Light of Tahariae




A cleric must slowly earn their right to use spells, which occurs overtime through training and lessons, before being capable of being able to use all abilities. 


Tier 1 [spells unlocked] [lasts 3 weeks]: Weave of Fate, Invocation of Purity.

Tier 2 [spells unlocked] [lasts 3 weeks]: Shattered Light of the White Stag.

Tier 3 [spells unlocked]: Cleansing of the Bright Lord, Touched by Purity.



Werew0lf - Writing, Formatting

Valannor - Writing



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