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Cry of Aid

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A Traveller


ingressed into the lands of Dunwen. Basking in the rays of beaming sun, the blossoming country of grass and tree allured his wearied eyes.. But meek seconds of pondering elapsed ere the drawn adventurer opted to cease his traipsing for a time, and halt amid this Shiredom. Within it, he ambled hither and thither, turning to seas of lush greenery and pools of tranquil water with a smile.. A smile that lingered not for long; for reasons unbeknown, his sedate rest had been torn and galled.


In the time ensuing, numerous posters found themselves hanging across the meadows and beyond-




Call of the Undaunted


Within this very land, where trees yield fruits as big as people, and ale teems from barrels countless to the wooden mugs, a threat besmirched serenity. Nagging pests and ferocious predators roused from lengthy dormancy, and they prowl the thickets green, searching for a prey.. 

This message is to the people valiant and stout; you I summon, for we must muster our strength to beget the withdrawal of the vicious creatures from the placid land! 

I scoured fields and forests round the borough, and uncovered many a beast that shall be vanquished till they magnify into a problem beyond capabilities of resolution..

Shall your will be unwavering and determination stiff – visit a tent mounting a knoll just beside the entrance to the wee folk’s land. There, with whom will come, I shall discuss the details of both the current mission, and incoming risks.


Following the writing, upon the parchment sat a scrawled drawing of a map;




P. S. All of the efforts shall be compensated wholly, and achievements awarded properly.



This Friday will mark the beginning of an eventline at 7 pm EST.  Hf




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